Why Is Crooked Hillary And The MSM In Denial Everyone Rates Others Of The Opposite Sex


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
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Discriminating taste is why there are really good looking, talented people in the world. This is a result of evolutionary decision making by females who desired the best looking mates. Everyone rates everyone else the instant they look at them. That is reality and has been since the beginning of time. Does Crooked Hillary and the MSM want the world to consist of masses of ugly, retards who all look the same?
They aren't in denial. They are trying to craft the outcome of the election to their own benefit.
Discriminating taste is why there are really good looking, talented people in the world. This is a result of evolutionary decision making by females who desired the best looking mates. Everyone rates everyone else the instant they look at them. That is reality and has been since the beginning of time. Does Crooked Hillary and the MSM want the world to consist of masses of ugly, retards who all look the same?
Well, if Bill Clinton's cabinet is any indication, then you have your answer. Just feast your eyes on these beauties. You don't think Bill picked these creatures, do you? :lol:


No one is in denial, this is just another way apologists (Snouter) operate when their totem (Trump) is criticized. But consider that beauty, attractiveness, skin color, height, and other traits are not chosen. People do not select their persona, and if they did it would be a weird world in which everyone looked like some creature from a movie. In many cases they are cultural or tribal likes that determine attractiveness. Look at Eskimos versus Masai. I'm fascinated today with all the tattoos or ear rings wore today.

"Beauty is no quality in things themselves. It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them." David Hume
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