Why is the Democrat Party Making Itself Synonymous with Hoaxes?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
The Democrats are earning themselves a reputation for creating hoaxes for the public to sort through:

1. With no good reason based on fact, the Democrats announced before President Trump took his oath of office that they would impeach him.

2. Knowing that Christine Blasey-Ford taught classes on creating a false scenario to obtain a goal, they brought her in to furnish a near Academy Award presentation that an innocent man put her through a night of horror of sexual abuse that in actuality, did not occur based on facts: (1) No complaint lodged with police, (2) Not one of 5 people she claimed attended the event remembered it, including a good friend of hers (3) No hospital visit was made to bring forth evidence that she was sexually abused (4) The alleged event took place somewhere, but not at an address that could be checked out; the event took place sometime, with no time or date furnished; all persons cited as having been there could not remember ever being at a gathering that included only the people whose names she furnished, and (5) Several body language experts who reviewed the speech caused them to believe serious misrepresentations by the speaker (Christine Blasey Ford), and not once but numerous times, (6) It was revealed that Christine Blasey Ford was a Democrat activist who pushed misrepresentation divorced from the truth as a means of attaining a political end. (7) The alleged event happened many decades ago.

3. Bringing a person on his way to jail for lying to Congress was brought forward on a day people concerned about nuclear weapons being fired in the gemeral direction of populated areas in California by North Korea put the national focus on the testimony that was unproven before by a disgruntled former employee of President Trump, Michael Cohen, who begins a prison term of lying to Congress in two months from now, who was also disbarred from further practicing lawyerly duties.

4. US Congresswoman and Democrat Maxine Watters ordered her Democrat operatives loyal to her to snoop, find out where key White House people went to lunch, or to follow them and confront them with loud, noisy false charges as angrily as they possibly could to get pictures of their startled or angry looks to photoshop and publish every time they disagreed with them about something, to humiliate them publicly, and to damage President Trump on a personal, professional, and political levels. That is character assassination by job description and using surveillance information from government spy agencies to go after a President. Ms. Watters was never disciplined for this in any meaningful way, and we have no guarantees she will never do this again from her powerful chair.

5. They have impeded with no holds barred a wall to stop the deleterious flow of narcotics, human trafficking, compounded by the sly separation of parents from children for beating up President Trump's efforts to end the flow that is overburdening school systems to educate immigrants who do not even speak English to fit in with economical approaches to very good education, and that takes teachers away from their responsibilities to American children who are already here and have dropped on international scales from being #1 in the world to being quite mediocre in important subjects like mathematics. They hate Trump more than they love American children. That's a disgrace and dereliction of Congress' duty. Exacerbating the whole sham is the fact that before President Trump took office and renewed trying to end the illegal border crossings, the Democrats were all in favor of a wall prior to having a Republican President in charge of the nation.
I think the very idea of trying to destroy the Executive Branch of Government by any means possible, mainly lying people who do not deserve to be heard, due to their propensity to get even with a former boss they despised over apparently, not being invited to be on the White House staff. When I heard Cohen's words, I felt a creepy chill when he said family-divisive things about one of the President's sons.

I've never seen such an evil use of a Congress hell bent on destroying the power of a United States President. They're acting like a foreign power who wants to destroy the World Trade Center, and I object to this misuse of power by the Democrat Party.

Five hoaxes. How can I ever put my faith in the Democrat Party who has the next two years tied up fully in get-Trump bullcrap foisted in jealous hatred for America's Constitution? Instead of assisting the Executive Branch in its attempts to create a safe world free of nuclear armament threats to America and her allies, the Democrats put everyone at risk when foreigners take these hoaxes against our country's First Family as a society's weakest link, especially when intentionally planned on days when the President is putting America's best foot forward?

I'm afraid that because President Trump and the Executive Branch are being imperiled by Democrat nonsense, they will bring about death and destruction to this nation.

I'm sick of the Democrat Congress' Maxine Waters and others' in-your-face hatred for their fellow lawmakers, I'm sick of Democrat arrogance diminishing America's world view by its rabid hating on the people's choice of President. I'm very sick of the hoaxes the Democrats have created out of thin air in the manner of Christine Blasey-Ford, the liar from a California hate-conservatives College of political ramrodding socialism down America's craw.

