Why do people hate Jews?

I don’t hate Jews. I hope they read the Tanakh instead of listening to Rabbis. I hope they come to know Jesus. “Hate” is wanting to see people condemned to an eternity in hell. If I pretended modern Jewish belief was “A-Okay” and applauded your continual beliefs, then that helps condemn you. That would be real hatred.
Let me give you some breaking news: Jews have been practicing from the same exact book aka the Torah, and practicing the same exact faith for over 3000 years. In Judaism, unlike other faiths, what the rabbis say or don’t say in a synagogue is irrelevant, they don’t play a role whatsoever in how the members of a synagogue behave.

It’s the “new and improved“ faiths based on Judaism that came much later (aka Christianity and Islam) that started with this made up bullshit about what Jews are and aren’t practicing, and who the Jews are, in order to legitimize their own religion and bigotry towards the Jewish people.

I suspect this will never end, because both faiths are insecure about the origins of said faiths, and therefore will lash out from time to time with bouts of violence and bigotry as we have seen throughout history, and even today.
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Let me give you some breaking news: Jews have been practicing from the same exact book aka the Torah, and practicing the same exact faith for over 3000 years. In Judaism, unlike other faiths, what the rabbis say or don’t say in a synagogue is irrelevant, they don’t play a role whatsoever in how the members of a synagogue behave.

It’s the “new and improved“ faiths based on Judaism that came much later (aka Christianity and Islam) that started with this made up bullshit about what Jews are and aren’t practicing, and who the Jews are, in order to legitimize their own religion and bigotry towards the Jewish people.

I suspect this will never end, because both faiths are insecure about the origins of said faiths, and therefore will lash out from time to time with bouts of violence and bigotry as we have seen throughout history, and even today.

If that is true then why don’t Jews practice Mosaic Law? Where are the animal sacrifices?
Jews should be adhering the exact same practices as 2000 years ago since no new prophet or messiah has come along to tell them otherwise.
If that is true then why don’t Jews practice Mosaic Law? Where are the animal sacrifices?
Jews should be adhering the exact same practices as 2000 years ago since no new prophet or messiah has come along to tell them otherwise.

“With the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans, the Jewish practice of offering korbanot stopped for all intents and purposes.“

Their religion their business. As long as they aren’t shoving it down your throat at the point of the sword.

”A number of sages opined that following Jewish law, doing charitable deeds, and studying Jewish texts is greater than performing animal sacrifices”.

I’ll take the ancient sages interpretation over a 21st century White Supremacist social media right winger.

Unlike you guys who mixed the Roman / Greek pagan faiths with Judaism. Hey, if bowing to and kissing statues tickles your fancy, or some Jewish guy was actually the Son Of G-d, go right at it...non of my business.

As far as the “Mosaic Law” that you’re so worried about even though you aren’t even a Jew, I’d say majority of a Jews are still followers to one extent or another.

but if I were a purist like you, I’d be more worried about my religion being a photocopy of another pagan faith.

“Most of the research into Mithraism, a religion with many parallels to Christianity, comes from two writers, Some Similarities Between Mithraism and Christianity are:

Virgin birth
Twelve followers
Killing and resurrection
Birthdate on December 25
Mankind's savior
Known as the Light of the world

Have you ever wondered why December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ? If the accounts in the Bible are correct, the time of Jesus birth would have been closer to mid-summer, for this is when shepherds would have been "tending their flocks in the field" and the new lambs were born. Strange enough there is an ancient pagan religion, Mithraism, which dates back over 2,800 years that also celebrated the birth of their "savior" on that date. Many elements in the story of Jesus' life and birth are either coincidental or borrowings from earlier and contemporary pagan religions. The most obviously similar of these is Mithraism. Roman Mithraism was a mystery religion with sacrifice and initiation. Like other mystery cults, there's little recorded literary evidence. What we know comes mainly from Christian detractors and archaeological evidence from Mithraic temples, inscriptions, and artistic representations of the god and other aspects of the cult. In an EAWC (Exploring Ancient World Cultures) essay entitled Mithraism, Alison Griffith explains Cumont's theory of a Zoroastrian origin for the Roman Mithraist religion. While this theory is disputed, there was a Mitra in the Hindu pantheon and a minor deity named Mithra among the Persians as well. Cumont came to believe the religion spread westward from Eastern Roman provinces. However, as Griffith explains, there is little evidence of a Zoroastrian Mithra cult and most evidence for Mithraic worship comes from the western portion of the empire from which Cumont correctly deduced that "Mithraism was most popular among legionaries (of all ranks), and the members of the more marginal social groups who were not Roman citizens: freedmen, slaves, and merchants from various provinces...." No women were allowed.
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Jews believe firmly in G-d and want a better world. Others want to abuse others and thumb their nose at G-d.taking.exception to a more peaceful world . It bothers some when others express better morals be they Christian,.Jews,.Muslims, Hindus or what have you. For Israeli Jews it is even more difficult as they are surrounded by enemies and these citizens spread that hatred there and to other nations where their family members reside.

