CDZ Why I Support President Trump


  • Economic Policies

  • Trade Policies

  • Immigration Policies

  • Reduction of Regulations

  • Diplomatic/International Relations Policies

  • Environment

  • Promoting Appreciation and Respect for Flag, and Country

  • Abortion and other Social Issues

  • Space Exploration and Promotion of Science

  • Support for Second Amendment

  • Promotion of God and also Freedom of Religion for all

  • Other That I Will Explain in My Post

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The bottom line for me is that I don't find President Trump all that personally likable. Sometimes I want to tell him to just shut up. More than once I have emailed or texted him/his team that I don't find this or that to be helpful and it isn't playing well here in New Mexico. But I also let him know when he gets it right. In both cases I get thoughtful and respectful responses.

But bottom line I have become increasingly convinced that he is a flawed, imperfect person (aren't we all?) who is pretty much perfect for this time in American history. I was sick to death of the permanent political class who all talk a really good politically correct game, but once in office they mostly put all that on the shelf and maintain the status quo throwing us just enough bones to keep us quiet and voting for them.

President Trump isn't that kind of guy. He is actually trying to make a significant difference. He has made mistakes, has had some missteps and misspeaks, has had to back up and take a different tack now and then, but his track record so far has been pretty darn good in making that difference. And he has done it in the face of the most vicious, dishonest, and relentless opposition that any President has had to face.

Unless something drastic changes between now and November 2020, I say he has earned a second term.

Yep.....Do you know Andrew Klavan, over at pointed out that like you, and me, Trump does things we don't like....but his attitude was what the country needed to take on the entrenched left wing power structure, and the republican establishment that did not understand the threat of the democrats to this country.

Agreed. I don't require that he be right or get it right all the time. Who is? Who does? And I knew he wasn't going to have the typical presidential demeanor when I voted for him in 2016. But he offered a hope and a vision that I think most American were looking for, and enough saw that in him to elect him.

Somebody recently said that Trump doesn't behave like a normal President. And I wholehearted agreed with a 'hell yeah!' I was sick to death of the proper, politically correct, polished, groomed scripted professional politicians who behaved impeccably and say all the 'right' things. It is presidents and legislators like that who got us into the mess we're in. So I was plenty ready to accept somebody who is the polar opposite of that who believes in fixing problems, cleaning up messes, and actually making things better instead of just giving them lip service or working to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth.

Can you ask that he have the good sense to allow the kids he kidnapped to at least bathe? Or do you think not allowing kids to bathe is okay?

You’re ready to accept the polar opposite of human decency….how very sad.

Obama put kids in cages, you didn't know and didn't care.....obama gives 150 billion dollars in cash to Iran, the #1 state sponsor of terrorism, killing innocent people around the don't care...
The bottom line for me is that I don't find President Trump all that personally likable. Sometimes I want to tell him to just shut up. More than once I have emailed or texted him/his team that I don't find this or that to be helpful and it isn't playing well here in New Mexico. But I also let him know when he gets it right. In both cases I get thoughtful and respectful responses.

But bottom line I have become increasingly convinced that he is a flawed, imperfect person (aren't we all?) who is pretty much perfect for this time in American history. I was sick to death of the permanent political class who all talk a really good politically correct game, but once in office they mostly put all that on the shelf and maintain the status quo throwing us just enough bones to keep us quiet and voting for them.

President Trump isn't that kind of guy. He is actually trying to make a significant difference. He has made mistakes, has had some missteps and misspeaks, has had to back up and take a different tack now and then, but his track record so far has been pretty darn good in making that difference. And he has done it in the face of the most vicious, dishonest, and relentless opposition that any President has had to face.

Unless something drastic changes between now and November 2020, I say he has earned a second term.

Yep.....Do you know Andrew Klavan, over at pointed out that like you, and me, Trump does things we don't like....but his attitude was what the country needed to take on the entrenched left wing power structure, and the republican establishment that did not understand the threat of the democrats to this country.

