Why Do Liberals Ignore Science Regarding Transgender Surgery for Minors?

A common myth being by those who spread misinformation on the transgendered

The reality is that surgery is never performed on young children. The reality is that most transgenders do not get genital surgery.
Children never make the decision alone. to undergo procedures related to changing their gender. That decision is made by the child, parents and medical professionals based on extensive evaluation

Transgender services offered to children

Evaluation and consultation with medical professionals
Child is required to start living as the alternate sex
Puberty Blockers are administered to stop the appearance of sexual traits
As late teens, hormone therapy.

Genital Surgery is only begun after they are adults and most Transexuals never receive it

Kalifirnia just passed a law allowing minors to get whatever they want, and it bars parents from interfering.
Science has known for at least 30 years now that the reasoning part of the human brain does not fully develop until ages 21-25 (LINK, LINK, LINK). Even before neuroscience developed, society already recognized that minors are simply not qualified or equipped to make certain decisions on their own.

A 14-year-old girl or a 16-year-old boy, much less an 11-year-old girl or a 12-year-old boy, are in no position to decide whether to have their sexual organs permanently altered. We need to protect our children from being talked into getting such major irreversible surgery.

We don't let 15-year-old boys join the military. We don't let 13-year-old kids start smoking cigarettes. We don't let 12-year-old kids buy alcohol. We don't let 14-year-old girls get breast-enlargement surgery. We have these sensible, protective, and humane laws because we all know that those young people are not equipped or qualified to decide to do those things.

We also have very different legal punishments for minors who commit crimes compared to the punishments for adults who commit crimes, precisely because we recognize that a minor's decision-making ability is inferior and incomplete.

Transgender surgery is not "gender-affirming surgery"--it is gender-denying surgery. It ignores biological science and biological reality.

Lots of adolescents and teens go through a phase where they feel they identify more with the opposite gender. As late as the 1990s, girls who felt this way were commonly called "Tom boys." But in most cases, they eventually grew out of it as they matured and as the reasoning part of their brain completed its development. Those few who did not grow out of it were typically people who succumbed to the temptation of same-sex attraction and who chose to engage in homosexual conduct. However, a sizable percentage of people who identify as gay or lesbian for years eventually change their minds and revert to being heterosexual. Google "PFOX."

There should be a federal ban on transgender surgery for anyone under the age of 21. If a 21-year-old wants to get the surgery, that's up to them. I feel sorry for them, but that's their call. But, for heaven's sake, let's protect our children from being talked into getting their sexual organs permanently altered.

I agree, the bright green-haired, "woke" liberals are out of their minds with all of the LGBT shit, and with the illegal immigration. You're right.

However, what you fail to recognize is that the Republican conservatives are out of their minds with hypocrisy when it comes to their sovereignty as American citizens and human beings living in a human society (you conservatives don't live in a vacuum or on a deserted Island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). Right-Wing conservatives and their childish tantrums, about government-enforced mask mandates that everyone had to comply with when they were in public venues (especially if those places were crowded with people), in the middle of a deadly nationwide pandemic.

Supposedly, the government doesn't have a right to use its heavy hand to force them to wear a mask on their bodies (their faces), yet these same "champions of personal sovereignty and freedom", these anti-government "patriot rebels", bend over backward and do whatever it takes, to force a woman to remain pregnant for nine months, even from the time she just had a zygote or embryo, IN HER BODY, using GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY (THE HEAVY HAND OF GOVERNMENT).

Do these Republican conservatives care if that pregnant single woman loses her job during her pregnancy and can't support herself, ending up in a dangerous, filthy homeless shelter or if she develops a life-threatening medical condition due to her pregnancy and needs Medicaid? No, they don't give a rats. They pretend to be the champions of freedom and fetuses. Yes indeed, the heroes of personal sovereignty and fetuses in other people's bodies. Once those embryos and undeveloped fetuses become fully developed, born and breathing human babies, these conservatives flip them the finger:

"I'm sorry baby, but your mother shouldn't have gotten pregnant with you in the first place, so we're going to defund all of the government programs that can help your mother raise you properly.