Edit: fixed math error from (5) to (6) and from (5) to (7). lol
Last edited:
Spot on! Democrats should just get on board with whatever President Trump wishes. The fate of the Executive Branch and nation are at stake!
Spot on! Democrats should just get on board with whatever President Trump wishes. The fate of the Executive Branch and nation are at stake!
Do I detect humor and truth all mixed together? Well, I'm laughing, mdk, and thanks. :iyfyus.jpg:
The Democrats are earning themselves a reputation for creating hoaxes for the public to sort through:

1. With no good reason based on fact, the Democrats announced before President Trump took his oath of office that they would impeach him.

2. Knowing that Christine Blasey-Ford taught classes on creating a false scenario to obtain a goal, they brought her in to furnish a near Academy Award presentation that an innocent man put her through a night of horror of sexual abuse that in actuality, did not occur based on facts: (1) No complaint lodged with police, (2) Not one of 5 people she claimed attended the event remembered it, including a good friend of hers (3) No hospital visit was made to bring forth evidence that she was sexually abused (4) The alleged event took place somewhere, but not at an address that could be checked out; the event took place sometime, with no time or date furnished; all persons cited as having been there could not remember ever being at a gathering that included only the people whose names she furnished, and (5) Several body language experts who reviewed the speech caused them to believe serious misrepresentations by the speaker (Christine Blasey Ford), and not once but numerous times, (6) It was revealed that Christine Blasey Ford was a Democrat activist who pushed misrepresentation divorced from the truth as a means of attaining a political end. (7) The alleged event happened many decades ago.

3. Bringing a person on his way to jail for lying to Congress was brought forward on a day people concerned about nuclear weapons being fired in the gemeral direction of populated areas in California by North Korea put the national focus on the testimony that was unproven before by a disgruntled former employee of President Trump, Michael Cohen, who begins a prison term of lying to Congress in two months from now, who was also disbarred from further practicing lawyerly duties.

4. US Congresswoman and Democrat Maxine Watters ordered her Democrat operatives loyal to her to snoop, find out where key White House people went to lunch, or to follow them and confront them with loud, noisy false charges as angrily as they possibly could to get pictures of their startled or angry looks to photoshop and publish every time they disagreed with them about something, to humiliate them publicly, and to damage President Trump on a personal, professional, and political levels. That is character assassination by job description and using surveillance information from government spy agencies to go after a President. Ms. Watters was never disciplined for this in any meaningful way, and we have no guarantees she will never do this again from her powerful chair.

5. They have impeded with no holds barred a wall to stop the deleterious flow of narcotics, human trafficking, compounded by the sly separation of parents from children for beating up President Trump's efforts to end the flow that is overburdening school systems to educate immigrants who do not even speak English to fit in with economical approaches to very good education, and that takes teachers away from their responsibilities to American children who are already here and have dropped on international scales from being #1 in the world to being quite mediocre in important subjects like mathematics. They hate Trump more than they love American children. That's a disgrace and dereliction of Congress' duty. Exacerbating the whole sham is the fact that before President Trump took office and renewed trying to end the illegal border crossings, the Democrats were all in favor of a wall prior to having a Republican President in charge of the nation.
I think the very idea of trying to destroy the Executive Branch of Government by any means possible, mainly lying people who do not deserve to be heard, due to their propensity to get even with a former boss they despised over apparently, not being invited to be on the White House staff. When I heard Cohen's words, I felt a creepy chill when he said family-divisive things about one of the President's sons.

I've never seen such an evil use of a Congress hell bent on destroying the power of a United States President. They're acting like a foreign power who wants to destroy the World Trade Center, and I object to this misuse of power by the Democrat Party.

Five hoaxes. How can I ever put my faith in the Democrat Party who has the next two years tied up fully in get-Trump bullcrap foisted in jealous hatred for America's Constitution? Instead of assisting the Executive Branch in its attempts to create a safe world free of nuclear armament threats to America and her allies, the Democrats put everyone at risk when foreigners take these hoaxes against our country's First Family as a society's weakest link, especially when intentionally planned on days when the President is putting America's best foot forward?

I'm afraid that because President Trump and the Executive Branch are being imperiled by Democrat nonsense, they will bring about death and destruction to this nation.

