Why Do Democrats Really Want Everyone To Be Vaccinated? Why Is The Harris Administration Behind Vaccine I.Ds?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Something is going on with these vaccines that the globalists don't want us to know. I've been hearing about bad reactions....blood-clotting and other side-effects that make the cure nearly as bad as the disease. I think it has something even worse......something to do with genetic research:

"Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:​
The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.​
This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course."​
Well, that is an easy question. It is only because, they want the American people to know, they are doing something. Even though, it isn't what they are doing. Meaning, if the American people have any confidence, they will know that the Democrats are "behind them all the way". Even though, their ideology is far different from their actions.
So let me get this straight, last year you are all hailing Trump as a hero for the vaccines created to kill off the virus threat, now you are claiming that the vaccines are being used as a weapon to make the Trump supporters the victims of a heinous crime?
Why are Conservatives such assholes about masks and vaccines?
Something is going on with these vaccines that the globalists don't want us to know. I've been hearing about bad reactions....blood-clotting and other side-effects that make the cure nearly as bad as the disease. I think it has something even worse......something to do with genetic research:

"Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:​
The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.​
This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course."​
Nothing like creeping paranoia unless it is galloping paranoia.
I think the administration is in favor of vaccination to immediately add more protection to the citizens and move the nation closer to herd immunity. It has not been that long since the trumper minority in the electorate was in favor of achieving herd immunity, though they wanted it naturally instead of artificially by vaccination, though natural accumulation would take much longer and naturally entail more death, disease and all the other problems we have seen with the ongoing pandemic. Not sure why they changed. Not sure they are very community minded, if it involves them actually doing something themselves. Maybe they are afraid and do not want the normal people to look down on them. They seem to disdain minorities, but are rapidly moving themselves solidly in a minority position. I am over 65. Most, my age and older have had at least first dose, if not like PJ and I, having had both doses. Could be an age thing. People our age have a history of supporting the common good of the country and looking out for ourselves.
Something is going on with these vaccines that the globalists don't want us to know. I've been hearing about bad reactions....blood-clotting and other side-effects that make the cure nearly as bad as the disease. I think it has something even worse......something to do with genetic research:

"Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:​
The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.​
This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course."​
Nothing like creeping paranoia unless it is galloping paranoia.
I think the administration is in favor of vaccination to immediately add more protection to the citizens and move the nation closer to herd immunity. It has not been that long since the trumper minority in the electorate was in favor of achieving herd immunity, though they wanted it naturally instead of artificially by vaccination, though natural accumulation would take much longer and naturally entail more death, disease and all the other problems we have seen with the ongoing pandemic. Not sure why they changed. Not sure they are very community minded, if it involves them actually doing something themselves. Maybe they are afraid and do not want the normal people to look down on them. They seem to disdain minorities, but are rapidly moving themselves solidly in a minority position. I am over 65. Most, my age and older have had at least first dose, if not like PJ and I, having had both doses. Could be an age thing. People our age have a history of supporting the common good of the country and looking out for ourselves.
I'm 64.....and I learned from over 3 decades of military/government service that you can't trust the federal government anymore (assuming they could ever be trusted). Especially when they're pulling CIA planned false-flag operations in our government buildings. I lived and worked with the type of operators that carry out these missions. I wouldn't trust them for shit. It's why I never considered going into the CIA.

Oh, and making the military political is the biggest mistake we can make. It's why we keep making the same mistakes over and over again throughout history.

One thing for sure....when a politician is in a position where they cannot be punished for their criminal activities....you need really start to worry about your family and your communities.
Something is going on with these vaccines that the globalists don't want us to know. I've been hearing about bad reactions....blood-clotting and other side-effects that make the cure nearly as bad as the disease. I think it has something even worse......something to do with genetic research:

"Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:​
The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.​
This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course."​
Nothing like creeping paranoia unless it is galloping paranoia.
I think the administration is in favor of vaccination to immediately add more protection to the citizens and move the nation closer to herd immunity. It has not been that long since the trumper minority in the electorate was in favor of achieving herd immunity, though they wanted it naturally instead of artificially by vaccination, though natural accumulation would take much longer and naturally entail more death, disease and all the other problems we have seen with the ongoing pandemic. Not sure why they changed. Not sure they are very community minded, if it involves them actually doing something themselves. Maybe they are afraid and do not want the normal people to look down on them. They seem to disdain minorities, but are rapidly moving themselves solidly in a minority position. I am over 65. Most, my age and older have had at least first dose, if not like PJ and I, having had both doses. Could be an age thing. People our age have a history of supporting the common good of the country and looking out for ourselves.
I'm 64.....and I learned from over 3 decades of military/government service that you can't trust the federal government anymore (assuming they could ever be trusted). Especially when they're pulling CIA planned false-flag operations in our government buildings. I lived and worked with the type of operators that carry out these missions. I wouldn't trust them for shit. It's why I never considered going into the CIA.

Oh, and making the military political is the biggest mistake we can make. It's why we keep making the same mistakes over and over again throughout history.

One thing for sure....when a politician is in a position where they cannot be punished for their criminal activities....you need really start to worry about your family and your communities.
Worked with them also and you are correct. The only people I know that will lie to you just to stay in practice of trade craft. That said. I don't think covid pandemic or combating it is a false flag operation. I am going with the flow on this one, as I do not see a downside.

The MSM has everything to do with that. They lie constantly on a hourly basis. And yet, the folks on the left buys into their crap. Because, it's all they really have. And it's all they depend their lives on.
They have lied to us so much that nothing we put out matters to their followers....brainwashed the lot of them.

It's all depends on who's telling the lies to them now.
A known Republican is assumed to be a liar, even though they may be telling the absolute truth...whereas a Democrat is assumed to be honest even though they are almost always lying.
Something is going on with these vaccines that the globalists don't want us to know. I've been hearing about bad reactions....blood-clotting and other side-effects that make the cure nearly as bad as the disease. I think it has something even worse......something to do with genetic research:

"Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:​
The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.​
This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course."​

Government health care

1. Has pushed up the price
2. Has resulted in prescription pills with opium
3. Has done nothing but lie about covid
4. Has used covid as cover for murder
5. Now wants us to have NAZI style SS papers saying we got the shot

Government in health care has been a disaster.
Something is going on with these vaccines that the globalists don't want us to know. I've been hearing about bad reactions....blood-clotting and other side-effects that make the cure nearly as bad as the disease. I think it has something even worse......something to do with genetic research:

"Suffice it to say, the federal bureaucracy has been less than forthcoming regarding its role in the creation of vaccine passports. In late 2020 and early 2021, when the concept of looming vaccine passports first began to enter the public consciousness, insiders in the Trump administration assured the public that the U.S. government would not be involved in their creation:​
The United States will not participate [in the coordinated global effort to create vaccine passports], in part because the White House does not want to work with the WHO, which President Trump has criticized over what he characterized as its "China-centric" response to the pandemic.​
This means one of three things: a) the federal government officials who spoke to the media were lying or ignorant to the true nature of federal involvement in the creation of vaccine passports, b) the policy orientation changed from administration to administration, or c) opportunistic government bureaucracies sensed the benefits of these types of documents for social control and changed course."​
Makes you wonder why your blob wanted scientists to make a vaccine against a hoax.

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