Agreed. I don't require that he be right or get it right all the time. Who is? Who does? And I knew he wasn't going to have the typical presidential demeanor when I voted for him in 2016. But he offered a hope and a vision that I think most American were looking for, and enough saw that in him to elect him.

Somebody recently said that Trump doesn't behave like a normal President. And I wholehearted agreed with a 'hell yeah!' I was sick to death of the proper, politically correct, polished, groomed scripted professional politicians who behaved impeccably and say all the 'right' things. It is presidents and legislators like that who got us into the mess we're in. So I was plenty ready to accept somebody who is the polar opposite of that who believes in fixing problems, cleaning up messes, and actually making things better instead of just giving them lip service or working to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth.

Can you ask that he have the good sense to allow the kids he kidnapped to at least bathe? Or do you think not allowing kids to bathe is okay?

You’re ready to accept the polar opposite of human decency….how very sad.

What kidnapping are you talking about....? These children are brought across the border by sex traffickers and we have to hold them till we can make arrangements to send them, would seem to prefer that they be released into sex slavery with the drug cartel thugs who dragged them across the border...
The bottom line for me is that I don't find President Trump all that personally likable. Sometimes I want to tell him to just shut up. More than once I have emailed or texted him/his team that I don't find this or that to be helpful and it isn't playing well here in New Mexico. But I also let him know when he gets it right. In both cases I get thoughtful and respectful responses.

But bottom line I have become increasingly convinced that he is a flawed, imperfect person (aren't we all?) who is pretty much perfect for this time in American history. I was sick to death of the permanent political class who all talk a really good politically correct game, but once in office they mostly put all that on the shelf and maintain the status quo throwing us just enough bones to keep us quiet and voting for them.

President Trump isn't that kind of guy. He is actually trying to make a significant difference. He has made mistakes, has had some missteps and misspeaks, has had to back up and take a different tack now and then, but his track record so far has been pretty darn good in making that difference. And he has done it in the face of the most vicious, dishonest, and relentless opposition that any President has had to face.

Unless something drastic changes between now and November 2020, I say he has earned a second term.

Yep.....Do you know Andrew Klavan, over at pointed out that like you, and me, Trump does things we don't like....but his attitude was what the country needed to take on the entrenched left wing power structure, and the republican establishment that did not understand the threat of the democrats to this country.

Agreed. I don't require that he be right or get it right all the time. Who is? Who does? And I knew he wasn't going to have the typical presidential demeanor when I voted for him in 2016. But he offered a hope and a vision that I think most American were looking for, and enough saw that in him to elect him.

Somebody recently said that Trump doesn't behave like a normal President. And I wholehearted agreed with a 'hell yeah!' I was sick to death of the proper, politically correct, polished, groomed scripted professional politicians who behaved impeccably and say all the 'right' things. It is presidents and legislators like that who got us into the mess we're in. So I was plenty ready to accept somebody who is the polar opposite of that who believes in fixing problems, cleaning up messes, and actually making things better instead of just giving them lip service or working to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth.

Can you ask that he have the good sense to allow the kids he kidnapped to at least bathe? Or do you think not allowing kids to bathe is okay?

You’re ready to accept the polar opposite of human decency….how very sad.

What kidnapping are you talking about....? These children are brought across the border by sex traffickers and we have to hold them till we can make arrangements to send them, would seem to prefer that they be released into sex slavery with the drug cartel thugs who dragged them across the border...

I would prefer your blob allows the kids he kidnaps to at least bathe and brush their teeth.
NOTE: This is the CDZ so keep it civil and on topic please. This thread is intended for those who will vote for and/or who appreciate President Trump's positions on various issues and policy. There are plenty of other threads to use to trash and bash him. Let's show him some appreciation in this one.

First I want to say that Donald J. Trump was not my first, second, third or whatever choice to be the GOP nominee in 2016. I didn't really rank the candidates but, if I had, early on I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been in my top 10. There was never any question that Hillary would be the Democrat nominee so I wasn't even watching that race all that closely.