I'm sick of the Democrat Congress' Maxine Waters and others' in-your-face hatered for their fellow lawmakers, I'm sick of Democrat arrogance diminishing America's world view by its rabid hating on the people's choice of President. I'm very sick of the hoaxes the Democrats have created out of thin air in the manner of Christine Blasey-Ford, the liar from a California hate-conservatives College of political ramrodding socialism down America's craw.

Edit: fixed math error from (5) to (6) and from (5) to (7). lol

It just shows how shallow they all are. They don't care about 11 million illegals in our country. They sure as hell don't care about American citizens being robbed, raped and murdered by illegals. Nor do they care about NK.

All they care about is dumping on Trump.

They are so shallow is boggles the mind.
The Democrats are earning themselves a reputation for creating hoaxes for the public to sort through:

1. With no good reason based on fact, the Democrats announced before President Trump took his oath of office that they would impeach him.

2. Knowing that Christine Blasey-Ford taught classes on creating a false scenario to obtain a goal, they brought her in to furnish a near Academy Award presentation that an innocent man put her through a night of horror of sexual abuse that in actuality, did not occur based on facts: (1) No complaint lodged with police, (2) Not one of 5 people she claimed attended the event remembered it, including a good friend of hers (3) No hospital visit was made to bring forth evidence that she was sexually abused (4) The alleged event took place somewhere, but not at an address that could be checked out; the event took place sometime, with no time or date furnished; all persons cited as having been there could not remember ever being at a gathering that included only the people whose names she furnished, and (5) Several body language experts who reviewed the speech caused them to believe serious misrepresentations by the speaker (Christine Blasey Ford), and not once but numerous times, (6) It was revealed that Christine Blasey Ford was a Democrat activist who pushed misrepresentation divorced from the truth as a means of attaining a political end. (7) The alleged event happened many decades ago.

3. Bringing a person on his way to jail for lying to Congress was brought forward on a day people concerned about nuclear weapons being fired in the gemeral direction of populated areas in California by North Korea put the national focus on the testimony that was unproven before by a disgruntled former employee of President Trump, Michael Cohen, who begins a prison term of lying to Congress in two months from now, who was also disbarred from further practicing lawyerly duties.

4. US Congresswoman and Democrat Maxine Watters ordered her Democrat operatives loyal to her to snoop, find out where key White House people went to lunch, or to follow them and confront them with loud, noisy false charges as angrily as they possibly could to get pictures of their startled or angry looks to photoshop and publish every time they disagreed with them about something, to humiliate them publicly, and to damage President Trump on a personal, professional, and political levels. That is character assassination by job description and using surveillance information from government spy agencies to go after a President. Ms. Watters was never disciplined for this in any meaningful way, and we have no guarantees she will never do this again from her powerful chair.

5. They have impeded with no holds barred a wall to stop the deleterious flow of narcotics, human trafficking, compounded by the sly separation of parents from children for beating up President Trump's efforts to end the flow that is overburdening school systems to educate immigrants who do not even speak English to fit in with economical approaches to very good education, and that takes teachers away from their responsibilities to American children who are already here and have dropped on international scales from being #1 in the world to being quite mediocre in important subjects like mathematics. They hate Trump more than they love American children. That's a disgrace and dereliction of Congress' duty. Exacerbating the whole sham is the fact that before President Trump took office and renewed trying to end the illegal border crossings, the Democrats were all in favor of a wall prior to having a Republican President in charge of the nation.
I think the very idea of trying to destroy the Executive Branch of Government by any means possible, mainly lying people who do not deserve to be heard, due to their propensity to get even with a former boss they despised over apparently, not being invited to be on the White House staff. When I heard Cohen's words, I felt a creepy chill when he said family-divisive things about one of the President's sons.

I've never seen such an evil use of a Congress hell bent on destroying the power of a United States President. They're acting like a foreign power who wants to destroy the World Trade Center, and I object to this misuse of power by the Democrat Party.

Five hoaxes. How can I ever put my faith in the Democrat Party who has the next two years tied up fully in get-Trump bullcrap foisted in jealous hatred for America's Constitution? Instead of assisting the Executive Branch in its attempts to create a safe world free of nuclear armament threats to America and her allies, the Democrats put everyone at risk when foreigners take these hoaxes against our country's First Family as a society's weakest link, especially when intentionally planned on days when the President is putting America's best foot forward?

