Why is there no qualification test for politicians?

He offered them slavery forever, redneck. READ what I write.
/-----/ "like the same inbreds who keep voting for Republicans who screw them."
It was the Republican Party that freed the slaves for their democRAT plantation owners. Today's democRATs screw the very people who they pretend to care about with high gas prices and nearly 9% inflation.
One of the biggest problems about democracy, is that even the dumbest idiot can run for election. This is laudatory for the principles of freedom, but it can have disastrous consequences if the dumb nut gets elected. Just look at the range of dingbats that are in the US Congress and Senate, and most likely, other state and local jurisdictions.

If you want to obtain US citizenship, you will have to sit a reasonably difficult test to verify that you understand the basic facts about the US system, From what I have seen, there are elected lawmakers who would fail this test.

Herschel Walker is probably the best (worst) example of what I am trying to illustrate. Just imagine what would happen if the electorate put that guy in the senate.

As a start, Congress should set basic qualifications for representatives. To be a teacher, a lawyer, an engineer, or any other position you have to be qualified. If you are going to be a lawmaker, then prove that you know how the law works, and how government functions. Let's put an end to electing people to congress who only make government more disreputable.

And while we are at it, put in a test to weed out election deniers, conspiracy proponents and people who are proven liars.
They don't need a test because they all swallow just like those two Russian Muslims the other day.
One of the biggest problems about democracy, is that even the dumbest idiot can run for election. This is laudatory for the principles of freedom, but it can have disastrous consequences if the dumb nut gets elected. Just look at the range of dingbats that are in the US Congress and Senate, and most likely, other state and local jurisdictions.

If you want to obtain US citizenship, you will have to sit a reasonably difficult test to verify that you understand the basic facts about the US system, From what I have seen, there are elected lawmakers who would fail this test.

Herschel Walker is probably the best (worst) example of what I am trying to illustrate. Just imagine what would happen if the electorate put that guy in the senate.

As a start, Congress should set basic qualifications for representatives. To be a teacher, a lawyer, an engineer, or any other position you have to be qualified. If you are going to be a lawmaker, then prove that you know how the law works, and how government functions. Let's put an end to electing people to congress who only make government more disreputable.

And while we are at it, put in a test to weed out election deniers, conspiracy proponents and people who are proven liars.

Why is there no qualification test for politicians?​

What would “the” qualifications consist of? Who decides that? On what basis? What if others disagree on the “need” for any given (alleged) qualification?

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