But as the campaign progressed, I began to gain a sense that there was something different in this election. ALL the other 16 GOP candidates and all the Democrat candidates were proper, orthodox candidates. Most candidates in both campaigns were members of the professional permanent political class, scripted, poll tested, politically correct, groomed, and trained with all the proper catch words and phrases for the task of winning an election.

Then there was Donald J. Trump. Unpolished. Unorthodox. Sometimes vulgar, sometimes profane, certainly no Cicero as an orator, speaking with a distinct Queens (NYC) accent, unpolished, sometimes seemingly unprofessional, speaking with partially expressed thoughts or incomplete sentences, twice divorced, and with a past that could easily be exploited for negatives. Pretty much nobody gave him a snowball's chance in Hell to even place in the nomination process, much less be elected.

But somewhere in all that, millions of Americans began to sense something was different in this election. This man was no partisan, no ideologue, not a member of the permanent political class. But he offered a vision and sensible goals to achieve it that we had not heard from any candidate maybe in our entire lifetimes. And we began to believe he meant it and respond to it.

And finally, in the end, enough of us voted for that vision to put him in the White House. There he has been unorthodox, sometimes petulant, sometimes saying things that are positively cringeworthy. Sometimes he is not likable. But he has kept campaign promises to a greater extent maybe than any politician ever. He has not disappointed. And I think he will have earned a second term.

So I am aware many of you do not approve of, like, or respect this President. But I suspect many here do.

For those who do respect President Trump's vision, what he has accomplished, what he still hope to accomplish, this is your thread. Please those who just want to bash or criticize the President use one of many other threads for that. This one is to appreciate President Trump.

Thank you for your courtesy in advance.

Can I steal this and post it on my Facebook page? You stated the case for Trump better than I ever could.

NOTE: This is the CDZ so keep it civil and on topic please. This thread is intended for those who will vote for and/or who appreciate President Trump's positions on various issues and policy. There are plenty of other threads to use to trash and bash him. Let's show him some appreciation in this one.

First I want to say that Donald J. Trump was not my first, second, third or whatever choice to be the GOP nominee in 2016. I didn't really rank the candidates but, if I had, early on I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been in my top 10. There was never any question that Hillary would be the Democrat nominee so I wasn't even watching that race all that closely.

But as the campaign progressed, I began to gain a sense that there was something different in this election. ALL the other 16 GOP candidates and all the Democrat candidates were proper, orthodox candidates. Most candidates in both campaigns were members of the professional permanent political class, scripted, poll tested, politically correct, groomed, and trained with all the proper catch words and phrases for the task of winning an election.

Then there was Donald J. Trump. Unpolished. Unorthodox. Sometimes vulgar, sometimes profane, certainly no Cicero as an orator, speaking with a distinct Queens (NYC) accent, unpolished, sometimes seemingly unprofessional, speaking with partially expressed thoughts or incomplete sentences, twice divorced, and with a past that could easily be exploited for negatives. Pretty much nobody gave him a snowball's chance in Hell to even place in the nomination process, much less be elected.

But somewhere in all that, millions of Americans began to sense something was different in this election. This man was no partisan, no ideologue, not a member of the permanent political class. But he offered a vision and sensible goals to achieve it that we had not heard from any candidate maybe in our entire lifetimes. And we began to believe he meant it and respond to it.

And finally, in the end, enough of us voted for that vision to put him in the White House. There he has been unorthodox, sometimes petulant, sometimes saying things that are positively cringeworthy. Sometimes he is not likable. But he has kept campaign promises to a greater extent maybe than any politician ever. He has not disappointed. And I think he will have earned a second term.

So I am aware many of you do not approve of, like, or respect this President. But I suspect many here do.

For those who do respect President Trump's vision, what he has accomplished, what he still hope to accomplish, this is your thread. Please those who just want to bash or criticize the President use one of many other threads for that. This one is to appreciate President Trump.

Thank you for your courtesy in advance.

Can I steal this and post it on my Facebook page? You stated the case for Trump better than I ever could.


