Why Hasn't Trump Been Impeached?

Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives? Trump's Russian-compromised "agents" were supposedly spilling their guts to the FBI to get plea deals to flip on Putin's puppet. Chuck Schumer chased a woman out of a restaurant screaming that Trump was a goner. Maxine Waters said the Articles of Impeachment were being prepared. Nancy Pelosi claimed the end of Trump was a foregone conclusion. And then......ffffffttttt.

Hasn't Trump only added to his own demise by failing to destroy every square inch of a Syrian airbase with cruise missiles? The MOAB he dropped on AQ in Afghanistan was an eco-disaster, (a lizard and a bird were incinerated along with 94 terrorists) and his chauffeur drove an aircraft carrier in the WRONG direction instead of starting WW3. Add to that the threat of a border wall has driven off 70% of new invaders and he still thinks we need a border wall. OUTRAGEOUS!

Is there a chance, even a tiny one, that the "impeach Trump" movement was a hoax, a dying party's last screeching moment of hatred for America? Isn't it time to admit you were PLAYED by the misfits and con artists who ran this country until last November. It's okay.....you're not very smart and easy to trick. We'd like to say we feel your pain but we don't, and are enjoying the different stages of grief you've been through in the last five months. Just admit that President Trump is your daddy and you're sorry for saying all those horrible things about him. It will make the next 7 1/2 years a little easier to handle. :eusa_angel:


/---- On Tucker Carlson the lib guest said Trump has transformed from an Russian agent to a double agent. Libtards are coming unhinged.

Their conspiracy theories get wackier by the day.
Because they are on the verge of catching someone-) In 2 weeks, you will know!

Personally, I think Flynn has already flipped and is giving investigators everything. He's not an honorable guy and not the type of person who would fall on his sword for anyone, let alone Donald Trump.

There is no "everything," moron. If there was any evidence it would have been leaked long ago. Brennan stuffed the CIA with his communist ISIS sympathizing cronies. There is no way such a secret could be kept in such an environment.
Where did you hear that? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Oh, I see. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller, i.e. a Trumpie.

Tucker Carlson is an adult man who chooses to wear a bow tie.

He's probably so angry because he can't get laid. He doesn't have the money to fly to Russia to have hookers pee on him.

Carlson is married and has 5 children. He hasn't worn a bow tie since he started working at FOX.

He kicks leftwing every night.

You really are desperate, aren't you?
Deflecting is beneath you. Come up with some alternative theories which support the same set of facts first.

How about you come up with some theories that do not prove a connection between Trump and Putin? Because all the evidence that has been publicly discussed is quite incriminating.

But the larger subject is people lying about stupid shit because there's no substance; which is exactly what Conservatism is.

There has been no evidence released, numskull. You turds keep talking about all this evidence, and then when asked to produce it you claim it's classified.
Because they are on the verge of catching someone-) In 2 weeks, you will know!

Personally, I think Flynn has already flipped and is giving investigators everything. He's not an honorable guy and not the type of person who would fall on his sword for anyone, let alone Donald Trump.

Well, maybe you are correct. If he flipped, then he might have made a deal to keep the transcripts out of the public eye. But what is the definition of flipped? Tell the truth?

If the truth is Trump colluded, he should be impeached. If he didn't, then a whole bunch of other people are going to be seen in court. I am open minded on the whole situation, but if I had to bet my life, I would say a whole bunch of people from the other side is going to be in court, and not Trump.


Because it takes more than Flynn, it would take most of his team and his children to collude with the Russians. Am I suppose to believe that all, or most of these people are in Russia's pocket? Now, if you had Putin talking to Trump, Ivanka, Sessions, or Flynn, I would say, ok, maybe.

What I think you have is Flynn talking about the sanctions.........maybe. But him or anyone else talking about messing with the election..............that is a real stretch.

Also--------->you know how all that info was pushed through the government? You know all of those leaks? You know how it has all gotten out? OK, so if the leakers are willing to leak this stuff, think if they had anything on Trump it would NOT have been leaked? We hear, Flynn, Flynn, Flynn, and we hear all about who he talked to. Now show me a leak that says Trump talked to anyone! Show me even Kelly Ann Conway talking to someone!

Remember what you are actually talking about with proof---------->that Flynn talked to a Russian ambassador, and he may have talked about sanctions. NOWHERE does it say anything about collusion as far as the election in any form. That is all hyperbole. It is a narrative with not one shred of basis in fact, even as far as the leaks go. This whole narrative arose because Trump suggested WikiLeaks find Clintons 33,000 e-mails in a campaign speech. The media then tied Assange in some manner, to Russia. Instantly, Trump, plus Assange, plus Russia, equals collusion, lolol!