"We're blocking access to Medicaid for your mother, and cutting or making it impossible for her to get food stamps and housing assistance. She won't qualify for job training, since your mother was convicted at the age of 19 of having half an ounce of Marijuana in her pocket, not to speak of qualifying for federal government Pell Grants or FAFSA college tuition assistance or scholarships. We're also defunding child daycare programs that help your mom take care of you while she's at work, and eliminating school lunch programs and after-school programs, we're throwing all of that in the garbage, along with you, little-baby, because WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH, WE'RE PRO-LIFE, WE CARE ABOUT YOUUUUU, WE REALLY DOOOOO"...


Children grow up in a horrible environment without much support from society thanks to the right-wing, "pro-life" conservatives who "love" babies, and block underprivileged (poor) single mothers from having access to the resources they need to properly raise their children, increasing the chances of this:


Future home invader/armed robber/car jacker.

"Conservatives made sure that my mom didn't have the resources to raise me properly and she would feel sorry she gave birth to me, so you can imagine the lack of love and care, the sense of rejection I had to experience being raised by a single woman who didn't want me. I'm now pointing a gun at you, so get out of the car or I'll blow your head off..."



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The righteous Republican conservatives, champions of freedom and fetuses. They're "pro-life"? No, in reality, they're pro-death. They're correct about the "woke" liberal lunacy and its destructive agenda. Still, unfortunately, they also have their faults and crimes they have to confess to before they're taken seriously as "champions of freedom" and defenders of children.

Your contempt for the poor, your indifference to the reproductive rights of women (especially single, impoverished women), and their access to resources that help them raise healthy children don't place you in a good position to levy charges against liberals. You don't have much moral high ground to do that.
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Science has known for at least 30 years now that the reasoning part of the human brain does not fully develop until ages 21-25 (LINK, LINK, LINK). Even before neuroscience developed, society already recognized that minors are simply not qualified or equipped to make certain decisions on their own.

A 14-year-old girl or a 16-year-old boy, much less an 11-year-old girl or a 12-year-old boy, are in no position to decide whether to have their sexual organs permanently altered. We need to protect our children from being talked into getting such major irreversible surgery.

We don't let 15-year-old boys join the military. We don't let 13-year-old kids start smoking cigarettes. We don't let 12-year-old kids buy alcohol. We don't let 14-year-old girls get breast-enlargement surgery. We have these sensible, protective, and humane laws because we all know that those young people are not equipped or qualified to decide to do those things.

We also have very different legal punishments for minors who commit crimes compared to the punishments for adults who commit crimes, precisely because we recognize that a minor's decision-making ability is inferior and incomplete.

Transgender surgery is not "gender-affirming surgery"--it is gender-denying surgery. It ignores biological science and biological reality.

Lots of adolescents and teens go through a phase where they feel they identify more with the opposite gender. As late as the 1990s, girls who felt this way were commonly called "Tom boys." But in most cases, they eventually grew out of it as they matured and as the reasoning part of their brain completed its development. Those few who did not grow out of it were typically people who succumbed to the temptation of same-sex attraction and who chose to engage in homosexual conduct. However, a sizable percentage of people who identify as gay or lesbian for years eventually change their minds and revert to being heterosexual. Google "PFOX."

There should be a federal ban on transgender surgery for anyone under the age of 21. If a 21-year-old wants to get the surgery, that's up to them. I feel sorry for them, but that's their call. But, for heaven's sake, let's protect our children from being talked into getting their sexual organs permanently altered.


98% of trans vote dem. 92% of the queers vote dem.

Every trans and queer they make will be a lifelong dem voter.

reps v dems lobster - Copy.jpg
Why wouldn’t it?

You really think a child is going to say….I want to be a girl and that anyone will let him

It is not a decision that is made lightly. Parents consult with medical experts and other experts in the field.
The child must dress and act in the other sex for a period of time before any medications are given
Again, no surgery is performed at that time
A delusional parent consulting with a delusional medical expert does not change the fact that YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR SEX.

Only sick cultists think otherwise

98% of trans vote dem. 92% of the queers vote dem.

Every trans and queer they make will be a lifelong dem voter.

View attachment 918071

And the capitalists who are funding all of the trans crap, the emasculation of the working class, get more sales. Transsexuals make big pharma and other industries a lot of money, along with effeminate men and their female-like shopping habits. Money and power drive the LGBT lunacy.
I agree, the bright green-haired, "woke" liberals are out of their minds with all of the LGBT shit, and with the illegal immigration. You're right.

