Why Darwinists call non-Darwinists "Flat Earthers"

Creationists say the topography was flat until the flood pushed up the mountains .
Well, such an event would most certainly cause seismic-tectonic plate activity but I know of no reason to believe that the Earth was necessary flat before the Flood.
Well, such an event would most certainly cause seismic-tectonic plate activity but I know of no reason to believe that the Earth was necessary flat before the Flood.
I don't believe the earth was flat or the flood myth.
I don't believe the earth was flat or the flood myth.

What you believe is not relevant. There are flood myths from EVERY culture throughout the world. Thus, there WAS a great flood. Think back to 10,000 years ago. As now, people lived along the coastlines and rivers. Also 10,000 years ago, the ocean levels were at least 200 feet lower than they are now. So, yes, as the oceans rose, there was indeed a great flood as the populations were forced to leave their homes for higher ground.

This is born out by the discovery of dozens of flooded villages found along the continental shelf in the Black Sea.

Your problem is you are ignorant of both science, and history.
How is natural selection falsifiable? What experiment could prove it false?

If you can answer that one (with a valid answer) you will be the first and you should write a book.
Simple, take a population that multiplies quickly, say a virus, and determine the distribution of the genes in the population. Then introduce a toxin that kills a good percent of the population or inhibits the virus' reproduction. Wait a few generations and determine the distribution of the genes in the population again. If there was no change, natural selection is false. Happily this experiment has been done and in every case the population genetics will change. COVID is just the latest example.

Natural selection violates logic and common sense. Natural selection has parts that do nothing if they are not working together evolve independently of each other. That could happen, but not with only natural selection as the impetus.

Design theory isn’t falsifiable either. Any study of evolution is doomed to be not science in the strict sense of experimental science in which the researcher seeks to disprove their own hypothesis.
The difference between the two theories is that evolution has a mechanism, ID does not.
What you believe is not relevant. There are flood myths from EVERY culture throughout the world. Thus, there WAS a great flood. Think back to 10,000 years ago. As now, people lived along the coastlines and rivers. Also 10,000 years ago, the ocean levels were at least 200 feet lower than they are now. So, yes, as the oceans rose, there was indeed a great flood as the populations were forced to leave their homes for higher ground.

This is born out by the discovery of dozens of flooded villages found along the continental shelf in the Black Sea.

Your problem is you are ignorant of both science, and history.
There is nothing to indicate there was a flood as described in the Noah fable. Civilizations such as the Chinese, Maya and others have no accounts of a globe wiping flood from just 4,000 or so years ago.
There is nothing to indicate there was a flood as described in the Noah fable. Civilizations such as the Chinese, Maya and others have no accounts of a globe wiping flood from just 4,000 or so years ago.

No one knows how old the legends date from. But the fact that ALL cultures worldwide have the great flood in their legends is proof that one did indeed happen. I have given you the most simple and straightforward explanation for why that is. Either you follow science, or you don't. But the scientific support for the great flood is solid.
No one knows how old the legends date from. But the fact that ALL cultures worldwide have the great flood in their legends is proof that one did indeed happen. I have given you the most simple and straightforward explanation for why that is. Either you follow science, or you don't. But the scientific support for the great flood is solid.
There is no science support for the Noah flood fable. I do follow science which is why I reject the notion of that fable.

Either you follow science or you dont so please identify the science data that supports a global flood a few thousand years ago.
There is no science support for the Noah flood fable. I do follow science which is why I reject the notion of that fable.

Either you follow science or you dont so please identify the science data that supports a global flood a few thousand years ago.

Yes. There is. Mankind settles on coastlines and rivers. Ten thousand years ago all of that land was being lived on because the oceans were far lower than they are today. The oceans rose, and ancient man had to leave. It is obvious as hell. I am not saying God did it. I am saying the end of the last continental glacial period IS the cause of it. That is well documented in science.
It's wishful thinking.

They wish that the untestable quasi-scientific hypothesis promulgated by Darwin could be as easily proven as the round Earth model.

That Earth is round, and travels around the sun while rotating, can be demonstrated to middle school kids through simple experiments that they can understand. They can even perform many of these experiments themselves, any day of the week, any time of year, and get the same results confirming the round Earth.

Not so with Darwinism. Darwinism is untestable. No experiment could prove it is false, so of course no experiment can prove it is true.

Judging from their childish insults, many of the fanatical Darwinists here are either still in middle school or have never outgrown the middle school mentality.

So, if a genuine flat earther came on this forum, they would simply recite the proofs of the round Earth that they learned in middle school.* Obviously accompanies by a lot of name calling, because that's what middle schoolers do.

But when it comes to defending Darwinian theory, name calling is their main "argument," along with demanding that non-Darwinists prove that their untestable and non-falsifiable hypothesis is false.