Most intelligent people without more facts would say that is a bridge to far. Not that it can't be true, but rather it is more unlikely than likely. While many see Trump as a buffoon, it would take a real idiot to get up on stage and ask your secret, Marxist, partner to help you discover your adversaries e-mails that are missing in front of God, and everyone else. I am 100% confident, neither you, nor I, would do such an idiotic thing, and if he did, he shouldn't be President. NOBODY that stupid, should be President, lol. Therefore, I have confidence he didn't, because if you and I are that smart, I am sure he is at LEAST that intelligent too.

The retards who hate Trump have simply convinced themselves that everything he does is a crime. They can't tell you what he did, or what laws he broke, but they just know he's a criminal. Meanwhile, they turned a blind eye to the crimes of Hillary, Obama and Loretta Lynch.
Trump goes from Win to Win to Win ...... :thup:

It drives the loony liberals into a crazed frenzy because there is nothing they can do about it. ..... :cool:
Enlighten us, oh wise one... just what are these Three Wins you mention?



The Wall?

Releasing his tax returns as promised?

Bitch-slapping China over its currency manipulation?

Knowing more than his generals about ISIS?

Destroying our alliances and friendships?

Banning Muslims?

Registering Muslims?


Enlighten us...
So does a law or laws have to be broken for Congress to impeach Trump?
As of today that fat bastard of a president could shoot someone in the halls of Congress and the GOP would not take up an impeachment measure against him. They could catch him blowing Putin in the bathroom and they'd pretend they didn't see a thing......

Nice delusional, hate-filled, un-substantiated RANT...


The previous President
- Violated both Constitution and Rule of Law

- Illegally spied on Americans, the media, reporters, and even Congress

- Illegally used the IRS to target Americans

- Openly refused to enforce existing laws and BROKE laws such as DOMA, Immigration laws, and the FOIA

- Dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars

- Entered into an illegal, Un-Constitutional Treaty with an enemy of the United States

- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended terrorists, to include the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...and 4 Amerixans on 9/11/12

- Attempted to overthrow 4 world leaders, to include 2 US allies; succeeded in Egypt, putting terrorists in power...succeeded in Libya, putting terrorists in power...failed with Netanyau and Israel...failed in Syria...

- Illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, responsible for the deaths of over 500 Nexican citizens and 4 Americans...

- Protected and worked with human traffickers who were bringing illegals into the US...

- Stole MILLIONS from tax payrrs, claiming it was for Zika in the US, only to give that money to the UN for their new Global initiative...

- Protected his US Atty General from Felony Purjory charges, protected Castro and Reid from Hatch Act violations, protected Hillary from numerous crimes to include giving individuals who had no security clearances access to classified information as well as violations of the FOIA and Fedetal Records Act

- Perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President...

...AND MORE...

..and Democrats NEVER sought to Impeach Obama or hold him accountable.

Obama HAS directly contributed to the murder of US (and other) citizens, and Democrats HAVE actually already done what you say the GOP MIGHT do.

So please spare us your partisan bullshit, and STFU.

Your fake news list is amusing at best, Red. Now that the fat bastard who lied his way into the presidency, with a little help from his foreign friends, you Fake News guys must be upset that he is not perusing any criminal charges against anyone in the previous administration.

C'est la via

Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress and declared the ONLY crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE by the Obana administration / Obama hold-overs.

No such testimony ever happened. This is a 100% bald-faced lie.

The FBI has stated 3 times now that they have found NO EVIDENCE to support the snowflake claim of Collusion.

No, they have not said that. You are not informed. The FBI is one of the many intelligence agencies that concluded Russia hacked our election. Those close to the investigations have said there is already enough evidence to bring to a Grand Jury. The NY State Attorney General is actually broadening his investigation into Trump's corrupt finances to include Russia...probably because Russia is the only place Trump can get a loan.
Americans watched it on tv. Multiple links to the testimony have been posted over and over.

Links to the articles on how the FBI gave declared 3 times now that no evidence has been found to support the false claims of collusion have repeately been posted.

- NY Times: FBI Found No Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection

- Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia

Begone, liar. You have no more credibility on this subject! Go take your DNC paycheck and your propaganda someplace else.