Sure. Go for it. Don't attribute it to me though please. I keep politics strictly off FB myself, but I do put the word out pretty much everywhere else.
While Trump may be admired for any, all, or none of the reasons on your list, the MOST IMPORTANT of his achievements is that he stopped Hillary Clinton dead in her tracks. You gotta' love him for that!
While Trump may be admired for any, all, or none of the reasons on your list, the MOST IMPORTANT of his achievements is that he stopped Hillary Clinton dead in her tracks. You gotta' love him for that!

I will admit that I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans running or even Gary Johnson the Libertarian over Hillary, as all of them would make a better President. And I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans who were running, as none of them were completely unacceptable to me, over Gary Johnson who I adore personally, but who I can't agree with on a lot of his policy.

But there were none of the others that I could get really excited or even hopeful about. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were close enough to my personal convictions and probably least emulated the permanent political class that I was so frustrated with, but I didn't think either of them would be able to make a difference against the permanent political class in Congress.

Eventually there was something about Donald Trump that made me believe he wanted to and could wrest the government out of control of the permanent political class. And he has not disappointed. In the end they may break him--they are trying their damndest to do that--but he has not disappointed.

OFF TOPIC: By the way, I almost broke my monitor trying to swat that bug in your sig line. :)
The bottom line for me is that I don't find President Trump all that personally likable. Sometimes I want to tell him to just shut up. More than once I have emailed or texted him/his team that I don't find this or that to be helpful and it isn't playing well here in New Mexico. But I also let him know when he gets it right. In both cases I get thoughtful and respectful responses.

But bottom line I have become increasingly convinced that he is a flawed, imperfect person (aren't we all?) who is pretty much perfect for this time in American history. I was sick to death of the permanent political class who all talk a really good politically correct game, but once in office they mostly put all that on the shelf and maintain the status quo throwing us just enough bones to keep us quiet and voting for them.

President Trump isn't that kind of guy. He is actually trying to make a significant difference. He has made mistakes, has had some missteps and misspeaks, has had to back up and take a different tack now and then, but his track record so far has been pretty darn good in making that difference. And he has done it in the face of the most vicious, dishonest, and relentless opposition that any President has had to face.

Unless something drastic changes between now and November 2020, I say he has earned a second term.

Yep.....Do you know Andrew Klavan, over at pointed out that like you, and me, Trump does things we don't like....but his attitude was what the country needed to take on the entrenched left wing power structure, and the republican establishment that did not understand the threat of the democrats to this country.

Agreed. I don't require that he be right or get it right all the time. Who is? Who does? And I knew he wasn't going to have the typical presidential demeanor when I voted for him in 2016. But he offered a hope and a vision that I think most American were looking for, and enough saw that in him to elect him.

Somebody recently said that Trump doesn't behave like a normal President. And I wholehearted agreed with a 'hell yeah!' I was sick to death of the proper, politically correct, polished, groomed scripted professional politicians who behaved impeccably and say all the 'right' things. It is presidents and legislators like that who got us into the mess we're in. So I was plenty ready to accept somebody who is the polar opposite of that who believes in fixing problems, cleaning up messes, and actually making things better instead of just giving them lip service or working to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth.

Can you ask that he have the good sense to allow the kids he kidnapped to at least bathe? Or do you think not allowing kids to bathe is okay?

You’re ready to accept the polar opposite of human decency….how very sad.

What kidnapping are you talking about....? These children are brought across the border by sex traffickers and we have to hold them till we can make arrangements to send them, would seem to prefer that they be released into sex slavery with the drug cartel thugs who dragged them across the border...

These kids are also treated almost royally as best as we can under the circumstances. With Mexico's help, thanks to President Trump, the onslaught of our southern border has slowed a bit, but they are still coming. But those who have actually toured the facilities say they are sometimes overcrowded, but are well equipped and quite pleasant and NOBODY is denied any fundamental needs.

What the Trump haters will never acknowledge is that the so-called 'cages' at the Ports of Entry were all built prior to the Trump Administration--most in the Obama era--as were the vast bulk of the detention centers.

Except for a few kids separated during the short lived and quickly abandoned zero tolerance policy--I believe all have now been reunited with their parents--the ONLY kids separated from the adults they are with are a) if the adult they are with are not related to the kids and there are a lot of those, or b) the adults commit a crime serious enough they have to be arrested.