*I may be giving them too much credit. Likely many of the Darwinists on here paid no attention to subjects like Math and Science, and are now googling "experiments to prove the earth is round," to see what I'm talking about.
Well that's all wrong and nothing but a depressed, defeated freak soothing himself.

We call you flat earthers to mock you for being intransigent and aggressively ignorant the face of overwhelming evidence.
Yes. There is. Mankind settles on coastlines and rivers. Ten thousand years ago all of that land was being lived on because the oceans were far lower than they are today. The oceans rose, and ancient man had to leave. It is obvious as hell. I am not saying God did it. I am saying the end of the last continental glacial period IS the cause of it. That is well documented in science.
None of that is evidence for a global flood. You didn't even describe a global flood.
It's wishful thinking.

They wish that the untestable quasi-scientific hypothesis promulgated by Darwin could be as easily proven as the round Earth model.

That Earth is round, and travels around the sun while rotating, can be demonstrated to middle school kids through simple experiments that they can understand. They can even perform many of these experiments themselves, any day of the week, any time of year, and get the same results confirming the round Earth.

Not so with Darwinism. Darwinism is untestable. No experiment could prove it is false, so of course no experiment can prove it is true.

Judging from their childish insults, many of the fanatical Darwinists here are either still in middle school or have never outgrown the middle school mentality.

So, if a genuine flat earther came on this forum, they would simply recite the proofs of the round Earth that they learned in middle school.* Obviously accompanies by a lot of name calling, because that's what middle schoolers do.

But when it comes to defending Darwinian theory, name calling is their main "argument," along with demanding that non-Darwinists prove that their untestable and non-falsifiable hypothesis is false.

*I may be giving them too much credit. Likely many of the Darwinists on here paid no attention to subjects like Math and Science, and are now googling "experiments to prove the earth is round," to see what I'm talking about.
Darwin's theory of evolution is as good as any other, and waaaay better than Creationism. The problem with Darwinists is their overt hypocrisy. Anyone that has read the unexpurgated books of Darwin well knows how they pick and choose what suits them, and quickly sweep under the 'scientific racism' carpet all that is inconvenient. Same with Linnaeus. Many (if not most) are blissfully unaware that he actually did add mankind to his taxonomic classification system, but that part was expunged by later so-called scientists that decided it hurt their fee-fees, and was 'divisive'.
No one knows how old the legends date from. But the fact that ALL cultures worldwide have the great flood in their legends is proof that one did indeed happen
The elementary lie. A false premise, adopted and regurgitated, because even this embarrassing lie is better than "because mah Bible says so ".
Darwin's theory of evolution is as good as any other, and waaaay better than Creationism. The problem with Darwinists is their overt hypocrisy. Anyone that has read the unexpurgated books of Darwin well knows how they pick and choose what suits them, and quickly sweep under the 'scientific racism' carpet all that is inconvenient. Same with Linnaeus. Many (if not most) are blissfully unaware that he actually did add mankind to his taxonomic classification system, but that part was expunged by later so-called scientists that decided it hurt their fee-fees, and was 'divisive'.
Which was easily demonstrated by more science. It is not the case that the same can happen in reverse.
What you believe is not relevant. There are flood myths from EVERY culture throughout the world. Thus, there WAS a great flood. Think back to 10,000 years ago. As now, people lived along the coastlines and rivers. Also 10,000 years ago, the ocean levels were at least 200 feet lower than they are now. So, yes, as the oceans rose, there was indeed a great flood as the populations were forced to leave their homes for higher ground.

This is born out by the discovery of dozens of flooded villages found along the continental shelf in the Black Sea.

Your problem is you are ignorant of both science, and history.

The Jews borrowed the flood myth of Sumer which were based on real floods in the Euphrates river basin around 2900 BC. These floods built up the delta south of Basra. There's flood sediment 150 miles wide and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. The floods were fed by spring snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and spring rains. They lasted four days and disrupted shipping by barges downriver to sell livestock, grain and beer.

The Black Sea breech was thousands of years earlier and was very slow moving so there was plenty of time to move families and livestock to higher ground.. months to move.
Darwin's theory of evolution is as good as any other, and waaaay better than Creationism. The problem with Darwinists is their overt hypocrisy. Anyone that has read the unexpurgated books of Darwin well knows how they pick and choose what suits them, and quickly sweep under the 'scientific racism' carpet all that is inconvenient. Same with Linnaeus. Many (if not most) are blissfully unaware that he actually did add mankind to his taxonomic classification system, but that part was expunged by later so-called scientists that decided it hurt their fee-fees, and was 'divisive'.
Total nonsense!

Only the most intellectually shallow and ill-formed persons would make such a claim in the first place. Creationism in and of itself or ID theory are infinitely superior to the pseudoscientific, metaphysical presupposition on which Evolution is gratuitously predicated. I seriously doubt that you're even consciously aware of why you believe this ridiculous claim to be true.

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