I'm afraid that because President Trump and the Executive Branch are being imperiled by Democrat nonsense, they will bring about death and destruction to this nation.

I'm sick of the Democrat Congress' Maxine Waters and others' in-your-face hatered for their fellow lawmakers, I'm sick of Democrat arrogance diminishing America's world view by its rabid hating on the people's choice of President. I'm very sick of the hoaxes the Democrats have created out of thin air in the manner of Christine Blasey-Ford, the liar from a California hate-conservatives College of political ramrodding socialism down America's craw.

Edit: fixed math error from (5) to (6) and from (5) to (7). lol

It just shows how shallow they all are. They don't care about 11 million illegals in our country. They sure as hell don't care about American citizens being robbed, raped and murdered by illegals. Nor do they care about NK.

All they care about is dumping on Trump.

They are so shallow is boggles the mind.
Thank you for caring for the nation that will need solidarity if we are to avert NK from nuking Japan. I'm sorry this is off the DNC's radar as they carry the most incendiary series of hoaxes from their place in the United States Legislative Branch out on the United States Executive Branch. In the press, it's as though there is no outrage whatever about the separation of power, not to mention their own failure to assist the leader of the free world to do what he does best--makes prosperity happen in nations weakened by overspending on nuclear armaments to threaten their pacific neighbors with. This giving free lawyer services that would cost anyone else 1.5 million dollars is actually negating world safety to the back burner in the pacific on account of its simulataneous timing to divert people's attention away from world peace by empowering enemies of the realm to conclude that the POTUS is weak. It's a bad way to let little bullies grow into big bullies.
Know what the real problem is with this overbearing habit of the Legislative Branch's Democrat-dominated Congress implementing hoaxes based on character assassination of an Executive Branch is? When you peel away the lies, false charges, public humiliations, and consecutive backups by incendiary dialogues by the leftist lockstep press, you get a certain picture of the leaders in the U. S. Congress that is vaguely like a Shakespeare play's initial prophecy of the wicked soul sisters brewing up evil as their main concoction:

Waters, Feinstein, Pelosi

Double, double toil and trouble
Credits: Brian LeBlanc Studios
It seems I've missed a few Democrat Hoaxes. I guess in the Trump Era, someone else realized early on that this practice of DNC hoaxes has been added on for a long time. I will try to list as many as I can today. This was published ten days ago on Feb. 18, 2019: The long list of hate crime hoaxes by Democrats in the Trump Era – Pacific Pundit

A Muslim woman at the University of Michigan received national attention from national outlets like The Washington Post in November 2016 after she claimed a drunk 20-something man threatened to light her on fire if she didn’t remove her hijab. The university condemned the “hateful attack,” which turned out to be a hoax.

Posted Dec 21 2016 11:49AM EST

Updated Dec 21 2016 11:58AM EST

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (WJBK) - Police have determined a University of Michigan student's claim that a man threatened to burn her if she didn't remove her hijab was false. Ann Arbor Police Lt. Matthew Lige says there was not enough evidence to support her claim.

The woman, who hasn't been identified, told police she was walking along William Street and State Street when she was approached by by a man. She told police the man threatened to set her on fire using his lighter if she did not remove her hijab. The victim described the suspect to police as a white man with bad body odor and slurred speech, as if he may have been drunk.

The university sent out a safety alert email to students after the incident was reported. In it, the school said the "hate and intimidation" happened Friday evening between 5:30 and 7.

Police talked to businesses nearby and reviewed surveillance tapes in hopes of tracking down the suspect. Lt. Lige says no one witnessed the event, and the woman was never seen in any surveillance footage. Detectives reviewed hours of footage, he said.