Still posting those same links from 6 months ago I see. Lots happened since then and still is. You really need to take your crap to Alex Jones and see if he can help you.
An objective observer considers all possibilities. You seem to have what is referred to as 'tunnel vision'.

No, an objective observer considers all facts. What you are describing is subjective observation. The only reason I am laser focused on this is because it is so massively huge and important because it curs to the very fabric of the integrity of our democracy.

I think most Conservatives who dismiss the Russia stuff only do so because they simply cannot fathom that the trust they put in Donald Trump and the Conservative movement was broken in favor of short-term political gain thanks to collusion with a hostile foreign power. Just like the same people who put all their trust and faith in Bush when he claimed Saddam had WMDs and was a threat to this country. It's the same, stupid people making the same, stupid attempts to avoid accepting reality. So since you guys were so wrong and were misled by Bush 15 years ago, why would those same people not be misleading you today? Because the Conservative establishment hasn't changed. It's still the same dumb people from Bush, just re-branded as angry, impotent know-nothings.
Americans watched it on tv. Multiple links to the testimony have been posted over and over.

Hey dude, check out the date on your links...from November 2016. That was almost 6 months ago. The FBI didn't conclude its investigation in November. The investigation is currently happening, and I just read today that Comey hired 20 folks to work on it. Which means it's expanding because there is a lot of evidence. If there wasn't, then there would be no FBI investigation. But there is. So using outdated links that are contradicted by the simplest of Google searches really just shows you're either stuck in a time warp and are reliving November 1st, 2016 like Groundhog Day, or you already know the truth and are lying as you employ a Russian Active Measure.
nope, they did not.
They testified under oath that the trump campaign was under criminal investigation in the Russian influence investigation for possible coordination with the Russians to disburse and promote the stolen emails, along with campaign members being illegal non disclosed agents of a foreign power, for both Turkey and Russia, and possible money laundering agents for Putin's oligarchs.

The intelligence community also testified under oath the Obama administration did nothing wrong.

Watch Replay: FBI Director James Comey Confirms Probe Into Russian Interference, Trump Links

Investigation Into Links Between Trump Associates and Russia

Comey confirmed the investigation. He said it was not in the agency's practice to confirm the existence of ongoing investigations, especially those that involve classified information. However, he said there is an exception to the rule when the investigation is in the public interest. The investigation began in July, though it was not clear whether Comey was referring to the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the election or specifically the investigation involving Trump associates, and is in its early stages.

No Information To Support Wiretapping Claims

Comey said that he had no information that supports claims by President Trump, made in a series of early morning tweets, that President Obama had ordered Trump Tower be wiretapped.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a ranking member of the committee, read the series of tweets Trump sent while making the claims. Not only did Comey say there was no information to support the wiretapping claims, but he also said no president can order a wiretap of a U.S. citizen.

British Intelligence Did Not Surveil Trump

Rogers rebuked any claims that British intelligence may have been behind the surveillance of Trump Tower. Rogers said that at no point did the NSA ask British intelligence to conduct such surveillance.

Schiff asked Rogers if he agreed with the British, who called the claims "nonsense." Rogers said that he did. Asked if it hurts the relationship with the British, Rogers said that it "certainly frustrates a key ally" but that the relationship was strong enough to withstand such an incident.

Thank you for posting this. You can see the Russian Active Measures being employed by right-wing posters on this thread. They just straight up lie and misinform.
All of this was over a MONTH ago....if they had anything, anything, it would have leaked. Call in the dogs and piss on the fire....it's over. :itsok:

Why would it have leaked? Plenty already has leaked, including that infamous Russian pee-pee dossier. These things take time. It took two years to bring Nixon down. This conspiracy is far larger and stretches across borders.
The thread, like many like it on this board, is pure snowflake propaganda, pushed / posted most probably by paid Liberal Trolls.None of their claims have been substantiated by any evidence whatsoever. NONE.

"Paid liberal trolls"? I do not get paid to post. I do it for myself. Now you guys, on the other hand...
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives? Trump's Russian-compromised "agents" were supposedly spilling their guts to the FBI to get plea deals to flip on Putin's puppet. Chuck Schumer chased a woman out of a restaurant screaming that Trump was a goner. Maxine Waters said the Articles of Impeachment were being prepared. Nancy Pelosi claimed the end of Trump was a foregone conclusion. And then......ffffffttttt.

