Why cant people sue the COVID vaccine manufacturers?

Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.

In just short three years, when people are not dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily duped moron you are.
In just short three years, when people are dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily led, brain dead moron you are.

Oh look we have another gullible nutbag that belives that half of of Americans will be dead in 3 years.

Why? Because they saw some say-so, by a guy on the internet.

What about the nutbags who say AGW will destroy the earth in 10 years?
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.

In just short three years, when people are not dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily duped moron you are.

An untested vaccine that modifies genes.

It does not modify genes, stop talking out of your ass.

mRNA in these vaccines does not have a way to modify your DNA.
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.

In just short three years, when people are not dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily duped moron you are.
In just short three years, when people are dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily led, brain dead moron you are.

Oh look we have another gullible nutbag that belives that half of of Americans will be dead in 3 years.

Why? Because they saw some say-so, by a guy on the internet.

What about the nutbags who say AGW will destroy the earth in 10 years?

Why are you asking me that? Did I ever say that?
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.

In just short three years, when people are not dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily duped moron you are.
In just short three years, when people are dying from covid vaccine, you will learn what an easily led, brain dead moron you are.

Oh look we have another gullible nutbag that belives that most Americans will be dead in 3 years.

Why? Because they saw some say-so, by a guy on the internet.

I believe people who got Lasik surgery 25 years ago will have their eyes blow up after 25 years. Me? Got it 20 years ago. SO I have 5 years left to see.
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued? Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They wouldn't have committed to "Warp Speed" without that assurance
Very true, and smart on their part. The GOP wanted to give the same protections to small businesses as they tried to open, so that customers or clients that got sick after visiting their restaurant wouldn't try to blame them and tangle them up in lawsuits...but the Dems blocked it. The Dems didn't care about the small businesses, but jumped for big pharm.,
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued? Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They wouldn't have committed to "Warp Speed" without that assurance
Very true, and smart on their part. The GOP wanted to give the same protections to small businesses as they tried to open, so that customers or clients that got sick after visiting their restaurant wouldn't try to blame them and tangle them up in lawsuits...but the Dems blocked it. The Dems didn't care about the small businesses, but jumped for big pharm.,

Dems are all in bed with big pharma. They don't question anything and accept whatever big pharma tells them. This is what happens when you operate with emotions and feelings.
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.
how does he know you will die in 3 years?....where is his proof?....hey just asking...
Just taking a wild guess but I'd have to say because he was top dog in the field watching what happen in all the studies that they did using this type gene therapy where all of the animals died.
so how do they know you will die within 3 years?...so its all a guess........lots of top dogs have guessed wrong.....
I said I guessed not that those who studies the matter did but truthfully science is all theory based as there is no way to know all the variants that will be encountered once something is released into a living being.

Since all the animals did die it is pretty telling that is where this is eventually going to lead to with the humans who do not mind being played as big pharma lab rats.
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.
how does he know you will die in 3 years?....where is his proof?....hey just asking...
Just taking a wild guess but I'd have to say because he was top dog in the field watching what happen in all the studies that they did using this type gene therapy where all of the animals died.
so how do they know you will die within 3 years?...so its all a guess........lots of top dogs have guessed wrong.....
I said I guessed not that those who studies the matter did but truthfully science is all theory based as there is no way to know all the variants that will be encountered once something is released into a living being.

Since all the animals did die it is pretty telling that is where this is eventually going to lead to with the humans who do not mind being played as big pharma lab rats.
i remember when they said mice who smoked the equivalent of 20 joints a day didnt fare to well either....
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.
how does he know you will die in 3 years?....where is his proof?....hey just asking...
Just taking a wild guess but I'd have to say because he was top dog in the field watching what happen in all the studies that they did using this type gene therapy where all of the animals died.
so how do they know you will die within 3 years?...so its all a guess........lots of top dogs have guessed wrong.....
I said I guessed not that those who studies the matter did but truthfully science is all theory based as there is no way to know all the variants that will be encountered once something is released into a living being.

Since all the animals did die it is pretty telling that is where this is eventually going to lead to with the humans who do not mind being played as big pharma lab rats.
i remember when they said mice who smoked the equivalent of 20 joints a day didnt fare to well either....
But they were chilling quite well
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?

Maybe you can't sue, but you can always get your money back for what you paid for the vaccine.
That will do you a lot of good when you are in a coma.

It was a joke. I guess you haven't gotten vaccinated.
I got my second and didn't pay a penny for either. Some joint pain (hard to roll them when your fingers hurt) some chills....but no cost to me.
Im a conservative but I am liking this free stuff.
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
They can all be sued if you can prove gross negligence on their part. Vaccine manufactures do have an edge for risky behavior involving other peoples lives because our lovely government gave them that immunity.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PDF - 312 KB), as amended, created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system. It provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.
About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ...

Now apparently they are going to extend that immunity to 'gene therapy' as they call their shots a vaccine to stave off their generated pandemic.

View attachment 479168

Any of those whom I am familiar with that are not hostile PM me if you like and I'll give you a link to people talking about their covid vax injuries.
how does he know you will die in 3 years?....where is his proof?....hey just asking...
Just taking a wild guess but I'd have to say because he was top dog in the field watching what happen in all the studies that they did using this type gene therapy where all of the animals died.
so how do they know you will die within 3 years?...so its all a guess........lots of top dogs have guessed wrong.....
I said I guessed not that those who studies the matter did but truthfully science is all theory based as there is no way to know all the variants that will be encountered once something is released into a living being.

Since all the animals did die it is pretty telling that is where this is eventually going to lead to with the humans who do not mind being played as big pharma lab rats.
i remember when they said mice who smoked the equivalent of 20 joints a day didnt fare to well either....
Not even close to comparable.
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
You can sue a car dealer if they sell a car to a 12 year old kid and that kid runs over your dog. Does that make you feel better?
Lefties want to be able to sue gun manufacturers. Why cant COVID manufacturers be sued?

Why cant auto makers be sued if you get run over by a car?
If I kill someone with the Covid vaccine then the Covid vaccine manufacturer should be open to a lawsuit? Is that what you're arguing, moron?
No if the government Trieste make me take it, I will sue.

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