Why Can’t Democrats Ever Understand?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

"The Council, like all Americans, is grappling with undoing centuries of systemic racism and its permutations throughout our society. There will be no single law or no single budget that could possibly provide a single remedy this is an iterative process just like it is to get to where we are today, but moderate change is unacceptable. This budget reflects significant action and aligns with other sweeping reforms this committee has undertaken but it is also one piece of a movement to which everyone in government, including among executive branch agencies, must make aware of the change."

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”

First, I’m rather envious that they’ve got the money to shoot off so many rounds a day. Drug sales I guess.

Second, and most importantly, Democrats will never ever ever see the connection of these two events. They’re oblivious to it.

And should a Democrat ever in the unlikely event see the connection, they’ll do what I did and leave the Democratic Party.

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"The Council, like all Americans, is grappling with undoing centuries of systemic racism and its permutations throughout our society. There will be no single law or no single budget that could possibly provide a single remedy this is an iterative process just like it is to get to where we are today, but moderate change is unacceptable. This budget reflects significant action and aligns with other sweeping reforms this committee has undertaken but it is also one piece of a movement to which everyone in government, including among executive branch agencies, must make aware of the change."
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“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”

First, I’m rather envious that they’ve got the money to shoot off so many rounds a day. Drug sales I guess.

Second, and most importantly, Democrats will never ever ever see the connection of these two events. They’re oblivious to it.

And should a Democrat ever in the unlikely event see the connection, they’ll do what I did and leave the Democratic Party.

FOX news and the Mooney owned Washington Times. :abgg2q.jpg: Who is it that wants to defund the FBI and CIA?
The cuts were made in 2020, when all cities had to make draconian cuts due to budget shortfalls.

Then spending went right back up.

So yes, that operating budget is almost $10 million less than Bowser proposed for DC Police. If you add in proposed cuts to MPD’s capital budget, the overall proposed budget approved by the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety cut roughly $15 million from Mayor Bowser's proposed police budget for the upcoming year.
But when you break it down dollar for dollar, the $568 million operating budget recommended by that oversight committee was actually more than MPD’s approved operating budget the previous year, which was $559 million.

In fact, police spending went up when you factor in that the task of school security was shifted from the MPD to a private contractor.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”
If anyone is walking around firing 100 bullets at a time, they are carrying one of these:


So far, I haven't heard of that in the news, and I kinda think it would MAKE the news, kinda like a 1920s Tommy gun, so I'm calling bullshit. But how funny of DC to first cut millions from the police then rant about a crime wave they created and now want the national guard to protect them from?

If Washington DC cannot even control its own city, how the fuck does anyone suppose they can run the country much less the world?
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"The Council, like all Americans, is grappling with undoing centuries of systemic racism and its permutations throughout our society. There will be no single law or no single budget that could possibly provide a single remedy this is an iterative process just like it is to get to where we are today, but moderate change is unacceptable. This budget reflects significant action and aligns with other sweeping reforms this committee has undertaken but it is also one piece of a movement to which everyone in government, including among executive branch agencies, must make aware of the change."
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“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”

First, I’m rather envious that they’ve got the money to shoot off so many rounds a day. Drug sales I guess.

Second, and most importantly, Democrats will never ever ever see the connection of these two events. They’re oblivious to it.

And should a Democrat ever in the unlikely event see the connection, they’ll do what I did and leave the Democratic Party.

We have a serious problem with racism out here on the plateau for sure, like we have been looking for racism for decades but nobody out here can find it!
FOX news and the Mooney owned Washington Times. :abgg2q.jpg: Who is it that wants to defund the FBI and CIA?
You think too little of folks with independent minds. Unfortunately the percentage of them are not enough to vote in common sense. Forward thinking men and women throw out or reduce in trust any pundit that spews the old sidestep. And that means the reduced trust is only on some issues of belief. On FOX Carlson as a pundit on the others side was speaking as the normal Progs speaks on all the other programs. They got rid of him. He brought up all of the RINOS/NEO CONS. And that is verboten. So other pundits have those people on their shows all the times giving us Republicans a percentage of what we want to hear. And the result is we move more and more to the left. And our children have been endangered from sexual orifice derived expansions with gender identity enforced through medical procedures for toddlers and education intellectually reduced perversions that are now made normal.
FOX news and the Mooney owned Washington Times. :abgg2q.jpg: Who is it that wants to defund the FBI and CIA?
25 Million sperm in a load and something as stupid as this was the result?

These pieces of shit are the reason I do not oppose abortion. The gene pool was damaged because someone wasn't satisfied with a blow job.

These same bed wetting leftist parasites condemned every single local, county and state police agencies as bulwarks of institutional racism, oppression and corruption. They demanded they be defunded which means ELIMINATED.

Then when federal agents openly commit crimes they circle the wagons around their own modern STAZI and act as if THAT CORRUPTION isn't real in spite of the tangible evidence that it is. These pieces of shit are the most dangerous malignancy we face as a nation.