Only the most malicious and dishonest of the oppostion are parroting the dishonest assigned talking points that President Trump is caging kids and/or ripping them from the arms of their parents and/or mistreating them in horrendous conditions. Such people are deliberately repeating an evil and hateful lie.

Jacob Palmeiri bio - Bing

Media spins child immigrant centers as 'concentration camps'

It is interesting that in our straw poll on this thread, that President Trump's immigration policies and efforts have received the most approval votes. :)
He drives the moonbats nuts-er.

I didn't support him until shortly before he won.

I was certain he got in to destroy the GOP candidates one by one from within, and I was certain that after he was the last man standing, he was trying to throw the election.

Except that he kept campaigning, kept up a positive attitude.

He isn't a hardcore conservative as I would have preferred. I still wish Ted Cruz had more influence, but maybe he will be Mike Pence's VP. I know one thing that is for sure, when democrooks hate someone this much, they're good people.

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He drives the moonbats nuts-er.

I didn't support him until shortly before he won.

I was certain he got in to destroy the GOP candidates one by one from within, and I was certain that after he was the last man standing, he was trying to throw the election.

Except that he kept campaigning, kept up a positive attitude.

He isn't a hardcore conservative as I would have preferred. I still wish Ted Cruz had more influence, but maybe he will be Mike Pence's VP. I know one thing that is for sure, when democrooks hate someone this much, they're good people.


I have seen more than one person speculate that he was a Democrat plant intended to throw the Republicans into disarray. Well, if that was the game plan, it didn't work.
I appreciate President Trump also because he doesn't have a racist bone in his body as testified by ALL his friends, associates, employees, colleagues, even his ex wives. He treats everybody exactly the same.


Young black conservatives at Trump function

His history shows he walks the talk in this aspect regardless of the agitators and accusers false claims.

Back when I worked with a lot of government employees I had one supervisor that was extremely racist and he did not like the idea that I had crews from all walks of life. It ended up I called his super and told him, "Look we all have our own set of prejudices in this world but that is not what gets the job done. I choose the best employees that will do the work based on their abilities among the potential employees that apply for a position; not their color or sex or anything else. Besides it would be illegal for me to discriminate". The guy's supervisor totally agreed with me and assured me hat he was sure I would never have a problem in his district. I fully believe that president Trump feels the same way when it comes to getting a job done. Color of skin, sex type, religion, etc. doesn't equate to actual abilities when it comes down to getting anything done properly.
While Trump may be admired for any, all, or none of the reasons on your list, the MOST IMPORTANT of his achievements is that he stopped Hillary Clinton dead in her tracks. You gotta' love him for that!

I will admit that I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans running or even Gary Johnson the Libertarian over Hillary, as all of them would make a better President. And I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans who were running, as none of them were completely unacceptable to me, over Gary Johnson who I adore personally, but who I can't agree with on a lot of his policy.

But there were none of the others that I could get really excited or even hopeful about. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were close enough to my personal convictions and probably least emulated the permanent political class that I was so frustrated with, but I didn't think either of them would be able to make a difference against the permanent political class in Congress.

Eventually there was something about Donald Trump that made me believe he wanted to and could wrest the government out of control of the permanent political class. And he has not disappointed. In the end they may break him--they are trying their damndest to do that--but he has not disappointed.
I'm with you 100%. The first time I saw Trump on TV I couldn't believe what a jerk he was. A few days later I saw Hillary on TV and I thought to myself, "Oh Lord God in heaven, please don't inflict the American population with that lying creep!" That person is as phoney as anything I've ever seen in my life, and at 72-years-of-age, I've seen & heard some humdingers.