Hasn't Trump only added to his own demise by failing to destroy every square inch of a Syrian airbase with cruise missiles? The MOAB he dropped on AQ in Afghanistan was an eco-disaster, (a lizard and a bird were incinerated along with 94 terrorists) and his chauffeur drove an aircraft carrier in the WRONG direction instead of starting WW3. Add to that the threat of a border wall has driven off 70% of new invaders and he still thinks we need a border wall. OUTRAGEOUS!

Is there a chance, even a tiny one, that the "impeach Trump" movement was a hoax, a dying party's last screeching moment of hatred for America? Isn't it time to admit you were PLAYED by the misfits and con artists who ran this country until last November. It's okay.....you're not very smart and easy to trick. We'd like to say we feel your pain but we don't, and are enjoying the different stages of grief you've been through in the last five months. Just admit that President Trump is your daddy and you're sorry for saying all those horrible things about him. It will make the next 7 1/2 years a little easier to handle. :eusa_angel:


Hasn't been impeached, hasn't been forced to step down, hasn't been jailed, the sexual harassment charges have gone away, and he hasn't been connected to the Russians in the way that the left claims.
Americans watched it on tv. Multiple links to the testimony have been posted over and over.

Hey dude, check out the date on your links...from November 2016. That was almost 6 months ago. The FBI didn't conclude its investigation in November. The investigation is currently happening, and I just read today that Comey hired 20 folks to work on it. Which means it's expanding because there is a lot of evidence. If there wasn't, then there would be no FBI investigation. But there is. So using outdated links that are contradicted by the simplest of Google searches really just shows you're either stuck in a time warp and are reliving November 1st, 2016 like Groundhog Day, or you already know the truth and are lying as you employ a Russian Active Measure.

He has posted those same old links continually. So stuck in his own shit.
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives? Trump's Russian-compromised "agents" were supposedly spilling their guts to the FBI to get plea deals to flip on Putin's puppet. Chuck Schumer chased a woman out of a restaurant screaming that Trump was a goner. Maxine Waters said the Articles of Impeachment were being prepared. Nancy Pelosi claimed the end of Trump was a foregone conclusion. And then......ffffffttttt.

Hasn't Trump only added to his own demise by failing to destroy every square inch of a Syrian airbase with cruise missiles? The MOAB he dropped on AQ in Afghanistan was an eco-disaster, (a lizard and a bird were incinerated along with 94 terrorists) and his chauffeur drove an aircraft carrier in the WRONG direction instead of starting WW3. Add to that the threat of a border wall has driven off 70% of new invaders and he still thinks we need a border wall. OUTRAGEOUS!

Is there a chance, even a tiny one, that the "impeach Trump" movement was a hoax, a dying party's last screeching moment of hatred for America? Isn't it time to admit you were PLAYED by the misfits and con artists who ran this country until last November. It's okay.....you're not very smart and easy to trick. We'd like to say we feel your pain but we don't, and are enjoying the different stages of grief you've been through in the last five months. Just admit that President Trump is your daddy and you're sorry for saying all those horrible things about him. It will make the next 7 1/2 years a little easier to handle. :eusa_angel:


Hasn't been impeached, hasn't been forced to step down, hasn't been jailed, the sexual harassment charges have gone away, and he hasn't been connected to the Russians in the way that the left claims.

Hasn't been impeached... yet. This country doesn't lynch anymore. We use the court system and the wheels of justice will turn, and he will be impeached
Whose going to be the first of The Grumphs men to get convicted?

Whichever of these four guys isn't the first to run to the Feds; Flynn, Page, Stone, Manafort.

The FBI has said 3 times now that there is no connection / collusion between Trump and Russia.


Bill Clinton was getting paid by the Russian KGB to give 'speeches'.

Prominent Russian businessmen who profited from Russia buying US Uranium, in which Hillary had an influential role, gave large sums of money afterwards to the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of UN-REPORTED shares of Russian Stock and 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominent businessmen who have intimate connections to the Kremlin and Putin

The brother of Hillary's campaign manager was working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails....

AND the Directors of both the NSA and the FBI testified under oath before Congress and said the ONLY CRIMES PROVEN to have been committed during this Trump witch hunt have been the FELONY Espionage crimes perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt. (Can you say 'TREASON'? Of course tou can't - you're a snowflake.)

So far, EVERY snowflake claim of Trump team criminal activity, collusion, etc has produced NO EVIDENCE to support it while the Clinton camp has been proven to be dirty as hell and the Obama administration proven to have committed actual crimes....

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