Now, more than a month later, police have determined that the incident she described did not happen. Police: Threat to burn UM student wearing hijab did not happen
Taylor Volk, an openly bisexual senior at North Park University claimed to be the target of hateful notes and emails following Trump’s election in November 2016. Volk told NBC News that “I just want them to stop.” But the “them” referenced by Volk turned out to be herself, as the whole thing was fabricated. Taylor Volk, North Park University student, fabricated anti-gay ‘Trump’ notes

Philadelphia woman Ashley Boyer claimed in November 2016 that she was harassed at a gas station by white, Trump-supporting males, one of whom pulled a weapon on her. Boyer claimed that the men “proceeded to talk about the election and how they’re glad they won’t have to deal with n—–s much longer.” Boyer deleted her post after it went viral and claimed the men had been caught and were facing criminal charges. Local police debunked her account. Taylor Volk, North Park University student, fabricated anti-gay ‘Trump’ notes

An 18-year-old Muslim woman in Louisiana claimed in November 2016 that two white men, one of whom was wearing a Trump hat, attacked and robbed her, taking her wallet and hijab while yelling racial slurs. She later admitted to the Lafayette Police Department that she made the whole thing up. Louisiana Student Lied About Being Attacked And Having Her Hijab Stolen By Man In ‘Trump’ Hat
The Democrats are earning themselves a reputation for creating hoaxes for the public to sort through:

1. With no good reason based on fact, the Democrats announced before President Trump took his oath of office that they would impeach him.

2. Knowing that Christine Blasey-Ford taught classes on creating a false scenario to obtain a goal, they brought her in to furnish a near Academy Award presentation that an innocent man put her through a night of horror of sexual abuse that in actuality, did not occur based on facts: (1) No complaint lodged with police, (2) Not one of 5 people she claimed attended the event remembered it, including a good friend of hers (3) No hospital visit was made to bring forth evidence that she was sexually abused (4) The alleged event took place somewhere, but not at an address that could be checked out; the event took place sometime, with no time or date furnished; all persons cited as having been there could not remember ever being at a gathering that included only the people whose names she furnished, and (5) Several body language experts who reviewed the speech caused them to believe serious misrepresentations by the speaker (Christine Blasey Ford), and not once but numerous times, (6) It was revealed that Christine Blasey Ford was a Democrat activist who pushed misrepresentation divorced from the truth as a means of attaining a political end. (7) The alleged event happened many decades ago.

3. Bringing a person on his way to jail for lying to Congress was brought forward on a day people concerned about nuclear weapons being fired in the gemeral direction of populated areas in California by North Korea put the national focus on the testimony that was unproven before by a disgruntled former employee of President Trump, Michael Cohen, who begins a prison term of lying to Congress in two months from now, who was also disbarred from further practicing lawyerly duties.

4. US Congresswoman and Democrat Maxine Watters ordered her Democrat operatives loyal to her to snoop, find out where key White House people went to lunch, or to follow them and confront them with loud, noisy false charges as angrily as they possibly could to get pictures of their startled or angry looks to photoshop and publish every time they disagreed with them about something, to humiliate them publicly, and to damage President Trump on a personal, professional, and political levels. That is character assassination by job description and using surveillance information from government spy agencies to go after a President. Ms. Watters was never disciplined for this in any meaningful way, and we have no guarantees she will never do this again from her powerful chair.

5. They have impeded with no holds barred a wall to stop the deleterious flow of narcotics, human trafficking, compounded by the sly separation of parents from children for beating up President Trump's efforts to end the flow that is overburdening school systems to educate immigrants who do not even speak English to fit in with economical approaches to very good education, and that takes teachers away from their responsibilities to American children who are already here and have dropped on international scales from being #1 in the world to being quite mediocre in important subjects like mathematics. They hate Trump more than they love American children. That's a disgrace and dereliction of Congress' duty. Exacerbating the whole sham is the fact that before President Trump took office and renewed trying to end the illegal border crossings, the Democrats were all in favor of a wall prior to having a Republican President in charge of the nation.
I think the very idea of trying to destroy the Executive Branch of Government by any means possible, mainly lying people who do not deserve to be heard, due to their propensity to get even with a former boss they despised over apparently, not being invited to be on the White House staff. When I heard Cohen's words, I felt a creepy chill when he said family-divisive things about one of the President's sons.

I've never seen such an evil use of a Congress hell bent on destroying the power of a United States President. They're acting like a foreign power who wants to destroy the World Trade Center, and I object to this misuse of power by the Democrat Party.