Besides all of that Trump said a lot of things that many Americans have been waiting to hear for decades. I cheered the day he was asked a question by CNN but he refused to answer, saying, "I'm not answering your question. You are fake news." Voting Trump into office was one of the best things Americans have done since forcing the government to get out of Vietnam.
OFF TOPIC: By the way, I almost broke my monitor trying to swat that bug in your sig line. :)
I think two others have smashed their monitors because of that little critter and one guy last month put me on "ignore status" because of it. He actually told me that he couldn't take it any more. :badgrin:
While Trump may be admired for any, all, or none of the reasons on your list, the MOST IMPORTANT of his achievements is that he stopped Hillary Clinton dead in her tracks. You gotta' love him for that!

I will admit that I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans running or even Gary Johnson the Libertarian over Hillary, as all of them would make a better President. And I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans who were running, as none of them were completely unacceptable to me, over Gary Johnson who I adore personally, but who I can't agree with on a lot of his policy.

But there were none of the others that I could get really excited or even hopeful about. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were close enough to my personal convictions and probably least emulated the permanent political class that I was so frustrated with, but I didn't think either of them would be able to make a difference against the permanent political class in Congress.

Eventually there was something about Donald Trump that made me believe he wanted to and could wrest the government out of control of the permanent political class. And he has not disappointed. In the end they may break him--they are trying their damndest to do that--but he has not disappointed.
I'm with you 100%. The first time I saw Trump on TV I couldn't believe what a jerk he was. A few days later I saw Hillary on TV and I thought to myself, "Oh Lord God in heaven, please don't inflict the American population with that lying creep!" That person is as phoney as anything I've ever seen in my life, and at 72-years-of-age, I've seen & heard some humdingers.

Besides all of that Trump said a lot of things that many Americans have been waiting to hear for decades. I cheered the day he was asked a question by CNN but he refused to answer, saying, "I'm not answering your question. You are fake news." Voting Trump into office was one of the best things Americans have done since forcing the government to get out of Vietnam.
OFF TOPIC: By the way, I almost broke my monitor trying to swat that bug in your sig line. :)
I think two others have smashed their monitors because of that little critter and one guy last month put me on "ignore status" because of it. He actually told me that he couldn't take it any more. :badgrin:

And there we are. It finally occurred to me while fussing and fuming a bit over something Trump said or posted that annoyed and/or irritated me that I can't have it both ways.

I can't have a politically correct, prim, proper, sophisticated, poll tested, scripted President who behaves as a proper, 'normal' President is supposed to behave and do things. . .

. . .and also. . .

have a President who thinks outside the box, who is willing to ignore a stagnant status quo in favor of doing things differently and innovatively to get things moving toward solution, who wrests power from the professional permanent political class that has held us all hostage for decades and initiates policy and strategy to return the country to the people for THEIR benefit.

So yeah. I prayed for the status quo to be shattered and prayed for somebody with vision, values, optimism, and who loves America and Americans and puts their interests first and foremost.

Boy was I surprised when my answered prayer was Donald Trump. :)
While Trump may be admired for any, all, or none of the reasons on your list, the MOST IMPORTANT of his achievements is that he stopped Hillary Clinton dead in her tracks. You gotta' love him for that!

I will admit that I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans running or even Gary Johnson the Libertarian over Hillary, as all of them would make a better President. And I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans who were running, as none of them were completely unacceptable to me, over Gary Johnson who I adore personally, but who I can't agree with on a lot of his policy.

But there were none of the others that I could get really excited or even hopeful about. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were close enough to my personal convictions and probably least emulated the permanent political class that I was so frustrated with, but I didn't think either of them would be able to make a difference against the permanent political class in Congress.

Eventually there was something about Donald Trump that made me believe he wanted to and could wrest the government out of control of the permanent political class. And he has not disappointed. In the end they may break him--they are trying their damndest to do that--but he has not disappointed.
I'm with you 100%. The first time I saw Trump on TV I couldn't believe what a jerk he was. A few days later I saw Hillary on TV and I thought to myself, "Oh Lord God in heaven, please don't inflict the American population with that lying creep!" That person is as phoney as anything I've ever seen in my life, and at 72-years-of-age, I've seen & heard some humdingers.

