Why democrats are the lesser of two evils


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Look, I'm no democrat. They are pussies and are certainly not above partisan politics. They sometimes lie and distort the truth. I'm no fan of Nancy I'll tell you that. They certainly dragged their feet when they had full control prior to the Nov 2010 election.

However, there is good reason to like them a hell of a lot more than republicans.


When 8 million people lost their jobs against their will from the Great Recession, it was democrats that realized the importance of extending unemployment benefits. The Great Recession needed a government solution and democrats were mature enough to realize that. Republicans did not. They said basically said "fuck those people. Let's cut taxes for the corporations because it's the CEOs who are the true victims derp, derp, derp."

Oh and guess what? Extending unemployment benefits helps the economy. It creates jobs. Why? Because millions of people who would otherwise not be spending money were spending money. Consumer spending spiked significantly therefoe businesses did better so they created more jobs and laid off less people. Simple economics. 19,000 jobs per billion dollar in benefits to be exact.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

They also support raising the mininum wage. If it was raised to 10.10 an hour, it would lift 16.5 million people out of poverty. The price increase would be very slight. Only 500,000 jobs would be lost and the economy would eventually regain all of those jobs and more from the increase in consumer spending. Shocking i know!

Oh and let's not forget the stimulus saved us from another Great Depression because of the close to 3 million jobs that were created during that terrifying free fall of the Great Recession.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly


This study from PolitFact shows that republicans in our government lie way more than democrats do:

Study PolitiFact says Republicans lie more - POLITICO.com

Now of course some of you are gonna say "PolitiFact has a liberal bias!" Hmm may I remind you all PolitiFact is responsible for declaring Obama's claim about ObamaCare the "Lie of the Year"? Hmmmmmmm. I'm sure you all had no problem with that ruling.

Here's another non partisan study confirming the same thing:

New Study Republicans Lie More Than Democrats Americans Against the Tea Party


How do we know? Well if cutting taxes for the wealthy worked so well, why was job growth under Bush so pathetic?

Why is the state of Kansas in an economic black hole because of their terrible governor tried supply side economics?


Background checks for buying guns
Higher taxes on the wealthy
Raising the minimum wage
Extending unemployment benefits
Gay marriage


I've always agreed dems went too far with the "war on women" talk, but that doesn't mean that republicans give a shit about women's rights. They are against any kind of abortion. They block equal pay for women legislation. They decide women issues with out women included in fact.

Oh and of course gay marriage. Gay marriage has no negative effect on society but because republicans are bigots by and large, they claim it does without evidence to support such a claim.
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The only reason why you people don't believe in AGW is because republicans told you not to. A little pathetic wouldnt you say?
Well when I got to the parts about taxing wealthy and raising the minimum wage, I realized you have absolutely Zero business intelligence and are one of those tit sucking, ass sitting morons who should have been swallowed at birth .......... those are some of the good points ......
So how are we supposed to pay for our gov expenses without revenue?
The OP is begging for reinstatement of the Neg Rep

"Look, I'm no democrat"

No, not at all, you're a fucking Communist
Well when I got to the parts about taxing wealthy and raising the minimum wage, I realized you have absolutely Zero business intelligence and are one of those tit sucking, ass sitting morons who should have been swallowed at birth .......... those are some of the good points ......
So how are we supposed to pay for our gov expenses without revenue?

We have no revenue today?

Well when I got to the parts about taxing wealthy and raising the minimum wage, I realized you have absolutely Zero business intelligence and are one of those tit sucking, ass sitting morons who should have been swallowed at birth .......... those are some of the good points ......
So how are we supposed to pay for our gov expenses without revenue?

Oh, god, this shit again.

Please stop breathing and stealing the Oxygen the rest of us can put to far, far better use.
Of course you are not a democrat. You are a Democrat.
see Billy?....it aint just me....remember that thread were we were discussing this?....for a guy who supposedly aint a Democrat....you sure suck their asses enough...you come off looking like .....anything left is ok by me.....anything right,has got to be bad....some "moderate" you are Billy....
Well when I got to the parts about taxing wealthy and raising the minimum wage, I realized you have absolutely Zero business intelligence and are one of those tit sucking, ass sitting morons who should have been swallowed at birth .......... those are some of the good points ......
So how are we supposed to pay for our gov expenses without revenue?

We have no revenue today?

Um no that's not what I said. Perhaps if you were smart enough to understand the context of the conversation you would grasp my basic point.
Of course you are not a democrat. You are a Democrat.

Hilarious! Started off his OP with a lie. Yup........he's a Democrap........
I dont think that was the point, but I could be wrong.

Billy is not a democrat. He is a Democrat.
I am a democrat, in that I believe in democracy. But I've voted GOP in every election.

Billy is also full of shit and the biggest troll on this site. Every assertion in his post is untrue, half true, or simply ignorant.
Of course you are not a democrat. You are a Democrat.
see Billy?....it aint just me....remember that thread were we were discussing this?....for a guy who supposedly aint a Democrat....you sure suck their asses enough...you come off looking like .....anything left is ok by me.....anything right,has got to be bad....some "moderate" you are Billy....
If I was a democrat why wouldn't I just say I was? I agree with many of their policies but not all. That is why I am not one.
Lol is this all the RW response is gonna be to this thread? Questioning whether or not I am a democrat?

Okay you all agree with my thread then. Thanks.
Of course you are not a democrat. You are a Democrat.
see Billy?....it aint just me....remember that thread were we were discussing this?....for a guy who supposedly aint a Democrat....you sure suck their asses enough...you come off looking like .....anything left is ok by me.....anything right,has got to be bad....some "moderate" you are Billy....
If I was a democrat why wouldn't I just say I was? I agree with many of their policies but not all. That is why I am not one.
because you never have a bad thing to say about what they are doing....never....its all Republicans......you remind me of your good buddy Dotcom....he "claims' he cant stand all those Democrats who are bought and sold,but yet he seems to back everything they do.....as with him....its all about those nasty Republicans...so many people claim they are not this party or that party because that party does things they dont agree with or like....but yet you very,very seldom see them say anything about those things....its always the other party......
Of course you are not a democrat. You are a Democrat.
see Billy?....it aint just me....remember that thread were we were discussing this?....for a guy who supposedly aint a Democrat....you sure suck their asses enough...you come off looking like .....anything left is ok by me.....anything right,has got to be bad....some "moderate" you are Billy....
If I was a democrat why wouldn't I just say I was? I agree with many of their policies but not all. That is why I am not one.
because you never have a bad thing to say about what they are doing....never....its all Republicans......you remind me of your good buddy Dotcom....he "claims' he cant stand all those Democrats who are bought and sold,but yet he seems to back everything they do.....as with him....its all about those nasty Republicans...so many people claim they are not this party or that party because that party does things they dont agree with or like....but yet you very,very seldom see them say anything about those things....its always the other party......
So me criticizing their governing prior to 2010, calling them pussies, and expressing my dislike for Nancy....doesn't count?

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