CDZ WHY do you have to belong to a tribe?

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Let's take a THEORETICAL person who has strong and sincere disagreements with BOTH PARTIES.

In your case, that most certainly IS just theoretical.

As to why, I'd say that a certain degree of tribalism is hardwired into the human psyche, some manifest it more strongly than others, and this new age of identity politics has regressed culture back to a very primitive state where tribe is all that matters.
I suppose this falls under the category of the thread.

So tell me: What makes you think that?


Other than your 100% reliable defense of everything the DNC says and does, there's also the fact that you're here on this thread actively encouraging the radical wing of your party to expel anyone who doesn't conform to their orthodoxy (think Manchin and Sinema), which is exactly what the DNC crazies, and their proxies in the media and Big Tech, do every day.
Other than your 100% reliable defense of everything the DNC says and does, there's also the fact that you're here on this thread actively encouraging the radical wing of your party to expel anyone who doesn't conform to their orthodoxy (think Manchin and Sinema), which is exactly what the DNC crazies, and their proxies in the media and Big Tech, do every day.
Could you provide any examples of me doing any of that?

You mention "you're here on this thread actively encouraging the radical wing of your party to expel anyone who doesn't conform to their orthodoxy".

Could you provide any examples of me doing any of that?

Sure, many. Your dutiful and constant repetition of attacks on President Trump (and any other Republican in the news), enthusiastically repeating any and every unsubstantiated lie Big Left cranked out over the past 5 years, is a good demonstration of your solid commitment to the radical wing of the DNC.

If you need more, just do a search on this board with the key word "Trump" and your username, you'll see what I mean. You've served your masters at the DNC very, very well.

You mention "you're here on this thread actively encouraging the radical wing of your party to expel anyone who doesn't conform to their orthodoxy".

Yes, I mention it because that's what you're doing here.
Sure, many. Your dutiful and constant repetition of attacks on President Trump (and any other Republican in the news), enthusiastically repeating any and every unsubstantiated lie Big Left cranked out over the past 5 years, is a good demonstration of your solid commitment to the radical wing of the DNC.

If you need more, just do a search on this board with the key word "Trump" and your username, you'll see what I mean. You've served your masters at the DNC very, very well.

Yes, I mention it because that's what you're doing here.
So you can't actually provide examples of your claim that I'm "here on this thread actively encouraging the radical wing of (your) party to expel anyone who doesn't conform to their orthodoxy". That's because, of course, I never have. This is only happening in your mind.

And what does Trump have to do with this?

You're all over the place. Try to calm down and focus.

Again: What makes you think I'm a Democrat? Exactly?
Maybe I'll toss in a separate question:

Is it best for America that as many people as possible pick one side or the other?
"Best for America"?
Likely not.

Why do people do it?
No viable 3rd party.

What "bothers" me is this.

The 2020 election.

Popular vote81,268,924[5]74,216,154[5]
That is from Wikipedia detailing the presidential election. Lets round it up to 160,000,000 people voting. Of We have like 330M people in the nation. So that is less than half the entire population voting. Of the 160M about 80% were hard D and R. So that is like 32M who are in the middle--but lets make it 20M. 20M + the 170M who didn't vote is like 190 to 200M who aren't in a "tribe" as the OP put it. Yet somehow we have complete nut jobs offering up solutions like everyone having to move if their "tribe" doesn't win an election in a state very 4 years. The idiocy in this area is what bothers me.
"Best for America"?
Likely not.

Why do people do it?
No viable 3rd party.

What "bothers" me is this.

The 2020 election.

Popular vote81,268,924[5]74,216,154[5]
That is from Wikipedia detailing the presidential election. Lets round it up to 160,000,000 people voting. Of We have like 330M people in the nation. So that is less than half the entire population voting. Of the 160M about 80% were hard D and R. So that is like 32M who are in the middle--but lets make it 20M. 20M + the 170M who didn't vote is like 190 to 200M who aren't in a "tribe" as the OP put it. Yet somehow we have complete nut jobs offering up solutions like everyone having to move if their "tribe" doesn't win an election in a state very 4 years. The idiocy in this area is what bothers me.
That's our political system, one that incentives and rewards this behavior.
I'd put the odds of a civil, interesting conversation here at about 100 to 1, but let's give it a shot. I'm really hopeful something interesting will pop up.

Let's take a THEORETICAL person who has strong and sincere disagreements with BOTH PARTIES. This person's opinions on the issues are every bit as strong as that of hardcore party members, but they just don't coincidentally all fall into place with those of a party. Most of this person's views really don't jibe with those of EITHER party, so he practices a little independent thought and comes up with his OWN ideas, sometimes taking parts from both sides, sometimes creating his own ideas.

So tell me: Should this person belong to one of the tribes? Should this person pick a tribe and run with it? Should they submit to the obligation that they have to spin and deflect and lie and attack for their tribe when it is under attack, even when that person really doesn't agree with the tribe? Should this person be allowed to express opinions that don't fall in line with the tribe, without being attacked by the tribe?

Finally, is it in America's best interest for members of the tribe to behave that way? If so, why?

Serious questions.

Have you looked in the mirror and asked yourself the question?
.... so he practices a little independent thought and comes up with his OWN ideas,....
Are you implying that being a member of a political party indicates an inability for independent thought? Kinda smells like you are trying to pat yourself on the back for being a registered independent or some such thing.

If you would stop giving them money and power of you ... It might make a difference.

Mac1958 does not wish to be involved

he wants his political platform - that only 1-2% of Americans agree with - fully adopted

and he wont come down from his tree until his demands are met
"American can be counted on to do the right thing, after all other possibilities are exhausted". -Winston Churchill-(One of several versions.)

The problem is that the 'other possibilities' seem endless.
Are you implying that being a member of a political party indicates an inability for independent thought? Kinda smells like you are trying to pat yourself on the back for being a registered independent or some such thing.
No. It just seems to me that the two parties have gone further in their directions, and that independent thought is getting less attention than before.

All driven by a system that incentives that behavior. Would you disagree?

As for me, I could be wrong on pretty much anything and everything. Stipulated.
No. It just seems to me that the two parties have gone further in their directions, and that independent thought is getting less attention than before.

All driven by a system that incentives that behavior. Would you disagree?

As for me, I could be wrong on pretty much anything and everything. Stipulated.
Mac1958 is a biden voter who hates trump more than he loves America
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