Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Where are all their initiatives to help struggling black families?
President Trump has already addressed that, snowflake. He eliminated all of Barack Insane Obama's illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders. He approved both the Dakota and Keystone Pipelines. He negotiated improved trade deals. He even paid off $68 billion of the national debt already. Most of all - he's handed power back to the states where it belongs.

Nothing helps struggling families like liberty. Which is why you so vehemently oppose liberty. You and your party prefer to keep black people in poverty - where you believe they "belong".
Republicans have controlled Congress for seven years and all three branches of government since January

Where are all their initiatives to help struggling black families?
Where are all the jobs they promised?
Where is the trickle down?

Its happening. Do you ever look at the stock market? the unemployment stats? the number of corporations investing and expanding in the USA? companies moving to the USA?

but I understand, the dems idea or perpetual welfare is the only solution to black poverty.

Its only been 5 months. With Bush and Obama we had 16 years of nothing positive. It takes a while to turn that mess around.
A capital gains tax preference doesn't solve simple poverty either; why not abolish it.
Interesting spin; when it is the right wing that has, nothing but repeal.
What is the right-wing repealing? Oh yeah...just things that the federal government has absolutely no constitutional powers over.

Just a suggestion - you might want to actually think before posting in the future.
Where are all their initiatives to help struggling black families?
President Trump has already addressed that, snowflake. He eliminated all of Barack Insane Obama's illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders. He approved both the Dakota and Keystone Pipelines. He negotiated improved trade deals. He even paid off $68 billion of the national debt already. Most of all - he's handed power back to the states where it belongs.

Nothing helps struggling families like liberty. Which is why you so vehemently oppose liberty. You and your party prefer to keep black people in poverty - where you believe they "belong".

This is a stupid post. Trumps done nothing for blacks and he won't. It's funny the race baiting going on by republicans. Nothing mentioned in the post addresses what struggling black families need. Liberty? Does this fool really understand the concept or is he just a mindless ninny repeating right wing anti Obama talking points? Democrats are for a living wage. Republicans oppose any increase in wages. If there is anything that's going to take people out of poverty, it would be making wages that are above poverty level. So then how can a republican make the comments made here when it is the democrats wanting a national; wage of 15 dollars per hour while republicans say no the government should not be determining the minimum wage?
If there is anything that's going to take people out of poverty, it would be making wages that are above poverty level.
Every wage is "above poverty", stupid. Minimum wage is an entry level wage for 16 year old kids getting the first experience at holding a job while still living at home with their parents.

It is not designed for a 40 year old man to raise a family on. If you're full grown adult and you're trying to raise a family on minimum wage - the problem is not the government regulations. The problem is you.

Furthermore - minimum wage is what you get hired at. Unless you're an asshole, it's not where you remain. Every single year you get an annual review and a raise unless you're an asshole who isn't reliable. In which case, once again, you are the problem - not government regulations.
So then how can a republican make the comments made here when it is the democrats wanting a national; wage of 15 dollars per hour while republicans say no the government should not be determining the minimum wage?
Because unlike you Dumbocrats, Republicans understand basic economics. A $15 an hour minimum wage puts everyone out of work. It is unsustainable. California and Oregon have tried and restaurants and stores are closing their doors at alarming rates because of it (just as Republicans warned would happen).

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

Thanks To The Fight For $15 Minimum Wage, Small Businesses Close And Employees Are Laid Off

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches - Shift Washington

Nobody knows how to take low wage jobs and turn them into no wage jobs like Dumbocrats.
If there is anything that's going to take people out of poverty, it would be making wages that are above poverty level.
Every wage is "above poverty", stupid. Minimum wage is an entry level wage for 16 year old kids getting the first experience at holding a job while still living at home with their parents.

It is not designed for a 40 year old man to raise a family on. If you're full grown adult and you're trying to raise a family on minimum wage - the problem is not the government regulations. The problem is you.

Furthermore - minimum wage is what you get hired at. Unless you're an asshole, it's not where you remain. Every single year you get an annual review and a raise unless you're an asshole who isn't reliable. In which case, once again, you are the problem - not government regulations.

Another stupid post. When it has been determined that you need 15 dollars an hour to raise a family and afford housing, paying a grown person 9 bucks an hour claiming you are not paying minimum wage doesn't cut the mustard.
Democrats are for a living wage. Republicans oppose any increase in wages. If there is anything that's going to take people out of poverty, it would be making wages that are above poverty level. So then how can a republican make the comments made here when it is the democrats wanting a national; wage of 15 dollars per hour while republicans say no the government should not be determining the minimum wage?
Here is a basic lesson in business and economics for you, son:

Businesses do not eat cost. Like all left-wing nitwits, you think they will be stuck with the bill when you increase minimum wage. But that's not how it works. The business will do one of three things: raise prices, cut hours, eliminate the position.

Most businesses raise their prices. That happens through out society with a minimum wage increase. Which means, the minimum wage worker who just got a pay raise is no further ahead (duh!). They have more money, but everything costs more. Gas costs more. Fast food costs more. Socks costs more. And while the minimum wage worker is no further ahead, the rest of society (which didn't get a pay increase) is now even further behind.

A few businesses that simply can't raise their prices due to their product and/or competition will simply cut hours. What good is a pay increase if you're making the exact same salary because your company cut your hours to offset the new labor costs? And again...all prices throughout society have now gone up. Which means that the minimum wage worker is much further behind now. Great job, Dumbocrats!

Third and finally, the business will eliminate labor altogether. They will cut as many jobs as they can, or cut them all and automate. Now, the minimum wage worker is really screwed. No job at all - and everything costs more than ever.