Real Jews believe in the Diaspora Decree of 170 AD, where they are suppose to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, and not go to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
Zionists like Netanyahu are atheists, do not believe in any God, and are in violation of Judaic law.
They believe they are the Chosen People so then can take the Promised Land even though they never paid for it.
There are NO "enemies" to Jews in the Mideast.
The natives the Zionists stole land from just want it back.
Jews lived under Moslem run for 1500 years in the Mideast, with not problem.
The only problem happened after 1946 when the Zionists invaded and tried to murder all natives, like the village of Deir Yassin.
They also murdered the British peace keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel.
They gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator as well.
Real Jews believe in the Diaspora Decree of 170 AD, where they are suppose to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, and not go to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
Zionists like Netanyahu are atheists, do not believe in any God, and are in violation of Judaic law.
They believe they are the Chosen People so then can take the Promised Land even though they never paid for it.
There are NO "enemies" to Jews in the Mideast.
The natives the Zionists stole land from just want it back.
Jews lived under Moslem run for 1500 years in the Mideast, with not problem.
The only problem happened after 1946 when the Zionists invaded and tried to murder all natives, like the village of Deir Yassin.
They also murdered the British peace keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel.
They gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator as well.
Another moron chimes in. Every thing you said is either false, ignorant or an outright lie.
Because --the JEWS didn't do shit..their corrupt collaborationist leadership did.
Do you parse the difference? Your version as stated is a lie...used for millennia to bash the Jews and justify all sorts of atrocity.

That is a good point in that King Herod was actually just a Roman who claimed to convert.
Let me give you some breaking news: Jews have been practicing from the same exact book aka the Torah, and practicing the same exact faith for over 3000 years. In Judaism, unlike other faiths, what the rabbis say or don’t say in a synagogue is irrelevant, they don’t play a role whatsoever in how the members of a synagogue behave.

It’s the “new and improved“ faiths based on Judaism that came much later (aka Christianity and Islam) that started with this made up bullshit about what Jews are and aren’t practicing, and who the Jews are, in order to legitimize their own religion and bigotry towards the Jewish people.

I suspect this will never end, because both faiths are insecure about the origins of said faiths, and therefore will lash out from time to time with bouts of violence and bigotry as we have seen throughout history, and even today.

The Quran by Mohammed is clear that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all "Brothers of the book", Abrahamic, and equally valid.
Moslems have never harmed Jews or Christians over religion.
Lower myself to the stupidly and illiteracy of an ignorant mental midget? No thanks. Everything you stated is bullshit.

Clearly you are trying to support Israel even though they are recent illegal immigrants who never paid for the land they took, and they stole 85% of Palestine from the legal native owners.
The Quran by Mohammed is clear that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all "Brothers of the book", Abrahamic, and equally valid.
Moslems have never harmed Jews or Christians over religion.
Ha ha ha! The only people that have killed others over religion are Christians and Muslims, not Jews, you buffoon.
Clearly you are trying to support Israel even though they are recent illegal immigrants who never paid for the land they took, and they stole 85% of Palestine from the legal native owners.
Jews are in their ancient religious, cultural and ancestral holy land. Israel isn’t Muslim holy land, and never has been. That said, if you’d like to, you can always join your Jihadi brothers in Gaza, Abdullah, and take pigeon hawk with you as well.
Ha ha ha! The only people that have killed others over religion are Christians and Muslims, not Jews, you buffoon.

That is a lie.
The Old Testament is full of Jews massacring those of other religions, like when Joshua beat the Canaanites at Jericho and killed the women and children as well as the men.

And since the Jews and Christians in the Mideast lived for almost 1500 years under Moslem rule, obviously Moslems do not harm Jews or Christians.

The attacks on Europe were by Mongols, Moguls, Turks, etc., who only later claimed to have converted to Islam. They were not really Moslem since they wiped out the Moslem heirarchy when they attacked Baghdad.
Jews are in their ancient religious, cultural and ancestral holy land. Israel isn’t Muslim holy land, and never has been. That said, if you’d like to, you can always join your Jihadi brothers in Gaza, Abdullah, and take pigeon hawk with you as well.

Jews were never in the Land of Canaan until they invaded around 1000 BC.
And they only ruled for about 150 years until the Assyrians kicked them out.
They came back and annoyed the Babylonians so much that they kicked them out as well.
Then the Persians found them annoying and kicked them out.
Then the Greeks found them annoying and kicked them out.
Then the Seleucids found them annoying and kicked them out.
They the Romans found them annoying and kicked them out.