However, what you fail to recognize is that the Republican conservatives are out of their minds with hypocrisy when it comes to their sovereignty as American citizens and human beings living in a human society (you conservatives don't live in a vacuum or on a deserted Island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). Right-Wing conservatives and their childish tantrums, about government-enforced mask mandates that everyone had to comply with when they were in public venues (especially if those places were crowded with people), in the middle of a deadly nationwide pandemic.

Supposedly, the government doesn't have a right to use its heavy hand to force them to wear a mask on their bodies (their faces), yet these same "champions of personal sovereignty and freedom", these anti-government "patriot rebels", bend over backward and do whatever it takes, to force a woman to remain pregnant for nine months, even from the time she just had a zygote or embryo, IN HER BODY, using GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY (THE HEAVY HAND OF GOVERNMENT).

Do these Republican conservatives care if that pregnant single woman loses her job during her pregnancy and can't support herself, ending up in a dangerous, filthy homeless shelter or if she develops a life-threatening medical condition due to her pregnancy and needs Medicaid? No, they don't give a rats. They pretend to be the champions of freedom and fetuses. Yes indeed, the heroes of personal sovereignty and fetuses in other people's bodies. Once those embryos and undeveloped fetuses become fully developed, born and breathing human babies, these conservatives flip them the finger:

"I'm sorry baby, but your mother shouldn't have gotten pregnant with you in the first place, so we're going to defund all of the government programs that can help your mother raise you properly.

"We're blocking access to Medicaid for your mother, and cutting or making it impossible for her to get food stamps and housing assistance. She won't qualify for job training, since your mother was convicted at the age of 19 of having half an ounce of Marijuana in her pocket, not to speak of qualifying for federal government Pell Grants or FAFSA college tuition assistance or scholarships. We're also defunding child daycare programs that help your mom take care of you while she's at work, and eliminating school lunch programs and after-school programs, we're throwing all of that in the garbage, along with you, little-baby, because WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH, WE'RE PRO-LIFE, WE CARE ABOUT YOUUUUU, WE REALLY DOOOOO"...


Children grow up in a horrible environment without much support from society thanks to the right-wing, "pro-life" conservatives who "love" babies, and block underprivileged (poor) single mothers from having access to the resources they need to properly raise their children, increasing the chances of this:

View attachment 918058

Future home invader/armed robber/car jacker.

"Conservatives made sure that my mom didn't have the resources to raise me properly and she would feel sorry she gave birth to me, so you can imagine the lack of love and care, the sense of rejection I had to experience being raised by a single woman who didn't want me. I'm now pointing a gun at you, so get out of the car or I'll blow your head off..."

The righteous Republican conservatives, champions of freedom and fetuses. They're "pro-life"? No, in reality, they're pro-death. They're correct about the "woke" liberal lunacy and its destructive agenda. Still, unfortunately, they also have their faults and crimes they have to confess to before they're taken seriously as "champions of freedom" and defenders of children.

Your contempt for the poor, your indifference to the reproductive rights of women (especially single, impoverished women), and their access to resources that help them raise healthy children don't place you in a good position to levy charges against liberals. You don't have much moral high ground to do that.


The only reason you’re writing this?

You were allowed to be born.

The only reason you’re writing this?

You were allowed to be born.
Yes, my mother decided to remain pregnant for nine months, allowing the potential me to become a human baby and a member of society. No one should've forced her to remain pregnant for nine months by the heavy hand of the government. However, if the government is going to force women to remain pregnant, even from early pregnancy, then it has to provide the infrastructure to assist those women to raise their children, or the result will be more expensive, financially and otherwise. You're not being "pro-life" when you do that.
Yes, my mother decided to remain pregnant for nine months, allowing the potential me to become a human baby and a member of society. No one should've forced her to remain pregnant for nine months by the heavy hand of the government. However, if the government is going to force women to remain pregnant, even from early pregnancy, then it has to provide the infrastructure to assist those women to raise their children, or the result will be more expensive, financially and otherwise. You're not being "pro-life" when you do that.

Nope, unless raped, nobody forced pregnancy upon her. So your premise is false from the get go.
Yes, my mother decided to remain pregnant for nine months, allowing the potential me to become a human baby and a member of society. No one should've forced her to remain pregnant for nine months by the heavy hand of the government. However, if the government is going to force women to remain pregnant, even from early pregnancy, then it has to provide the infrastructure to assist those women to raise their children, or the result will be more expensive, financially and otherwise. You're not being "pro-life" when you do that.
Arent you disappointed that she decided to let you live?
Nope, unless raped, nobody forced pregnancy upon her. So your premise is false from the get go.
You're wrong, it doesn't matter if she was raped or not. Sex is a human need and function, like the need for air, water, food, shelter..etc. It's inhumane and unrealistic, especially in a society like ours that is highly sexualized, to expect women to behave like celibate nuns or the Virgin Mary.