Basic economics and basic business, kid. Learn it before discussing it.
When it has been determined that you need 15 dollars an hour to raise a family and afford housing
Exactly! When has that been determined? And yet the Dumbocrats keep calling for a $15 an hour minimum wage. Just an arbitrary number from the idiots on the left - without any research or knowledge (as usual).
paying a grown person 9 bucks an hour claiming you are not paying minimum wage doesn't cut the mustard.
Sure it does, snowflake. Both the employer and the employee agreed to the wage. That's the beauty of the free market. There is no coercion. It's all by free will.
So then how can a republican make the comments made here when it is the democrats wanting a national; wage of 15 dollars per hour while republicans say no the government should not be determining the minimum wage?
Because unlike you Dumbocrats, Republicans understand basic economics. A $15 an hour minimum wage puts everyone out of work. It is unsustainable. California and Oregon have tried and restaurants and stores are closing their doors at alarming rates because of it (just as Republicans warned would happen).

Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart

Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

Thanks To The Fight For $15 Minimum Wage, Small Businesses Close And Employees Are Laid Off

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches - Shift Washington

Nobody knows how to take low wage jobs and turn them into no wage jobs like Dumbocrats.

You republicans understand the economy so well that you caused it to crash

If you had ever run a business, then you understand that for the minimum wage tp be required, you must make a certain amount of money. .

The main federal law that sets the minimum wage is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), found at 29 U.S.C. sections 201, and following. Although the FLSA covers most employers, some employers and employees are not covered.

Generally, your business must abide by the FLSA if you have $500,000 or more in annual sales or if your employees work in what Congress calls "interstate commerce" -- that is, if they do business between states.

That amount can be raised to meet the 15 dollar per hour minimum. The business owner can decide to take home less of the profits also. Wal Mart has no reason to not pay 15 dollars per hour. Try understanding how wage laws work before you start off on another dumb ass republican taking point filled rant.
When it has been determined that you need 15 dollars an hour to raise a family and afford housing
Exactly! When has that been determined? And yet the Dumbocrats keep calling for a $15 an hour minimum wage. Just an arbitrary number from the idiots on the left - without any research or knowledge (as usual).


What we need to get by:
A basic standard of living costs $48,778, and nearly a third of families fall short

Report • By James Lin and Jared Bernstein • October 29, 2008

The key findings of this report, which updates an earlier EPI study calculating family budgets (Allegretto 2005), include the following:

  • On average nationwide, working families with two parents and two children require an income of $48,778 to meet the family budget. In major urban areas, expenses for this four-person family range from $42,106 in Oklahoma City to $71,913 in Nassau/Suffolk, N.Y.; families in small towns and rural areas start from a low of $35,733 in Marshall County, Miss. to $73,345 in Nantucket and Dukes Counties, Mass.

What we need to get by: A basic standard of living costs $48,778, and nearly a third of families fall short

It's kinda important to know what you are talking about when you post.
paying a grown person 9 bucks an hour claiming you are not paying minimum wage doesn't cut the mustard.
Sure it does, snowflake. Both the employer and the employee agreed to the wage. That's the beauty of the free market. There is no coercion. It's all by free will.

There is no free market dimwit. And no the person doesn't agree to the wage, they accept the wage if they want a job.

This is why you republicans crashed the economy, you don't know shit about economics.
Democrats are for a living wage. Republicans oppose any increase in wages. If there is anything that's going to take people out of poverty, it would be making wages that are above poverty level. So then how can a republican make the comments made here when it is the democrats wanting a national; wage of 15 dollars per hour while republicans say no the government should not be determining the minimum wage?
Here is a basic lesson in business and economics for you, son:

Businesses do not eat cost. Like all left-wing nitwits, you think they will be stuck with the bill when you increase minimum wage. But that's not how it works. The business will do one of three things: raise prices, cut hours, eliminate the position.

Most businesses raise their prices. That happens through out society with a minimum wage increase. Which means, the minimum wage worker who just got a pay raise is no further ahead (duh!). They have more money, but everything costs more. Gas costs more. Fast food costs more. Socks costs more. And while the minimum wage worker is no further ahead, the rest of society (which didn't get a pay increase) is now even further behind.

A few businesses that simply can't raise their prices due to their product and/or competition will simply cut hours. What good is a pay increase if you're making the exact same salary because your company cut your hours to offset the new labor costs? And again...all prices throughout society have now gone up. Which means that the minimum wage worker is much further behind now. Great job, Dumbocrats!

Third and finally, the business will eliminate labor altogether. They will cut as many jobs as they can, or cut them all and automate. Now, the minimum wage worker is really screwed. No job at all - and everything costs more than ever.

Basic economics and basic business, kid. Learn it before discussing it.

Spare me your economics lesson dumb ass. I have run a business, I know that I can pay my employees more and take less of the profit home or I can pay my employees very little and take more profit home for myself. .I don't necessarily have to raise my process.
A basic standard of living costs $48,778, and nearly a third of families fall short
And whose fault is that? The adults in that family who are trying to raise a family without having the means to do so, and the Dumbocrats who keep enacting policies which are killing jobs.
Try understanding how wage laws work before you start off on another dumb ass republican taking point filled rant.
How dumb fuck - I know all about the labor laws. I was explaining to you why they don't work. You're too stupid to even follow along and then reply with something that makes sense. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat.
You republicans understand the economy so well that you caused it to crash
It was the Dumbocrats who crashed the economy, you uninformed buffoon. I've got $100 right here and now that says you've never heard of the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act.

Thanks for playing, junior.

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