View attachment 813354
"The Council, like all Americans, is grappling with undoing centuries of systemic racism and its permutations throughout our society. There will be no single law or no single budget that could possibly provide a single remedy this is an iterative process just like it is to get to where we are today, but moderate change is unacceptable. This budget reflects significant action and aligns with other sweeping reforms this committee has undertaken but it is also one piece of a movement to which everyone in government, including among executive branch agencies, must make aware of the change."
View attachment 813355
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”

First, I’m rather envious that they’ve got the money to shoot off so many rounds a day. Drug sales I guess.

Second, and most importantly, Democrats will never ever ever see the connection of these two events. They’re oblivious to it.

And should a Democrat ever in the unlikely event see the connection, they’ll do what I did and leave the Democratic Party.

/----/ I love it when liberal policies rear its ugly head and bite them in the ass.
Most all my "local" news feeds come out of DC and they had this black ethic-baiter out there who sounded like a preacher going on about using the NG along with expounding on the usual black dog whistles.

Blah, in one ear and out the other.....I can tell you straight-up few in Virginia care about their crime problems because they are all self-inflicted.....The metro MD counties are the same way.

Drive 1700' across the key bridge from DC and into Virginia and the crime rate drops four-fold.....I wonder why that is?
If anyone is walking around firing 100 bullets at a time, they are carrying one of these:


So far, I haven't heard of that in the news, and I kinda think it would MAKE the news, kinda like a 1920s Tommy gun, so I'm calling bullshit. But how funny of DC to first cut millions from the police then rant about a crime wave they created and now want the national guard to protect them from?

If Washington DC cannot even control its own city, how the fuck does anyone suppose they can run the country much less the world?
/---/ I'm not sure, but I believe that the National Guard operated under different rules than the police. Also, the NG isn't trained in police tactics like crime prevention.
You think too little of folks with independent minds. Unfortunately the percentage of them are not enough to vote in common sense. Forward thinking men and women throw out or reduce in trust any pundit that spews the old sidestep. And that means the reduced trust is only on some issues of belief. On FOX Carlson as a pundit on the others side was speaking as the normal Progs speaks on all the other programs. They got rid of him. He brought up all of the RINOS/NEO CONS. And that is verboten. So other pundits have those people on their shows all the times giving us Republicans a percentage of what we want to hear. And the result is we move more and more to the left. And our children have been endangered from sexual orifice derived expansions with gender identity enforced through medical procedures for toddlers and education intellectually reduced perversions that are now made normal.
On FOX Carlson as a pundit on the others side was speaking as the normal Progs speaks on all the other programs. They got rid of him

no...they too would be sued.
View attachment 813354
"The Council, like all Americans, is grappling with undoing centuries of systemic racism and its permutations throughout our society. There will be no single law or no single budget that could possibly provide a single remedy this is an iterative process just like it is to get to where we are today, but moderate change is unacceptable. This budget reflects significant action and aligns with other sweeping reforms this committee has undertaken but it is also one piece of a movement to which everyone in government, including among executive branch agencies, must make aware of the change."
View attachment 813355
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Mr. White said. “We have young men wandering through the community with AK-47s, letting off 60, 90, up to 100 rounds — daily.”

First, I’m rather envious that they’ve got the money to shoot off so many rounds a day. Drug sales I guess.

Second, and most importantly, Democrats will never ever ever see the connection of these two events. They’re oblivious to it.

And should a Democrat ever in the unlikely event see the connection, they’ll do what I did and leave the Democratic Party.

The dems defund the police moment has turned into an Anheiser Busch thingy. If ya know what I mean.
FOX news and the Mooney owned Washington Times. :abgg2q.jpg: Who is it that wants to defund the FBI and CIA?
So these things never happened to you. Quotes of Democrats, budget that is open to public view. Dozens of media outlets covered these things.

And you jump out of the woodwork and validate how oblivious Democrats are.

Thank you.
The cuts were made in 2020, when all cities had to make draconian cuts due to budget shortfalls.

Then spending went right back up.

So yes, that operating budget is almost $10 million less than Bowser proposed for DC Police. If you add in proposed cuts to MPD’s capital budget, the overall proposed budget approved by the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety cut roughly $15 million from Mayor Bowser's proposed police budget for the upcoming year.
But when you break it down dollar for dollar, the $568 million operating budget recommended by that oversight committee was actually more than MPD’s approved operating budget the previous year, which was $559 million.

In fact, police spending went up when you factor in that the task of school security was shifted from the MPD to a private contractor.
$568 million to run a tiny few blocks.
And while crime skyrockets Democrats demand to slash law enforcement and keep their pork socialist programs.

And now apparently according to this Dem people are firing hundreds of rounds off per night.
$568 million to run a tiny few blocks.
And while crime skyrockets Democrats demand to slash law enforcement and keep their pork socialist programs.

And now apparently according to this Dem people are firing hundreds of rounds off per night.
Why not just acknowledge that you were conned.....again..

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