Why I Left Liberalism & The Democratic Party

I was once a liberal and a Democrat as well, until sometime after September 11, 2001. I never fully realized how toxic the ideology of liberalism was on so many different levels, until I broke away and viewed it from the outside.
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

Liberals find it hard to be original or creative when it comes to rational thought because they are not TOLD how to.

He copies my style, then accuses me of "parroting"..... lmao

You can't make this stuff up

I'm sure his new hero is Spenser Rapone
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Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.

That actually cuts both ways for partisans on both sides. Sad, and this is why so little gets done anymore!
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.

That actually cuts both ways for partisans on both sides. Sad, and this is why so little gets done anymore!

I disagree. While one side has moved toward American exceptionalism, pride in country, less government intrusion, safety and security of the American citizens, and belief in God, the other has moved further into the abyss of socialism, communism, atheism, theft through taxation, murdering the unborn, open borders, and a runaway government infringing on its citizen's liberties.

Tell me: Which one of those sounds better to you? There is no longer a "middle ground." You have to pick one side or the other.
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.

That actually cuts both ways for partisans on both sides. Sad, and this is why so little gets done anymore!

I disagree. While one side has moved toward American exceptionalism, pride in country, less government intrusion, safety and security of the American citizens, and belief in God, the other has moved further into the abyss of socialism, communism, atheism, theft through taxation, murdering the unborn, open borders, and a runaway government infringing on its citizen's liberties.

Tell me: Which one of those sounds better to you? There is no longer a "middle ground." You have to pick one side or the other.

I do not believe as you, I truly see you as a partisan hack, sorry it is what it is.
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.

That actually cuts both ways for partisans on both sides. Sad, and this is why so little gets done anymore!

I disagree. While one side has moved toward American exceptionalism, pride in country, less government intrusion, safety and security of the American citizens, and belief in God, the other has moved further into the abyss of socialism, communism, atheism, theft through taxation, murdering the unborn, open borders, and a runaway government infringing on its citizen's liberties.

Tell me: Which one of those sounds better to you? There is no longer a "middle ground." You have to pick one side or the other.

I do not believe as you, I truly see you as a partisan hack, sorry it is what it is.

No problem. You're well within your right to make your own choices.
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.

That actually cuts both ways for partisans on both sides. Sad, and this is why so little gets done anymore!
Actually, calling everyone who disagrees with you racist and bigot is causing many to leave. Your strategy has failed for..... ever
Post #7 is an example of a vacuous personality willfully surrendering to propaganda, and parroting a catchphrase that's been drilled into him for decades

You just described why so many people can't break free from their liberal misconceptions. You have to remain subservient to the leftist view and blindly parrot whatever talking point comes down the pipe.

To not do that would make you persona non grata in the eyes of others who hold the same point of view. The pressure to virtue-signal to your peers has become a sick obsession which occupies the majority of your waking hours. Otherwise you would be viewed upon as a societal leper.

Like I said, I used to be one of you. I know what makes you tick, what makes you happy, as well as your deepest, darkest fears.

That actually cuts both ways for partisans on both sides. Sad, and this is why so little gets done anymore!

I disagree. While one side has moved toward American exceptionalism, pride in country, less government intrusion, safety and security of the American citizens, and belief in God, the other has moved further into the abyss of socialism, communism, atheism, theft through taxation, murdering the unborn, open borders, and a runaway government infringing on its citizen's liberties.

Tell me: Which one of those sounds better to you? There is no longer a "middle ground." You have to pick one side or the other.

I do not believe as you, I truly see you as a partisan hack, sorry it is what it is.

No problem. You're well within your right to make your own choices.
So are you!

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