Men and women are going to have premarital sex and if society expects women to remain pregnant for nine months, bearing all of the expense and risks that come with it, then it must assist those women, it is forcing to remain pregnant. If you are legally, through the authority of government, stripping women of their reproductive rights, once they're pregnant with a zygote, embryo or fetus, then you have to make sure that woman is properly provisioned. To do otherwise is morally reprehensible and actually undermines life by undermining the woman's survival by depriving her of access to the resources she needs to be healthy and raise her child once it is born.

You are creating social unrest and problems, by increasing the number of people in society that are psychologically and emotionally scared and prone to violence, drug-use..etc. You're not being "pro-life" by forcing women to remain pregnant for nine months when they don't want to. You're not being "pro-life".
God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Because they refuse to recognize His sovereignty, He set them "free" to choose for themselves "right and wrong"
God NEVER sets kids free to choose - NOT EVER! A child/minor cannot give consent.

God says for parents to raise the kids up in the way that should go according to His Word and when they get older they shall not depart from God's teachings.

Teach kids that all manner of homosexual/lesbianism is an abomination.

God says the parents must teach the kids his ways, his ordinances his statues, and his commandments of righteousness.
God NEVER sets kids free to choose - NOT EVER! A child/minor cannot give consent.

God says for parents to raise the kids up in the way that should go according to His Word and when they get older they shall not depart from God's teachings.

Teach kids that all manner of homosexual/lesbianism is an abomination.

God says the parents must teach the kids his ways, his ordinances his statues, and his commandments of righteousness.
How did you get the spokesperson's job for Allah?
Arent you disappointed that she decided to let you live?
Not at all, but it was her decision, not mine, or anyone else's. From a cosmological, existential perspective, If there's no God, I will exist anyway, because apparently, the cosmos can actualize me from a mere potential to an actual human being. I prove that by my very existence. And if there is a God, then that God can find another woman to be my mother. He can "breathe" my soul into another uterus. So either way, I am going to exist in one form or another. So your point is moot.

Women should have sovereignty over their uteruses, and their bodies in general, and when there's a zygote, embryo, or undeveloped fetus attached to their bodies, they're the ones who are the human beings with rights, not the embryos that are attached to them. Women should have the right to decline to grant that potential human being, the means to actualize itself into another human being, especially when she will be the one raising that new human being.

If society is full of right-wing conservatives who don't care about how babies are raised in their society, then that's more a reason to recognize the woman's right and sovereignty over her reproductive system and body. To do otherwise only increases poverty, substance abuse, and violent crime in society, which undermines life. So you're not being pro-life when you force women to remain pregnant for nine months when they don't want to be pregnant.
You're wrong, it doesn't matter if she was raped or not. Sex is a human need and function, like the need for air, water, food, shelter..etc. It's inhumane and unrealistic, especially in a society like ours that is highly sexualized, to expect women to behave like celibate nuns or the Virgin Mary.

Men and women are going to have premarital sex and if society expects women to remain pregnant for nine months, bearing all of the expense and risks that come with it, then it must assist those women, it is forcing to remain pregnant. If you are legally, through the authority of government, stripping women of their reproductive rights, once they're pregnant with a zygote, embryo or fetus, then you have to make sure that woman is properly provisioned. To do otherwise is morally reprehensible and actually undermines life by undermining the woman's survival by depriving her of access to the resources she needs to be healthy and raise her child once it is born.

You are creating social unrest and problems, by increasing the number of people in society that are psychologically and emotionally scared and prone to violence, drug-use..etc. You're not being "pro-life" by forcing women to remain pregnant for nine months when they don't want to. You're not being "pro-life".
You don’t die if you don’t have sex Junior. Another false narrative by another cultist.

Unless raped, no one had ever had pregnancy forced on them.

I know, life’s rough, get one.
God NEVER sets kids free to choose - NOT EVER! A child/minor cannot give consent
I'm talking about liberals and the culture they create, who have rejected God. And yes, there are consequences for that -- even for children.

And yes, "kids" choose whether to obey God and not too.

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