Besides all of that Trump said a lot of things that many Americans have been waiting to hear for decades. I cheered the day he was asked a question by CNN but he refused to answer, saying, "I'm not answering your question. You are fake news." Voting Trump into office was one of the best things Americans have done since forcing the government to get out of Vietnam.
OFF TOPIC: By the way, I almost broke my monitor trying to swat that bug in your sig line. :)
I think two others have smashed their monitors because of that little critter and one guy last month put me on "ignore status" because of it. He actually told me that he couldn't take it any more. :badgrin:

And there we are. It finally occurred to me while fussing and fuming a bit over something Trump said or posted that annoyed and/or irritated me that I can't have it both ways.

I can't have a politically correct, prim, proper, sophisticated, poll tested, scripted President who behaves as a proper, 'normal' President is supposed to behave and do things. . .

. . .and also. . .

have a President who thinks outside the box, who is willing to ignore a stagnant status quo in favor of doing things differently and innovatively to get things moving toward solution, who wrests power from the professional permanent political class that has held us all hostage for decades and initiates policy and strategy to return the country to the people for THEIR benefit.

So yeah. I prayed for the status quo to be shattered and prayed for somebody with vision, values, optimism, and who loves America and Americans and puts their interests first and foremost.

Boy was I surprised when my answered prayer was Donald Trump. :)
Yes, "thinking outside the box". I challenge anyone to claim that isn't Trump! Now that I think on it Trump is the continuation of Obama in that sense. Thank God the likes of Bush Baby Junior is gone. Obama didn't turn out to be who we all thought he'd be but he did shake the rafters of the status quo a little and they were weakened just enough for Trump to get his crowbar into the cracks and start pulling on it a little bit more.
While Trump may be admired for any, all, or none of the reasons on your list, the MOST IMPORTANT of his achievements is that he stopped Hillary Clinton dead in her tracks. You gotta' love him for that!

I will admit that I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans running or even Gary Johnson the Libertarian over Hillary, as all of them would make a better President. And I would have voted for ANY of the 17 Republicans who were running, as none of them were completely unacceptable to me, over Gary Johnson who I adore personally, but who I can't agree with on a lot of his policy.

But there were none of the others that I could get really excited or even hopeful about. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson were close enough to my personal convictions and probably least emulated the permanent political class that I was so frustrated with, but I didn't think either of them would be able to make a difference against the permanent political class in Congress.

Eventually there was something about Donald Trump that made me believe he wanted to and could wrest the government out of control of the permanent political class. And he has not disappointed. In the end they may break him--they are trying their damndest to do that--but he has not disappointed.
I'm with you 100%. The first time I saw Trump on TV I couldn't believe what a jerk he was. A few days later I saw Hillary on TV and I thought to myself, "Oh Lord God in heaven, please don't inflict the American population with that lying creep!" That person is as phoney as anything I've ever seen in my life, and at 72-years-of-age, I've seen & heard some humdingers.

Besides all of that Trump said a lot of things that many Americans have been waiting to hear for decades. I cheered the day he was asked a question by CNN but he refused to answer, saying, "I'm not answering your question. You are fake news." Voting Trump into office was one of the best things Americans have done since forcing the government to get out of Vietnam.
OFF TOPIC: By the way, I almost broke my monitor trying to swat that bug in your sig line. :)
I think two others have smashed their monitors because of that little critter and one guy last month put me on "ignore status" because of it. He actually told me that he couldn't take it any more. :badgrin:

And there we are. It finally occurred to me while fussing and fuming a bit over something Trump said or posted that annoyed and/or irritated me that I can't have it both ways.

I can't have a politically correct, prim, proper, sophisticated, poll tested, scripted President who behaves as a proper, 'normal' President is supposed to behave and do things. . .

. . .and also. . .

have a President who thinks outside the box, who is willing to ignore a stagnant status quo in favor of doing things differently and innovatively to get things moving toward solution, who wrests power from the professional permanent political class that has held us all hostage for decades and initiates policy and strategy to return the country to the people for THEIR benefit.

So yeah. I prayed for the status quo to be shattered and prayed for somebody with vision, values, optimism, and who loves America and Americans and puts their interests first and foremost.

