CDZ Why Every American Should Pledge One Year Of Public Service


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

What an awesome idea! Here's another great statement:

A culture that expects public service would not make for a perfect America, but it would make for a country more aligned with our stated values and ideals.

Of course, with our current national mentality, those pledging such service would expect recompense in return. There are many ways to serve that already exist. And perhaps, private industry could give certain advantages to those who have taken and completed this action.

Comments coming I'm sure. Read more @ Why Every American Should Pledge One Year Of Public Service Task Purpose
Certainly volunteering for charities and the like is a good thing, and more of it would be great. The author doesn't seem to be suggesting that anybody should be forced into this "public service," so I don't see much to discuss. I suppose somebody could argue the Randian view that charity harms the person receiving it, but I don't think many people take it seriously.
The heck with pledging. Two years mandatory with a wide selection of services that include both full time and part time programs, paid and non paid. Something for everyone.
Absolute BS, mandatory service is nothing more than involuntary servitude which by the way is prohibited by the 13th amendment of the US Constitution:

1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

What an awesome idea! Here's another great statement:

A culture that expects public service would not make for a perfect America, but it would make for a country more aligned with our stated values and ideals.

Of course, with our current national mentality, those pledging such service would expect recompense in return. There are many ways to serve that already exist. And perhaps, private industry could give certain advantages to those who have taken and completed this action.

Comments coming I'm sure. Read more @ Why Every American Should Pledge One Year Of Public Service Task Purpose
Americans should not PLEDGE service, America should DEMAND service.

Any able bodied person 18 or older that is not in school or gainfully employed and paying taxes should be expected to give service time in exchange for any benefits and assistance.
Absolute BS, mandatory service is nothing more than involuntary servitude which by the way is prohibited by the 13th amendment of the US Constitution:

1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Draft shot that shit out of the water.

FDR didn't give welfare to able bodied men, he put them in work camps to learn life skills and earn a living.
Any able bodied person 18 or older that is not in school or gainfully employed and paying taxes should be expected to give service time in exchange for any benefits and assistance.
Fair enough, but if you ask for nothing then you owe the government nothing.
The heck with pledging. Two years mandatory with a wide selection of services that include both full time and part time programs, paid and non paid. Something for everyone.

Two years of service, either military or non-military, and peg voting rights to it.

Kind of like Starship troopers without the overt fascist undertones.
Forcing everyone into a period of public service would be an expensive nightmare to administer. Would we make avoiding service a criminal offense?

Requiring service of people receiving government benefits sounds more doable and appropriate although many receiving those benefits may not be capable of service.
Fantastic idea, I would go a step further and require service commencing upon graduation from high school. In my day there were three options, deferment, draft, or enlist.
Imagine what could be accomplished!
Strange to see all the people who are professing that they are for freedom, demanding that people become slaves for 2 years
I in no way consider it slavery. You should contribute to your country in some way and I think a year between high school and college FOR EVERYONE is a great idea. Peace corps,national parks, helping native Americans, the elderly, the poor, the young, the foreigners. Maybe you could require three months a year for four years making it integral with the college experience. So many young people are so clueless about the real world and our country and our countries relationship to the rest of the world. So many young people never get out of their comfort zone or,even outdoors.

This is a wonderful idea whose time is long overdue. Remember John Kennedy' s admonition, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
I in no way consider it slavery. You should contribute to your country in some way and I think a year between high school and college FOR EVERYONE is a great idea. Peace corps,national parks, helping native Americans, the elderly, the poor, the young, the foreigners. Maybe you could require three months a year for four years making it integral with the college experience. So many young people are so clueless about the real world and our country and our countries relationship to the rest of the world. So many young people never get out of their comfort zone or,even outdoors.

This is a wonderful idea whose time is long overdue. Remember John Kennedy' s admonition, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

I owe nothing to my government.
Other than taxes maybe not, but every American should feel an obligation to give something back to his country.

Oh yeah, by the way John Kennedy was a democrat.

And I would be happy to be one of the first to step up and serve my term of your so called indentured servitude.

Life is good bro. Smile once and a while.
I in no way consider it slavery. You should contribute to your country in some way and I think a year between high school and college FOR EVERYONE is a great idea. Peace corps,national parks, helping native Americans, the elderly, the poor, the young, the foreigners. Maybe you could require three months a year for four years making it integral with the college experience. So many young people are so clueless about the real world and our country and our countries relationship to the rest of the world. So many young people never get out of their comfort zone or,even outdoors.

This is a wonderful idea whose time is long overdue. Remember John Kennedy' s admonition, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

I owe nothing to my government.

Of course you do.

What an awesome idea! Here's another great statement:

A culture that expects public service would not make for a perfect America, but it would make for a country more aligned with our stated values and ideals.

Of course, with our current national mentality, those pledging such service would expect recompense in return. There are many ways to serve that already exist. And perhaps, private industry could give certain advantages to those who have taken and completed this action.

Comments coming I'm sure. Read more @ Why Every American Should Pledge One Year Of Public Service Task Purpose

Should make national service a component of college. Do it during breaks and such. Plant trees, pick up roadside trash, take care of infrastructure, etc. Any number of little things which done en masse' by 20+ million undergrads would have profound effect.
Mandatory service? No way. I do love the idea of more Americans pitching and offering their time to help better their communities. Hell, a lot of my free time now is decided to charitable organizations and volunteerism. It is personally enriching and give me stronger ties to my community.

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