Why did the Oscars ignore Black people?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Notice how the "woke" crowd ignored Black people at the Oscars?. One person of note that was ignored, was Larry Elder for his documentary called "Uncle Tom"

CENSORED: Larry Elder’s “Uncle Tom” film | Sharyl Attkisson

Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder says his 2020 film, "Uncle Tom: An oral history of the American black conservative," has proven popular but is being ignored by critics.

Elder says the film he executive produced is being ignored even though it achieved an International Movie Database (IMDb) viewer rating higher than others on the list.

Larry Elder
In fact, Elder collected the data and found his film, "Uncle Tom," has a higher IMDb rating than any other last 10 winners of the Academy Award award for Best Documentary.

Elder says his $500,000 film has grossed earnings more than seven times that.

The snub cannot be attributed to lack of viewer interest-- if the number of IMDb viewers reviews has any relationship to number of people who have viewed a film or at least to the number of people who view a film and wanted to post a review. By far, the film with the most reader reviews on any of these lists is NetFlix's "Social Dilemma," with 58,000 viewer reviews . But it is an outlier. The next highest number is over 6,000. The lowest is only 56. The average number of viewer reviews, excluding the outlier, is around 1200. "Uncle Tom" has over 4,000 viewer reviews, far more than almost any on these lists.
Larry Elder, Executive Producer of "Uncle Tom"
Elder says, "We think we've met the criteria to submit 'Uncle Tom' to be considered for nomination for an Academy Award for Best Documentary. But despite my film's commercial and overwhelmingly positive critical viewer response, major movie/Hollywood media--'Variety,' 'Hollywood Reporter,' 'Indie Wire,' etc.--are completely ignoring it."

"Uncle Tom" Plot summary:

In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America's most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a unique look at being black in America. Featuring media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber, the film explores their personal journeys of navigating the world as one of America's most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative. In this eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group. Written by Ryder Ansell

Larry proves that black is beautiful!
Notice how the "woke" crowd ignored Black people at the Oscars?. One person of note that was ignored, was Larry Elder for his documentary called "Uncle Tom"

CENSORED: Larry Elder’s “Uncle Tom” film | Sharyl Attkisson

Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder says his 2020 film, "Uncle Tom: An oral history of the American black conservative," has proven popular but is being ignored by critics.

Elder says the film he executive produced is being ignored even though it achieved an International Movie Database (IMDb) viewer rating higher than others on the list.

Larry Elder
In fact, Elder collected the data and found his film, "Uncle Tom," has a higher IMDb rating than any other last 10 winners of the Academy Award award for Best Documentary.

Elder says his $500,000 film has grossed earnings more than seven times that.

The snub cannot be attributed to lack of viewer interest-- if the number of IMDb viewers reviews has any relationship to number of people who have viewed a film or at least to the number of people who view a film and wanted to post a review. By far, the film with the most reader reviews on any of these lists is NetFlix's "Social Dilemma," with 58,000 viewer reviews . But it is an outlier. The next highest number is over 6,000. The lowest is only 56. The average number of viewer reviews, excluding the outlier, is around 1200. "Uncle Tom" has over 4,000 viewer reviews, far more than almost any on these lists.
Larry Elder, Executive Producer of "Uncle Tom"
Elder says, "We think we've met the criteria to submit 'Uncle Tom' to be considered for nomination for an Academy Award for Best Documentary. But despite my film's commercial and overwhelmingly positive critical viewer response, major movie/Hollywood media--'Variety,' 'Hollywood Reporter,' 'Indie Wire,' etc.--are completely ignoring it."

"Uncle Tom" Plot summary:

In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America's most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a unique look at being black in America. Featuring media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber, the film explores their personal journeys of navigating the world as one of America's most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative. In this eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group. Written by Ryder Ansell

Larry proves that black is beautiful!
Larry is the wrong kind of black for Hollywood.
They did not ignore blacks, they ignored conservatives like they do every year. SUPRISE!
Is there anything intentional humorous about conservatives? No.
Is there anything uplifting about conservatives? No.
Is there anything inspiring about conservatives? No.

Can't imagine why they don't make movies about you guys.

One of my favorite songs is Fernando by ABBA. "I still remember that fateful night we crossed the Rio Grande...." They leave off the part where they were apprehended and stuffed into small cages as a "deterrent."

Conservatives simply suck. Their minds are small, they're suspicious, needlessly violent and combative. And they are like that only because they want to be like that.
They kicked out the homeless so the precious elites wouldn't have to see them as they arrived.

They did not ignore blacks, they ignored conservatives like they do every year. SUPRISE!
Is there anything intentional humorous about conservatives? No.
Is there anything uplifting about conservatives? No.
Is there anything inspiring about conservatives? No.

Can't imagine why they don't make movies about you guys.

One of my favorite songs is Fernando by ABBA. "I still remember that fateful night we crossed the Rio Grande...." They leave off the part where they were apprehended and stuffed into small cages as a "deterrent."

Conservatives simply suck. Their minds are small, they're suspicious, needlessly violent and combative. And they are like that only because they want to be like that.
Yup, that is the kind of 2 dimensional moronic thinking that comes from being a partisan hack. Thinking the other side is a monolithic example of anything is asinine, particularly when that monolithic example is nothing more than a stream of everything you think is bad.
They did not ignore blacks, they ignored conservatives like they do every year. SUPRISE!
Is there anything intentional humorous about conservatives? No.
Is there anything uplifting about conservatives? No.
Is there anything inspiring about conservatives? No.

Can't imagine why they don't make movies about you guys.

One of my favorite songs is Fernando by ABBA. "I still remember that fateful night we crossed the Rio Grande...." They leave off the part where they were apprehended and stuffed into small cages as a "deterrent."

Conservatives simply suck. Their minds are small, they're suspicious, needlessly violent and combative. And they are like that only because they want to be like that.
Yup, that is the kind of 2 dimensional moronic thinking that comes from being a partisan hack. Thinking the other side is a monolithic example of anything is asinine, particularly when that monolithic example is nothing more than a stream of everything you think is bad.

Sure...tell us about the inspiring message of conservatives who, if you go by this board, want to gun down people crossing the Rio Grande. You think that would sell a lot of tickets?

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