Boy was I surprised when my answered prayer was Donald Trump. :)
Yes, "thinking outside the box". I challenge anyone to claim that isn't Trump! Now that I think on it Trump is the continuation of Obama in that sense. Thank God the likes of Bush Baby Junior is gone. Obama didn't turn out to be who we all thought he'd be but he did shake the rafters of the status quo a little and they were weakened just enough for Trump to get his crowbar into the cracks and start pulling on it a little bit more.

IMO President Bush 43 was a decent human being with I believe good intentions. And he did manage to keep a strong economy despite 9/11, fighting two increasingly unpopular wars, and Katrina. But ultimately he promoted immigration, energy, environmental, and education policies that only a modern day liberal could love. And his approval numbers were in unhealthy territory most of his second term as it was obvious most of his agenda was just more the of same status quo stuff that either didn't work well or just maintained things without making anything better.

After enjoying a Republican majority, however feckless, for four years, he managed to lose both the House and Senate to the Democrats for his last two years and things went downhill fast. The housing bubble crash of 2008 was not a result of his policies or inaction, but it was on his watch so it will be forever part of his legacy.

President Trump IMO is nothing like George W. Bush--in fact the whole Bush clan despises President Trump because he presumed to say something uncomplimentary about Jeb as well as probably ending the Bush dynasty. Probably Bush's greatest contribution to the benefit of President Trump was weathering unprecedented horrendous and hateful and malicious personal attacks and getting re-elected in spite of them. President Trump, even though that hatred is multiplied many times over when directed toward him, might take some encouragement from that.
IMO President Bush 43 was a decent human being with I believe good intentions. And he did manage to keep a strong economy despite 9/11, fighting two increasingly unpopular wars, and Katrina. .....
Bush is a war criminal who is responsible for the rape, torture, and murder of more than 1 million innocent men, women, and children.
You know, if I had no other reason to support President Trump, this current truly evil effort by the Democrats to trigger a recession so they can take back the White House would convince me to do so.

How can anybody believe they care about Americans or the American people and do that? How can anybody be so dense as to not see that their only motive is to increase their personal prestige, influence, power, and wealth and they don't care who gets hurt? It is wrong. It is cruel. It is evil.

Currently consumer and business confidence is at or near an all time high. There is no reason that the increase in personal and family prosperity and wealth--the narrowing of the gap between rich and poor created by economic growth instead of temporary handouts--will not continue so long as the people believe it can continue.

The only thing that will trigger a real recession right now is if the people believe we are having one and lose their optimism and willingness to push forward. President Trump understands that. I wonder if anybody on the left does?


You know, if I had no other reason to support President Trump, this current truly evil effort by the Democrats to trigger a recession so they can take back the White House would convince me to do so.

How can anybody believe they care about Americans or the American people and do that? How can anybody be so dense as to not see that their only motive is to increase their personal prestige, influence, power, and wealth and they don't care who gets hurt? It is wrong. It is cruel. It is evil.

Currently consumer and business confidence is at or near an all time high. There is no reason that the increase in personal and family prosperity and wealth--the narrowing of the gap between rich and poor created by economic growth instead of temporary handouts--will not continue so long as the people believe it can continue.

The only thing that will trigger a real recession right now is if the people believe we are having one and lose their optimism and willingness to push forward. President Trump understands that. I wonder if anybody on the left does?



You just used the definition of a Depression. Recessions come and go. The one that you think went starting in 2008 actually started about 2002 and Bush Jr. advised that it was happening. Clowns like you and Congress laughed him off the Capital Hill. You honestly thing Obama came up with the Relief? NO, in 2003, Bush, Jr. presented a 733 billion version of it. Obama had to have it revised and the amount almost doubled by 2009. Had they Listened to Bush Jr, the Recession would have been much much shorter and not nearly as painful. But it was already affecting many small businesses in 2003. You people only panic when it affects the 1%. It's coming and it's already affecting common every day people. But don't look for any of you to admit to that.

Not to worry., we have programs in place to prevent Depressions. Recessions come about every 7 to 10 years.
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