CDZ Why is gun crime more of a problem in areas controlled by the democrat party? Serious question.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
From this research....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

As I have pointed out in the past, I believe it is because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors do not take violent criminals seriously as threats to the public. I think this has to do with their identity politics, and not wanting to anger minority community activists who blame racism for the arrests of violent criminals in democrat controlled neighborhoods.....

Am I wrong?
I think you probably underrate the importance of historical factors like racial segregation within large urban areas, and the concentration of poverty associated with the creation and maintenance of segregation throughout the 20th century. Basically I doubt it's possible to treat this data comprehensively without considering the role of race and racism.

Although, it also seems somewhat reasonable to expect higher rates of violence in areas with denser populations in general? I haven't done any research on that hypothesis, though.

Edit: I see the article mentions the above:

"Harvard University sociologist Robert Sampson, who studies urban violence and the factors that cause it, has found that concentrated poverty, inequality and racial segregation are strongly related to higher rates of violent crime in cities. His research has also shown that gun violence is concentrated in specific areas, down to particular city block."
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From this research....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

As I have pointed out in the past, I believe it is because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors do not take violent criminals seriously as threats to the public. I think this has to do with their identity politics, and not wanting to anger minority community activists who blame racism for the arrests of violent criminals in democrat controlled neighborhoods.....

Am I wrong?

No, it's not a serious question, just more dysfunctional partisanshitheadism which is why no societal problems ever get resolved in america, and why all "either" party has to do is play the rubes off of one another.
From this research....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.

As I have pointed out in the past, I believe it is because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors do not take violent criminals seriously as threats to the public. I think this has to do with their identity politics, and not wanting to anger minority community activists who blame racism for the arrests of violent criminals in democrat controlled neighborhoods.....

Am I wrong?

The more control put on a person, tends to backfire in one way or another.....whether on a personal level or public level
Population density leads to more crime

That might be. However, it is the left that has the "hive" mentality and causes them to have the need to live among other leftists.

That makes his observation correct.

What about the criminal justice policies...for Chicago and other democrat controlled cities, you have judges and prosecutors granting bail to violent repeat, gun offenders over and over again.....and you have democrat politicians working to reduce prison sentences for gun offenders. I think this, more than anything else, creates the issue. You have violent offenders released back into communities, where they can threaten witnesses, and the fact that they offend almost as soon as they are released weakens the trust in the system.....why should you put your neck and the lives of your family on the line if the violent gun offender is out on bail in less than a week....?
2aguy shared, "As I have pointed out in the past, I believe it is because democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors do not take violent criminals seriously as threats to the public. I think this has to do with their identity politics, and not wanting to anger minority community activists who blame racism for the arrests of violent criminals in democrat controlled neighborhoods.....Am I wrong?"

Two rhetorical questions.

1) Who is raising and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into VIOLENT criminals lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors?

gang members OPRAH.jpg

2) Are these apparent HATEFUL, illogical folks considered "minority community activists?"

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg

I do not know how serious the question is because you ask something and provided the reason

It is flawed because obvious location with a large population are going to have more crime and some of it will be gun crime

A more interesting discussion is why people use guns to either commit crimes, solve disputes or have gun accidents

The only conclusion you can draw is that the more people you have the more likely they are likely to vote democrat

which would explain why the democrats get more votes in presidential elections that republicans

unfortunately that doesn't matter because of the electoral college determine who wins.

A more interesting way to look at it is death by fire arms by per population

There Alaska, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma are the top five

Are they democratic controlled states or they just have a high number of guns in that population that results in deaths.

The total number of gun deaths well California leads and Texas is 2nd

Total population is what it is

Per population is a more interesting discussion
I do not know how serious the question is because you ask something and provided the reason

It is flawed because obvious location with a large population are going to have more crime and some of it will be gun crime

A more interesting discussion is why people use guns to either commit crimes, solve disputes or have gun accidents

The only conclusion you can draw is that the more people you have the more likely they are likely to vote democrat

which would explain why the democrats get more votes in presidential elections that republicans

unfortunately that doesn't matter because of the electoral college determine who wins.

A more interesting way to look at it is death by fire arms by per population

There Alaska, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma are the top five

Are they democratic controlled states or they just have a high number of guns in that population that results in deaths.

The total number of gun deaths well California leads and Texas is 2nd

Total population is what it is

Per population is a more interesting discussion

People in the cities vote Democratic because Democrats provide public services. Public Transportation, Parks, schools, infrastructure, public safety

Those in rural areas do not want that. They just want low taxes and to be left alone
Population density leads to more crime

Correct, and densely populated areas tend to vote Democrat so...

Of course that proves that Democratic solutions RE : gun control don't work, but meh.......
Gun control has been working in NYC

I think it is more likely that gentrification has reduced crime. I also think that Rudy's push to increase patrols and policing, likely laid the ground work for reduced crime.
People in the cities vote Democratic because Democrats provide public services. Public Transportation, Parks, schools, infrastructure, public safety

Those in rural areas do not want that. They just want low taxes and to be left alone[/QUOTE]

So your saying that rural areas do not want schools, public safety and infrastructure, hmmm

I guess they all want to school their children hmmm

I guess those who use rural taxis don't want them either

Still there is gun violence in in rural areas

how would you explain that
There is more gun violence in Dem areas because that's where the blacks are and blacks shoot each other so much! With respect, I wonder why you start a thread that everyone already knows the answer to.
I do not know how serious the question is because you ask something and provided the reason

It is flawed because obvious location with a large population are going to have more crime and some of it will be gun crime

A more interesting discussion is why people use guns to either commit crimes, solve disputes or have gun accidents

The only conclusion you can draw is that the more people you have the more likely they are likely to vote democrat

which would explain why the democrats get more votes in presidential elections that republicans

unfortunately that doesn't matter because of the electoral college determine who wins.

A more interesting way to look at it is death by fire arms by per population

There Alaska, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma are the top five

Are they democratic controlled states or they just have a high number of guns in that population that results in deaths.

The total number of gun deaths well California leads and Texas is 2nd

Total population is what it is

Per population is a more interesting discussion

People in the cities vote Democratic because Democrats provide public services. Public Transportation, Parks, schools, infrastructure, public safety

Those in rural areas do not want that. They just want low taxes and to be left alone
How is wanting independence and relief from government interference a bad thing?

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