Why Mike Pence?

Quotes the bible in his speeches? Is he some nut like Santorum?

That is a huge turn off. Keep your religion out of my politics.

yep, he's another "conservative" who just doesn't get it... the constitution, that is.

Mike Pence on the Issues

  • Commit to unalienable right to life, including the unborn. (Feb 2008)
  • Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. (May 2011)
  • Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
  • Voted NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
  • Voted YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)
  • Voted YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)
  • Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life. (Oct 2003)
  • Voted YES on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
  • Voted YES on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)
  • Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
  • Voted YES on federal crime to harm fetus while committing other crimes. (Apr 2001)
  • Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008)
  • Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans. (Jul 2010)
  • Ban abortions for sex selection or race selection. (Dec 2011)
  • Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)
  • Prohibiting forced abortions by UN Population Fund. (May 2011)
  • Sponsored bill to prohibit fed funding of Planned Parenthood. (Jan 2011)
  • Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment. (Jan 2007)
  • Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment. (Feb 2009)

    The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws...

    The Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons...

    The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy,
    could only enact abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester.

    The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS

Sounds to me like he's a thoughtful and considerate human being who advocates that ALL LIVES MATTER, not just as a slogan but as a heartfelt belief.
I'm not fond of the guy, but he would have delivered Ohio and brought in many moderate independents nation wide. Bringing him into the fold would have also helped eliminate some distractions at the convention.

Maybe, put Pence will definitely deliver Indiana which is pretty much the same thing.
"None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see."

Nothing is more perverted than quoting Bible passages to make a mockery of it....you better start thinking about Eternity because it lasts a long, long, time.
Hey, retard. That is not a quote from the Bible.

Matthew Henry Quotes at BrainyQuote.com



I've bagged another fake.

I wasn't mocking the Bible, I was mocking YOU, dumbshit, and your love and support of a very evil man who has easily led you astray because of your fakery and ignorance.
Right out of our resident liberals playbook. What the hell does my past have to do with this thread? If you can't answer the questions just say so.

All I'm saying is if you're so fired up about the guy being an Evangelical a lot of other things probably piss you off too. Why walk through the world pissed-off about things that don't knock on your door?
I asked a simple question. How is that "fired up" or "pissed off"?

Project much?
Quotes the bible in his speeches? Is he some nut like Santorum?

That is a huge turn off. Keep your religion out of my politics.

yep, he's another "conservative" who just doesn't get it... the constitution, that is.

Mike Pence on the Issues

  • Commit to unalienable right to life, including the unborn. (Feb 2008)
  • Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. (May 2011)
  • Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
  • Voted NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
  • Voted YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)
  • Voted YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)
  • Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life. (Oct 2003)
  • Voted YES on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
  • Voted YES on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)
  • Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
  • Voted YES on federal crime to harm fetus while committing other crimes. (Apr 2001)
  • Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008)
  • Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans. (Jul 2010)
  • Ban abortions for sex selection or race selection. (Dec 2011)
  • Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)
  • Prohibiting forced abortions by UN Population Fund. (May 2011)
  • Sponsored bill to prohibit fed funding of Planned Parenthood. (Jan 2011)
  • Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment. (Jan 2007)
  • Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment. (Feb 2009)

    The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws...

    The Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons...

    The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy,
    could only enact abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester.

    The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
He supports unborn babies. So do I. That does not make a religious nut. That makes him a compassionate human being.

sanctimony does not trump the constitution...and it never could. :uhoh3:

this obstinate MISGUIDED political agenda is one of THE MAJOR reasons the GOP is such a national failure!
romney could have won in 2012 if he hadn't chosen paul-personhood-ryan as his vp.
Here's a bible quote for you, Tom Horn:

For those who guide this people are leading them astray; And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion.
Quotes the bible in his speeches? Is he some nut like Santorum?

That is a huge turn off. Keep your religion out of my politics.

yep, he's another "conservative" who just doesn't get it... the constitution, that is.

Mike Pence on the Issues

  • Commit to unalienable right to life, including the unborn. (Feb 2008)
  • Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. (May 2011)
  • Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
  • Voted NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)
  • Voted YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)
  • Voted YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)
  • Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life. (Oct 2003)
  • Voted YES on forbidding human cloning for reproduction & medical research. (Feb 2003)
  • Voted YES on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)
  • Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
  • Voted YES on federal crime to harm fetus while committing other crimes. (Apr 2001)
  • Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008)
  • Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans. (Jul 2010)
  • Ban abortions for sex selection or race selection. (Dec 2011)
  • Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)
  • Prohibiting forced abortions by UN Population Fund. (May 2011)
  • Sponsored bill to prohibit fed funding of Planned Parenthood. (Jan 2011)
  • Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment. (Jan 2007)
  • Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment. (Feb 2009)

    The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws...

    The Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons...

    The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy,
    could only enact abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester.

    The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
He supports unborn babies. So do I. That does not make a religious nut. That makes him a compassionate human being.

sanctimony does not trump the constitution...and it never could. :uhoh3:

this obstinate MISGUIDED political agenda is one of THE MAJOR reasons the GOP is such a national failure!
National failure? Are you blind to reality?
The Republican Wave Sweeps the Midterm Elections
sanctimony does not trump the constitution...and it never could. :uhoh3:

this obstinate MISGUIDED political agenda is one of THE MAJOR reasons the GOP is such a national failure!

You mean the "failure" that controls both houses of Congress, the majority of governor's chairs, and is about to recapture the WH from a communist airhead born in Kenya? :uhoh3:
I asked if he was a nut like Santorum and no one has answered. Is he militant in his faith or not? It was a simple question.

Maybe because everyone knows that your question reeked of insane stupidity.
The only nut here - with exceptions that remain nameless - is YOU.

Hopefully your grand kids don't take after you.
I'm not fond of the guy, but he would have delivered Ohio and brought in many moderate independents nation wide. Bringing him into the fold would have also helped eliminate some distractions at the convention.
Maybe, put Pence will definitely deliver Indiana which is pretty much the same thing.
Ohio is in play, but Indiana is a pretty safe red state, so Pence doesn't make that much sense.
Religion is the one thing that might save American politics, ya moron.

Exactly, just look at the wonders it did for Europe in the good ol' days and nothing short of revitalization it is causing in middle east.
I do not understand how any evangelical Christian could support a man whose fortune is built on gambling. Casinos which prey on human weakness, and strip the poor and middle class of their hard-earned money. Those massively expensive temples of glitz and unadulterated sin are not built by those people winning money.

I do not understand how any evangelical Christian can support a man whose reality TV program encourages the worst human behaviors of greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and betrayal.

I do not understand how any evangelical Christian can support a man who is the epitome of vanity, selfishness, pleasure seeking, and sins of the flesh.

Your soul is very sick indeed if you support a man like that.

If Mike Pence knows the Bible, he should think about Mark 8:36.

Like all politicians, Mike Pence supports first and foremost Mike Pence, everything else is expedient.
Exactly, just look at the wonders it did for Europe in the good ol' days and nothing short of revitalization it is causing in middle east.

I'm obviously not speaking to islam which isn't a religion at all. As for Europe, do think the modern Euro-trash socialists are better off than their ancestors?
Religion is the one thing that might save American politics, ya moron.

Exactly, just look at the wonders it did for Europe in the good ol' days and nothing short of revitalization it is causing in middle east.

Yes, by all means let's once again rent out the rooms at the White House to the highest bidder and sell our national secrets for monetary gain.

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