So anyone claiming the Jews ruled anything in the Mideast for more than 150 years is lying.
Even under the Romans, when they wanted a puppet, they picked King Herod who only claimed to have converted to Judaism.

And no one is claiming Palestine over Islam.
The Palestinians are claiming the land they owed for over 10,000 years, and unlike the Jews, they paid for it.
That is a lie.
The Old Testament is full of Jews massacring those of other religions, like when Joshua beat the Canaanites at Jericho and killed the women and children as well as the men.

And since the Jews and Christians in the Mideast lived for almost 1500 years under Moslem rule, obviously Moslems do not harm Jews or Christians.

The attacks on Europe were by Mongols, Moguls, Turks, etc., who only later claimed to have converted to Islam. They were not really Moslem since they wiped out the Moslem heirarchy when they attacked Baghdad.
Ha ha ha. The Middle East wasn’t Muslim until Islam arrived and invaded killed and raped people and lands. Then they invaded Europe, and the crusades and inquisitions were started to repel Muslims out of lands they had invaded. Your prophet Mohammad was a terrorist mass murderer who even attacked and looted caravans during Ramadan.
Real Jews believe in the Diaspora Decree of 170 AD, where they are suppose to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, and not go to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.
This is wrong. Even the Jews who oppose the political state approve of living in Israel. In fact many do live there. And those aren't the sins that caused exile.

Zionists like Netanyahu are atheists, do not believe in any God, and are in violation of Judaic law.
Do you have proof he is an atheist? In Israel many Jews are non observant but are not atheists

They believe they are the Chosen People so then can take the Promised Land even though they never paid for it.
That's not what "chosen" means. Also, much was paid for and much was given by the ruling British power.
There are NO "enemies" to Jews in the Mideast
Then you don't know the history of the middle east.
The natives the Zionists stole land from just want it back.
The British? The Ottomans? Look up Indigenous Bridges. Official statement about the current Arab-Israeli conflict - Indigenous Bridges
Jews lived under Moslem run for 1500 years in the Mideast, with not problem.
There were plenty of problems. Lowered status, attacks... You want years? I can list the events.
The only problem happened after 1946 when the Zionists invaded and tried to murder all natives, like the village of Deir Yassin.
There is nothing historical accurate about this. Political zionism and immigration on an organized scale was well older than 1946 and your knowledge of deir yassin is horribly flawed. Deir Yassin: There was no massacre
They also murdered the British peace keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel.
Do Islamic terrorists provide phone calls as warning?
If that is true then why don’t Jews practice Mosaic Law? Where are the animal sacrifices?
Jews should be adhering the exact same practices as 2000 years ago since no new prophet or messiah has come along to tell them otherwise.
I provided some answers to your questions and offered more resources to help you learn about Judaism so you would stop making basic mistakes but you still seem wedded to ignorance. Why?
Jews were never in the Land of Canaan until they invaded around 1000 BC.
And they only ruled for about 150 years until the Assyrians kicked them out.
They came back and annoyed the Babylonians so much that they kicked them out as well.
Then the Persians found them annoying and kicked them out.
Then the Greeks found them annoying and kicked them out.
Then the Seleucids found them annoying and kicked them out.
They the Romans found them annoying and kicked them out.

So anyone claiming the Jews ruled anything in the Mideast for more than 150 years is lying.
Even under the Romans, when they wanted a puppet, they picked King Herod who only claimed to have converted to Judaism.

And no one is claiming Palestine over Islam.
The Palestinians are claiming the land they owed for over 10,000 years, and unlike the Jews, they paid for it.
10,000 years ago! You see this is why Gaza is now leveled and you’re an ignorant mental midget. No such thing as Palestine or Palestinians, it’s a European name Arabs hijacked Circa 1960’s. Go read some history books. The Persians didn’t kick them out in fact they brought them back from exile and helped them build their temple. The Romans invaded ancient Israel and occupied it, they didn’t “kick them out”. .
This is wrong. Even the Jews who oppose the political state approve of living in Israel. In fact many do live there. And those aren't the sins that caused exile.

Do you have proof he is an atheist? In Israel many Jews are non observant but are not atheists

That's not what "chosen" means. Also, much was paid for and much was given by the ruling British power.

Then you don't know the history of the middle east.

The British? The Ottomans? Look up Indigenous Bridges. Official statement about the current Arab-Israeli conflict - Indigenous Bridges

There were plenty of problems. Lowered status, attacks... You want years? I can list the events.

There is nothing historical accurate about this. Political zionism and immigration on an organized scale was well older than 1946 and your knowledge of deir yassin is horribly flawed. Deir Yassin: There was no massacre

Do Islamic terrorists provide phone calls as warning?
I told you, were dealing with a mental midget with zero knowledge of history and facts. He thinks Palestine is 10,000 years old, ha ha ha!

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