Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?

Trump was president but he never got security clearance. He was the exception to having proper clearance because he was president.
Presidents are not granted clearance, not the way we might be. The Office of the President has clearance, and the occupant acts on behalf of the Office. Once you are no longer the serving President, you have no clearance.
Because the whole point of the National Archives is to make documents accessible to the public, and they typically only accept about 3% of the documents, and destroy the rest.
So no one wants that to happen to anything important.
Nothing classified could be given to NARA.
Again, Trump isn't the decider of what is archived after he leaves office...

He simply took documents which didn't belong to him, was politely asked to be returned, after a year he returned some of them.
He was told he had more documents, four months later his lawyers said that he returned everything.
Two Months later the FBI went in with a search warrant in plain clothes during business hours (so not to embarrass the former President) and retrieved their documents.
Trump then made the search warrant public, FBI were saying nothing. They got there documents back.
Rumour is that the FBI gave Trump the chance to keep this quite...
/----/ "Trump took the documents because he thought they might be valuable to Vladimir, the guy who owns him."
It's funny how wild-eyed ridiculous accusations pass for the truth on the Left, but Republicans must provide a dozen references that the Left approves of, and they are still rejected out of hand with a LOL, what-about-isms and fake news.
surada said this morning
Trump ignored all the chain of custody security systems his whole presidency. He took documents and tore some into little pieces.
Well he did.
There is nothing "wild-eyed" or "ridiculous" about that fact.
Pretty much EVERYBODY in Trump's inner circle said the same thing.
Many of them are on the record, quoted in several books saying the same thing.
Well he did.
There is nothing "wild-eyed" or "ridiculous" about that fact.
Pretty much EVERYBODY in Trump's inner circle said the same thing.
Many of them are on the record, quoted in several books saying the same thing.
/----/ They were talking about Banana Republic Joe sending secrets to Xi in China. And pretty much everyone in BR Joe's inner circle knows it.
OK. So YOU explain why he took those docs...
/----/ I'm not a mind reader, but I imagine for the same reason every president takes documents when they leave office. It's only bad when a Republican does it who can be the nominee in 2024.
/----/ I'm not a mind reader, but I imagine for the same reason every president takes documents when they leave office. It's only bad when a Republican does it who can be the nominee in 2024.
Every POTUS does not steal classified docs when they leave.
That's a pathetically weak derense.
Can't you do better?
/----/ I'm not a mind reader, but I imagine for the same reason every president takes documents when they leave office. It's only bad when a Republican does it who can be the nominee in 2024.
Other Presidents DON’T take nuclear secrets to their homes when they leave office.

Nixon tried to take “the tapes” and got smacked down
Again, Trump isn't the decider of what is archived after he leaves office...

He simply took documents which didn't belong to him, was politely asked to be returned, after a year he returned some of them.
He was told he had more documents, four months later his lawyers said that he returned everything.
Two Months later the FBI went in with a search warrant in plain clothes during business hours (so not to embarrass the former President) and retrieved their documents.
Trump then made the search warrant public, FBI were saying nothing. They got there documents back.
Rumour is that the FBI gave Trump the chance to keep this quite...

It could have been kept quiet, but Trump announced it. He's playing trauma victim.

Well he did.
There is nothing "wild-eyed" or "ridiculous" about that fact.
Pretty much EVERYBODY in Trump's inner circle said the same thing.
Many of them are on the record, quoted in several books saying the same thing.

Why Did Trump Take The Presidential Documents When He Left Office?
Why didn't Trump return the documents to NARA when they asked for them in Feb. 2021?
And if he declassed documents, why didn't he stamp them declassified?
None of this makes any sense.
Having Top Secret Documents and Top Secret - Compartmentalize documents in your home is dangerous. This is the kind of stuff people kill to get.
Lastly, why would Trump destroy some of these documents and leave the pieces of them in boxes to be found?
It truly amazes me how the left claim they are the tolerant ones and that we should embrace individuals being "different" than others and yet the left continually go after Trump just because he is different than the average politician, the reason he was elected in 2016. The left have never allowed Trump to be different and have never accepted him for his individuality.
It truly amazes me how the left claim they are the tolerant ones and that we should embrace individuals being "different" than others and yet the left continually go after Trump just because he is different than the average politician, the reason he was elected in 2016. The left have never allowed Trump to be different and have never accepted him for his individuality.

Taking the documents to Florida was very stupid.
I think you are partial current. It appears that Trump moved just about every piece of paper in the West WIng to Mar-a-Lago where his staff could sift through all documents, destroying those that indicated illegal activity or might prove to be politically damaging. The only problem is that this is illegal. Essentially all of those documents are goverment property. The president is the custodial of the presidential documents, not the owner. And custodianship transfers to the National Achieves when the president leaves the White House. Classified documents can not be legally held by an ex-president nor any government property.

Generally in weeks preceding the transfer of power, the President and his staff are preparing for the transfer of power. The president's staff separates personal documents and other items that belong to the president from government property. A listing is made of all property removed. Very little actually belongs to the president because almost all documents received and generated are government property. Previous presidents had very few boxes of documents removed. It appears that Donald Trump remove over hundred boxes from West Wing.
It truly amazes me how the left claim they are the tolerant ones and that we should embrace individuals being "different" than others and yet the left continually go after Trump just because he is different than the average politician, the reason he was elected in 2016. The left have never allowed Trump to be different and have never accepted him for his individuality.
We have had a lot of presidents who have expressed their individuality and the opposition has generally tolerated it. However, when that individuality stretches to violation of federal law, regulations, and procedures it is incumbent on the opposition to oppose that behavior. There is a right way and wrong way to make changes. Unfortunately, Donald Trump never seem to consider that, which is one of the ways he endears himself to his followers.

I believe the opposition is most concerned with Trump's attempt to patronize the most extreme right wing elements in the country such as those that attacked the capital and who he considers patriots.
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but keeping these documents out of the hands of xiden he was protecting our national security
The president is allowed to dispose of records that no longer have administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary value, once the views of the Archivist of the United States on the proposed disposal have been obtained in writing. Thus anything the president does that is illegal is certainly not going to be recorded.

Once presidential records are transferred to the National Achieves, the Archivist, which is actually a committee of government historians, make a decision as to what records are of historical value. This is typical about 3% of the records. The remainder are held for a period and then destroyed. Generally this process will take several years due to the volume of records generated by an administration.
None. Mara Lago is completely porous. Guests and visitors, cooks, waiters, housekeepers, janitors and landscapers etc. Of course they also have deliveries and service people.
The Secret Service commented on the poor security at Mar A Lago. I think this is because of it's size 62,000 sq. feet, the number guests, many of which are foreign nationals.

That is just the left's opinion. They've never been able to turn it into reality and even this time around both Cheney and the DOJ have pretty much said that none of this would probably rise to the level of either jail time or stopping Trump from running for office. In other words, just another political abuse of power sham to stop Trump from running or hurt him enough so he doesn't win.
We have had a lot of presidents who have expressed their individuality and the opposition has generally tolerated it. However, when that individuality stretches to violation of federal law, regulations, and procedures it is incumbent on the opposition to oppose that behavior. There is a right way and wrong way to make changes. Unfortunately, Donald Trump never seem to consider that, which is one of the ways he endears himself to his followers.

I believe the opposition is most concerned with Trump's attempt to patronize the most extreme right wing elements in the country such as those that attacked the capital and who he considers patriots.
Make no mistake about it, Trump is different. He's not politically correct. Doesn't want to be. That's how he won in 2016 and the left have never been able to accept that.

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