Zone1 Why Does Everybody Always Cry Police Brutality?

Have you just noticed this phenomenon???

Are you sure you have surveyed credible sources?

Some say there is media bias. Do you listen to talk radio - watch much Fox News???
And use the race card? This already has started to get old.

Democrats always blame other people for their own failures and poor choices. They’re Democrats. It’s what they do.

Of course the flip side, which is even more destructive, is that since they are unable to blame failures for their own poor outcomes, they can’t credit intelligent, responsible, prudent people for their good outcomes. Thus, we now have a society where not only are thugs and idiots not held responsible for their actions, we have a society where motivated, successful people are belittled (“you didn’t build that!”)

It‘s a recipe for a steep decline in society, and we see it more every day.
As far as the video, I can’t believe how obnoxious and entitled these people are to argue with a cop - and then drives off.

I didn’t listen to the end. Was the a-hole sent to jail, as he should be?
He let him go
He let him go?? All that does is teach black people that they are entitled to ignore a cop’s orders, yell at him, and then drive off.

But I understand the cop’s predicament. There is so much cop-hate from blacks that he was afraid if he pursued the scumbag, he’d be called a racist.

It actually sets up two standards: whites have to follow the law and be respectful, and blacks can do whatever they want.
That's what he was talking about.
There is SUCH a disconnect on what the black activists and their enabling white leftists are crying about - how blacks are innocent, oppressed victims - and what is really happening out in the street. In what world is it acceptable for a black who was speeding to scream and yell at a cop who has pulled you over for breaking the law, refuse to comply with his orders, and just drive off?
Throwing a fit over anything and everything that they are caught doing is a black "thing". I've had it pulled on me several times.

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