Why do whihtes complain because they cannot use the N word?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We are on the 999th thread by somebody white crying because they can't freely call a black person the n word without repercussions. What in the hell enters such a white persons mind that they want to do this? What the fuck is wrong with white people thinking like that who act as the world is going to come to an end if they cannot say the n word because they here blacks jokingly calling each other that?

Why do whites think they have this right? Everything has a history and so does the n word. The purposeful way a part of the white culture chooses to forget and even deny history is sickening. For those who are white and think it is just a harmless and endearing word when whites use it, let us do a small review of the history and usage of the n word by whites in America. After all, if there has ever been a time where whites used the word and it meant something complimentary, I really need to know. Because in all my years of living I have yet to hear that example.

“There is a direct and strong link between the word ****** and anti-black caricatures. Although ****** has been used to refer to any person of known African ancestry.2 it is usually directed against blacks who supposedly have certain negative characteristics. The Coon caricature, for example, portrays black men as lazy, ignorant, and obsessively self-indulgent; these are also traits historically represented by the word ******. The Brute caricature depicts black men as angry, physically strong, animalistic, and prone to wanton violence. This depiction is also implied in the word ******. The Tom and Mammy caricatures are often portrayed as kind, loving "friends" of whites. They are also presented as intellectually childlike, physically unattractive, and neglectful of their biological families. These latter traits have been associated with blacks, generally, and are implied in the word ******. The word ****** was a shorthand way of saying that blacks possessed the moral, intellectual, social, and physical characteristics of the Coon, Brute, Tom, Mammy, and other racial caricatures.”

Dr. David Pilgrim and Dr. Phillip Middleton, “****** and Caricature”

At no time in the history of this nation has the word ****** as used by whites ever implied anything positive. It is one of the most derogatory descriptors of a human that has ever been created. I’m not going to attempt a long dissertation about the etymology of the word. Many before me have done that. I want people to look at the word as it has been used in American race relations between whites and blacks in order for whites to understand why it is unwise for them to use the word in a conversation with a black individual.

Historically the N word has been used by whites to describe blacks as lazy, dumb, uneducated, worthless, scum, less than human and parasites. It has stood for nothing coming out of the mouth of whites but insults and to denigrate black people. For over 240 years this has been the primary use of the word by whites. When they first started using the word, blacks could not fight back. Blacks had to take being disgraced and belittled or face beatings or death. When the lynch mobs came to get us, they were not using the word as a term of endearment. The word coming from whites has carried a belief of superiority. It was them saying they are better than us just because they exist. The pre school age white child could freely call elderly black men or women who had lived a full life and had wisdom that child may never receive that word and it’s parents said nothing about respecting your elders. The term coming from whites simply means no respect. In addition the word has meant:

******, v. To wear out, spoil or destroy.
Niggerish, adj. Acting in an indolent and irresponsible manner.
Niggerlipping, v. Wetting the end of a cigarette while smoking it.
Niggerlover, n. Derogatory term aimed at whites lacking in the necessary loathing of blacks.
****** luck, n. Exceptionally good luck, emphasis on undeserved.
******-flicker, n. A small knife or razor with one side heavily taped to preserve the user's fingers.
****** heaven, n. a designated place, usually the balcony, where blacks were forced to sit, for example, in an integrated movie theater or church.
****** knocker, n. axe handle or weapon made from an axe handle.
****** rich, adj, Deeply in debt but ostentatious.
****** shooter, n. A slingshot.
****** steak, n. a slice of liver or a cheap piece of meat.
****** stick, n. police officer's baton.
****** tip, n. leaving a small tip or no tip in a restaurant.
****** in the woodpile, n. a concealed motive or unknown factor affecting a situation in an adverse way.
****** work, n. Demeaning, menial tasks.(Green, 1984, p. 190)

Dr. David Pilgrim and Dr. Phillip Middleton, “****** and Caricature”
The word ****** carries with it much of the hatred and repulsion directed toward Africans and African Americans. Historically, ****** defined, limited, and mocked African Americans. It was a term of exclusion, a verbal justification for discrimination. Whether used as a noun, verb, or adjective, it reinforced the stereotype of the lazy, stupid, dirty, worthless parasite. No other American ethnophaulism carried so much purposeful venom.

****** is the ultimate expression of white racism and white superiority no matter how it is pronounced. It is a linguistic corruption, a corruption of civility. ****** is the most infamous word in American culture. Some words carry more weight than others. At the risk of hyperbole, is genocide just another word? Pedophilia? Obviously, no: neither is ******.

****** and Caricature - Anti-black Imagery - Jim Crow Museum - Ferris State University

Whites invented the word. And the word meant nothing funny or positive. Why did whites invent this word? Was it because they were the ones who felt inferior so they had to make up a fictitious term? Was it because whites were so insecure about themselves they had to make up a word to have a reason to look down on people in order to lift themselves up? And why do whites want so badly to keep using the word now? Do they have such low self esteem they must still rely on a fake word about a made up non existent being in order to feel good about themselves? I don’t know the answer and don’t give a damn what the answer could be. The N word is not to be used by whites.
I wouldn’t dream of calling you the N word or any word. Matter of fact after getting to know what you think I think it would be best to cross the street to avoid saying anything at all to ewe lest your little self gets offended.
We are on the 999th thread by somebody white crying because they can't freely call a black person the n word without repercussions.

Well, by God, you might as well start one which whines about why they shouldn't use it...
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