Five hoaxes. How can I ever put my faith in the Democrat Party who has the next two years tied up fully in get-Trump bullcrap foisted in jealous hatred for America's Constitution? Instead of assisting the Executive Branch in its attempts to create a safe world free of nuclear armament threats to America and her allies, the Democrats put everyone at risk when foreigners take these hoaxes against our country's First Family as a society's weakest link, especially when intentionally planned on days when the President is putting America's best foot forward?

I'm afraid that because President Trump and the Executive Branch are being imperiled by Democrat nonsense, they will bring about death and destruction to this nation.

I'm sick of the Democrat Congress' Maxine Waters and others' in-your-face hatered for their fellow lawmakers, I'm sick of Democrat arrogance diminishing America's world view by its rabid hating on the people's choice of President. I'm very sick of the hoaxes the Democrats have created out of thin air in the manner of Christine Blasey-Ford, the liar from a California hate-conservatives College of political ramrodding socialism down America's craw.
Hags in Deep Haiku

Witches on witch hunt
Cruella Rodham leads it
Which way now, Snowflakes?
The Democrats are earning themselves a reputation for creating hoaxes for the public to sort through:

1. With no good reason based on fact, the Democrats announced before President Trump took his oath of office that they would impeach him.

2. Knowing that Christine Blasey-Ford taught classes on creating a false scenario to obtain a goal, they brought her in to furnish a near Academy Award presentation that an innocent man put her through a night of horror of sexual abuse that in actuality, did not occur based on facts: (1) No complaint lodged with police, (2) Not one of 5 people she claimed attended the event remembered it, including a good friend of hers (3) No hospital visit was made to bring forth evidence that she was sexually abused (4) The alleged event took place somewhere, but not at an address that could be checked out; the event took place sometime, with no time or date furnished; all persons cited as having been there could not remember ever being at a gathering that included only the people whose names she furnished, and (5) Several body language experts who reviewed the speech caused them to believe serious misrepresentations by the speaker (Christine Blasey Ford), and not once but numerous times, (6) It was revealed that Christine Blasey Ford was a Democrat activist who pushed misrepresentation divorced from the truth as a means of attaining a political end. (7) The alleged event happened many decades ago.

3. Bringing a person on his way to jail for lying to Congress was brought forward on a day people concerned about nuclear weapons being fired in the gemeral direction of populated areas in California by North Korea put the national focus on the testimony that was unproven before by a disgruntled former employee of President Trump, Michael Cohen, who begins a prison term of lying to Congress in two months from now, who was also disbarred from further practicing lawyerly duties.

4. US Congresswoman and Democrat Maxine Watters ordered her Democrat operatives loyal to her to snoop, find out where key White House people went to lunch, or to follow them and confront them with loud, noisy false charges as angrily as they possibly could to get pictures of their startled or angry looks to photoshop and publish every time they disagreed with them about something, to humiliate them publicly, and to damage President Trump on a personal, professional, and political levels. That is character assassination by job description and using surveillance information from government spy agencies to go after a President. Ms. Watters was never disciplined for this in any meaningful way, and we have no guarantees she will never do this again from her powerful chair.

5. They have impeded with no holds barred a wall to stop the deleterious flow of narcotics, human trafficking, compounded by the sly separation of parents from children for beating up President Trump's efforts to end the flow that is overburdening school systems to educate immigrants who do not even speak English to fit in with economical approaches to very good education, and that takes teachers away from their responsibilities to American children who are already here and have dropped on international scales from being #1 in the world to being quite mediocre in important subjects like mathematics. They hate Trump more than they love American children. That's a disgrace and dereliction of Congress' duty. Exacerbating the whole sham is the fact that before President Trump took office and renewed trying to end the illegal border crossings, the Democrats were all in favor of a wall prior to having a Republican President in charge of the nation.
I think the very idea of trying to destroy the Executive Branch of Government by any means possible, mainly lying people who do not deserve to be heard, due to their propensity to get even with a former boss they despised over apparently, not being invited to be on the White House staff. When I heard Cohen's words, I felt a creepy chill when he said family-divisive things about one of the President's sons.

I've never seen such an evil use of a Congress hell bent on destroying the power of a United States President. They're acting like a foreign power who wants to destroy the World Trade Center, and I object to this misuse of power by the Democrat Party.

