Why is the Democrat Party Making Itself Synonymous with Hoaxes?

The Dem party IS a hoax. Phony. Corrupt. Rigged.
Establishing the Dictatorship of the Plutariat

The biggest hoax, which you are not allowed to believe, is perpetrated by the fact that these imaginary democrats are infiltrated agents of the Right Wing. Their assignment, obviously not a mission impossible, is to advance an agenda designed to trick you into putting yourselves under the absolute rule of private-sector tyranny. Not only is it intentionally provocative, but a bonus for the hereditary 1% is included within ever item of the scripted agenda. For example, Feminism's purpose is to have richgirls inherit the same positions their brothers always could. Even Playboy is run by an heiress.

What crazy as shit are you babbling about? :cuckoo:
The Dem party IS a hoax. Phony. Corrupt. Rigged.
Establishing the Dictatorship of the Plutariat

The biggest hoax, which you are not allowed to believe, is perpetrated by the fact that these imaginary democrats are infiltrated agents of the Right Wing. Their assignment, obviously not a mission impossible, is to advance an agenda designed to trick you into putting yourselves under the absolute rule of private-sector tyranny. Not only is it intentionally provocative, but a bonus for the hereditary 1% is included within ever item of the scripted agenda. For example, Feminism's purpose is to have richgirls inherit the same positions their brothers always could. Even Playboy is run by an heiress.

What the hell are you smoking?
The Dem party IS a hoax. Phony. Corrupt. Rigged.
Establishing the Dictatorship of the Plutariat

The biggest hoax, which you are not allowed to believe, is perpetrated by the fact that these imaginary democrats are infiltrated agents of the Right Wing. Their assignment, obviously not a mission impossible, is to advance an agenda designed to trick you into putting yourselves under the absolute rule of private-sector tyranny. Not only is it intentionally provocative, but a bonus for the hereditary 1% is included within ever item of the scripted agenda. For example, Feminism's purpose is to have richgirls inherit the same positions their brothers always could. Even Playboy is run by an heiress.

What the hell are you smoking?
Your Masters Despise You a Lot More Than I Ever Could

I see you've been inhaling mind-bending fumes from licking the polished boots of the Plutes. That nose candy has also given you the sniffles.
What hoaxes?
Like Obama is a foreign born Muslim spy ?
A bunch of illegals are voting ?
Isis is hiding under your bed?
Mexico will pay for the wall?
What hoaxes?
Like Obama is a foreign born Muslim spy ?
A bunch of illegals are voting ?
Isis is hiding under your bed?
Mexico will pay for the wall?
The Dem party IS a hoax. Phony. Corrupt. Rigged.
Establishing the Dictatorship of the Plutariat

The biggest hoax, which you are not allowed to believe, is perpetrated by the fact that these imaginary democrats are infiltrated agents of the Right Wing. Their assignment, obviously not a mission impossible, is to advance an agenda designed to trick you into putting yourselves under the absolute rule of private-sector tyranny. Not only is it intentionally provocative, but a bonus for the hereditary 1% is included within ever item of the scripted agenda. For example, Feminism's purpose is to have richgirls inherit the same positions their brothers always could. Even Playboy is run by an heiress.

What the hell are you smoking?
Your Masters Despise You a Lot More Than I Ever Could

I see you've been inhaling mind-bending fumes from licking the polished boots of the Plutes. That nose candy has also given you the sniffles.

You going to keep crying?
Timmy, I wonder why you are trying to make the hoaxes being pulled out of the underwear drawer by Democrats against President Trump are not only things like the Democrats, beyond ALL images of reality, took a CONVICTED for lying to...yep, themselves. Cohen was convicted to 3 years in jail for lying to Congress. You're letting off luntics in Congress if you don't think this atrocity intended to be a hoax not only against this President, but American citizens, as well. The citizens who pay those charmed by listening to a criminal liar who lied to them before, just to take a stab at Trump in some of the dirtiest politics devised by Democrats, except for their propensity to claim that they had each voted at least 30 times apiece at Time Magazine's political chatroom I was watching after President Bill Clinton's re-election. One of them who voted 30 times claimed he was a Precinct Chairman. When I typed in my protest for illegal votes, that particular thread disappeared in less than 24 hours.

Democrats pulling hoaxes also use omerta to cover their tracks. That's the first time I saw it. Now, it's an automatic routine. DD&D -- (Do Dirt. and. Deny.)

Jussie Smollett Hoax

Quote: (Timmy) What hoaxes?
James Comey comes to mind--lying about President Trump and trying to eliminate the evidence of what he said in that regard:


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