Five hoaxes. How can I ever put my faith in the Democrat Party who has the next two years tied up fully in get-Trump bullcrap foisted in jealous hatred for America's Constitution? Instead of assisting the Executive Branch in its attempts to create a safe world free of nuclear armament threats to America and her allies, the Democrats put everyone at risk when foreigners take these hoaxes against our country's First Family as a society's weakest link, especially when intentionally planned on days when the President is putting America's best foot forward?

I'm afraid that because President Trump and the Executive Branch are being imperiled by Democrat nonsense, they will bring about death and destruction to this nation.

I'm sick of the Democrat Congress' Maxine Waters and others' in-your-face hatered for their fellow lawmakers, I'm sick of Democrat arrogance diminishing America's world view by its rabid hating on the people's choice of President. I'm very sick of the hoaxes the Democrats have created out of thin air in the manner of Christine Blasey-Ford, the liar from a California hate-conservatives College of political ramrodding socialism down America's craw.

Edit: fixed math error from (5) to (6) and from (5) to (7). lol

Might help your cut and paste if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Old white fart zero college trumpi.e.?
Know what the real problem is with this overbearing habit you get a certain picture of the leaders in the U. S. Congress that is vaguely like a Shakespeare play's initial prophecy of the wicked soul sisters brewing up evil as their main concoction:

Waters, Feinstein, Pelosi

Double, double toil and trouble
Credits: Brian LeBlanc Studios

PotHeads at the pot
Snap, Cackle, Pop go weasels
Boiling bitter brew
The Democrats are earning themselves a reputation for creating hoaxes for the public to sort through:

1. With no good reason based on fact, the Democrats announced before President Trump took his oath of office that they would impeach him.

2. Knowing that Christine Blasey-Ford taught classes on creating a false scenario to obtain a goal, they brought her in to furnish a near Academy Award presentation that an innocent man put her through a night of horror of sexual abuse that in actuality, did not occur based on facts: (1) No complaint lodged with police, (2) Not one of 5 people she claimed attended the event remembered it, including a good friend of hers (3) No hospital visit was made to bring forth evidence that she was sexually abused (4) The alleged event took place somewhere, but not at an address that could be checked out; the event took place sometime, with no time or date furnished; all persons cited as having been there could not remember ever being at a gathering that included only the people whose names she furnished, and (5) Several body language experts who reviewed the speech caused them to believe serious misrepresentations by the speaker (Christine Blasey Ford), and not once but numerous times, (6) It was revealed that Christine Blasey Ford was a Democrat activist who pushed misrepresentation divorced from the truth as a means of attaining a political end. (7) The alleged event happened many decades ago.

3. Bringing a person on his way to jail for lying to Congress was brought forward on a day people concerned about nuclear weapons being fired in the gemeral direction of populated areas in California by North Korea put the national focus on the testimony that was unproven before by a disgruntled former employee of President Trump, Michael Cohen, who begins a prison term of lying to Congress in two months from now, who was also disbarred from further practicing lawyerly duties.

4. US Congresswoman and Democrat Maxine Watters ordered her Democrat operatives loyal to her to snoop, find out where key White House people went to lunch, or to follow them and confront them with loud, noisy false charges as angrily as they possibly could to get pictures of their startled or angry looks to photoshop and publish every time they disagreed with them about something, to humiliate them publicly, and to damage President Trump on a personal, professional, and political levels. That is character assassination by job description and using surveillance information from government spy agencies to go after a President. Ms. Watters was never disciplined for this in any meaningful way, and we have no guarantees she will never do this again from her powerful chair.

5. They have impeded with no holds barred a wall to stop the deleterious flow of narcotics, human trafficking, compounded by the sly separation of parents from children for beating up President Trump's efforts to end the flow that is overburdening school systems to educate immigrants who do not even speak English to fit in with economical approaches to very good education, and that takes teachers away from their responsibilities to American children who are already here and have dropped on international scales from being #1 in the world to being quite mediocre in important subjects like mathematics. They hate Trump more than they love American children. That's a disgrace and dereliction of Congress' duty. Exacerbating the whole sham is the fact that before President Trump took office and renewed trying to end the illegal border crossings, the Democrats were all in favor of a wall prior to having a Republican President in charge of the nation.
I think the very idea of trying to destroy the Executive Branch of Government by any means possible, mainly lying people who do not deserve to be heard, due to their propensity to get even with a former boss they despised over apparently, not being invited to be on the White House staff. When I heard Cohen's words, I felt a creepy chill when he said family-divisive things about one of the President's sons.

I've never seen such an evil use of a Congress hell bent on destroying the power of a United States President. They're acting like a foreign power who wants to destroy the World Trade Center, and I object to this misuse of power by the Democrat Party.

Five hoaxes. How can I ever put my faith in the Democrat Party who has the next two years tied up fully in get-Trump bullcrap foisted in jealous hatred for America's Constitution? Instead of assisting the Executive Branch in its attempts to create a safe world free of nuclear armament threats to America and her allies, the Democrats put everyone at risk when foreigners take these hoaxes against our country's First Family as a society's weakest link, especially when intentionally planned on days when the President is putting America's best foot forward?

I'm afraid that because President Trump and the Executive Branch are being imperiled by Democrat nonsense, they will bring about death and destruction to this nation.

I'm sick of the Democrat Congress' Maxine Waters and others' in-your-face hatred for their fellow lawmakers, I'm sick of Democrat arrogance diminishing America's world view by its rabid hating on the people's choice of President. I'm very sick of the hoaxes the Democrats have created out of thin air in the manner of Christine Blasey-Ford, the liar from a California hate-conservatives College of political ramrodding socialism down America's craw.

Edit: fixed math error from (5) to (6) and from (5) to (7). lol

Might help your cut and paste if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Old white fart zero college trumpi.e.?
Why, thank you for asking. My name appears on the National President's List, for which I was sent a 2" thick, leather bound book to remind me when hacks like you make scatological claims against my research. I'm very proud of President Trump for going after world peace. I'm very ashamed of the overbearing socialists in the Democrat Party straining every nerve to push communism on the USA, with such euphemisms as "socialism" and "It takes a village." It doesn't take a village, it takes a husband and a wife to raise a child in the way that they deem appropriate.
Know what the real problem is with this overbearing habit you get a certain picture of the leaders in the U. S. Congress that is vaguely like a Shakespeare play's initial prophecy of the wicked soul sisters brewing up evil as their main concoction:

Waters, Feinstein, Pelosi

Double, double toil and trouble
Credits: Brian LeBlanc Studios

PotHeads at the pot
Snap, Cackle, Pop go weasels
Boiling bitter brew
wound in a jute rope?
who would have ever thunk it?
Chuck S. weasel coat?

So with the list of fake crimes, the only lefty to post is a guy that isn't concerned about all the fake reports, it is about the OP knowing the difference between a noun and adjective?

It looks like the OP has a great point and the left has a nothing burger.
So with the list of fake crimes, the only lefty to post is a guy that isn't concerned about all the fake reports, it is about the OP knowing the difference between a noun and adjective?

It looks like the OP has a great point and the left has a nothing burger.
Coulda been 'cause I pissed off the barracudas attacking me the other day when they prefer cheap thrills, and I looked like an easy mark. :muahaha:
Know what the real problem is with this overbearing habit you get a certain picture of the leaders in the U. S. Congress that is vaguely like a Shakespeare play's initial prophecy of the wicked soul sisters brewing up evil as their main concoction:

Waters, Feinstein, Pelosi

Double, double toil and trouble
Credits: Brian LeBlanc Studios

PotHeads at the pot
Snap, Cackle, Pop go weasels
Boiling bitter brew
wound in a jute rope?
who would have ever thunk it?
Chuck S. weasel coat?

Dueling Ditties

Cohen plea-bargains
AOC flirts sis-boom-bah
Salsa in witch-pot
The Dem party IS a hoax. Phony. Corrupt. Rigged.
Establishing the Dictatorship of the Plutariat

The biggest hoax, which you are not allowed to believe, is perpetrated by the fact that these imaginary democrats are infiltrated agents of the Right Wing. Their assignment, obviously not a mission impossible, is to advance an agenda designed to trick you into putting yourselves under the absolute rule of private-sector tyranny. Not only is it intentionally provocative, but a bonus for the hereditary 1% is included within ever item of the scripted agenda. For example, Feminism's purpose is to have richgirls inherit the same positions their brothers always could. Even Playboy is run by an heiress.

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