Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

Bernie is finished now. He had a real good run. But the DNC simply wont allow him to be the top of the ticket. Biden will win enough tomorrow to consolidate his momentum. And, we will be down to just a few candidates, which will help Biden also. I still think Clinton will be the nominee in the end tho.
I am fascinated that Liberals, who have no class, insist on having a President with class.
How are you using the word "class"?

America's Egregious Economic Inequality in a Single Statistic

"As egregious as America’s economic inequality may appear, the reality is somehow even worse. Those are the findings of the University of California, Berkeley’s Gabriel Zucman, whose latest research reveals that the .00025 percent now own more than the bottom 60 percent. To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined."

To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined."

Did they steal it? Or was it from creating useful goods and services?
I am fascinated that Liberals, who have no class, insist on having a President with class.
How are you using the word "class"?

America's Egregious Economic Inequality in a Single Statistic

"As egregious as America’s economic inequality may appear, the reality is somehow even worse. Those are the findings of the University of California, Berkeley’s Gabriel Zucman, whose latest research reveals that the .00025 percent now own more than the bottom 60 percent. To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined."

Here's how I use the word class.
Let's take Karl Marx as an example of low class. He couldn't provide a comfortable life for his family, almost froze to death many a winter, and died broke as a joke after spending most of his existence working on a failed theory.
Yet, you are in awe of him.
Enuff said.
That's why he demanded that Wall Street be bailed out to the tune of trillions....Rube.
Got a link, Pussy?

Wall Street Bailout

"The Senate approved a $700 billion Wall Street bailout.

"Senator Bernie Sanders voted against the bill that would put Wall Street's burden on the backs of the American middle class. 'The bailout package is far better than the absurd proposal originally presented to us by the Bush administration, but is still short of where we should be,' Sanders said. 'If a bailout is needed, if taxpayer money must be placed at risk, if we are going to bail out Wall Street, it should be those people who have caused..."
What do you think "quantitative easing" was, shitferbrains?

View attachment 309940
What do you think "quantitative easing" was, shitferbrains?

What do you think "quantitative easing" was, shitferbrains?
What was the alternative, Loon?

Ten Years Later—Did QE Work? -Liberty Street Economics
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?
That was the most ridiculous statement made by Sanders yet. "The truth of the rich are not our truths."
Definition of truth" That which is true, or in accordance with fact and reality.
There is no "my truth versus your truth. The truth is just that, the truth. Period.
As for class, you can be assured that if that Marxist-Leninist gets into power and gains control over both houses, there will be class. Two classes.
1. The poor.
2. The politburo.

History dictates this.

There are no exclusions!
It's called "jealousy."
"Oh, he/she invented or improved on a product and selling it has made him/her rich and able to buy fancy homes, multiple cars and a yacht, yet here I am, flipping burgers or sitting on an assembly line and can't afford a yacht, multiple cars and fancy homes. Woe is me!"
That's why he demanded that Wall Street be bailed out to the tune of trillions....Rube.
Got a link, Pussy?

Wall Street Bailout

"The Senate approved a $700 billion Wall Street bailout.

"Senator Bernie Sanders voted against the bill that would put Wall Street's burden on the backs of the American middle class. 'The bailout package is far better than the absurd proposal originally presented to us by the Bush administration, but is still short of where we should be,' Sanders said. 'If a bailout is needed, if taxpayer money must be placed at risk, if we are going to bail out Wall Street, it should be those people who have caused..."
What do you think "quantitative easing" was, shitferbrains?

View attachment 309940
What do you think "quantitative easing" was, shitferbrains?

What do you think "quantitative easing" was, shitferbrains?
What was the alternative, Loon?

Ten Years Later—Did QE Work? -Liberty Street Economics
The alternative was to let the bad paper clear out of the market and for stupid people to eat their losses.

But you economically illiterate free lunchers don't understand markets, so you demand that the rich banksters and Wall Street wheeler-dealers get bailed out.

Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?

He's a whiney Commie twat.
He's a whiney Commie twat.

America's Egregious Economic Inequality in a Single Statistic

"Those are the findings of the University of California, Berkeley’s Gabriel Zucman, whose latest research reveals that the .00025 percent now own more than the bottom 60 percent. To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined.

"'After a period of remarkable stability in the 1950s and 1960s, the top 0.1% wealth share reached its low-water mark in the 1970s, and since the 1980s it has been gradually rising to close 20% in recent years,' Zucman writes. “U.S. wealth concentrations seem to have returned to levels last seen during the Roaring ’20s.'"
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, GeorgiePoorgie is astounded that so many Americans are class conscience and aware; even tho' he'll never admit it!

And he thought that him and Bernie had the corner on class......:abgg2q.jpg:.
Bernie is a Communist so he has no class to start with.
Bernie's a FDR Democrat who wasn't born rich:
Nothing to Brag about.... FDR was a socialist who got the US involved in WW2 against the will of the people by setting up Pearl Harbor for a Japanese attack he had been forewarned about
Nothing to Brag about.... FDR was a socialist who got the US involved in WW2 against the will of the people by setting up Pearl Harbor for a Japanese attack he had been forewarned about
Even if what you allege about FDR's foreign policy is true, that doesn't affect the positive changes he made in response to the Great Depression:

Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"The federal government dealt with massive unemployment by creating 12 million jobs through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), making the government the largest employer in the country.

"It legalized unions, many of which had been outlawed, and through the National Labor Relations Act empowered organizing.

"It approved banking regulations, including the Emergency Banking Act, the Banking Act and the Securities Act, all in 1933, to prevent another stock market crash.

"The Federal Emergency Relief Administration provided the equivalent in today’s money of $9.88 billion for relief operations in cities and states.

"The Democratic president heavily taxed the rich and corporations."
Employment is great, but millions of working families are still in perpetual debt, living paycheck to paycheck, with no vacations and expensive healthcare.

Student loan debt is $1.5 TRILLION.....the biggest cause of bancruptcy is medical bills.

I can go on.

People are in "perpetual debt" because they CHOOSE to be in debt. Yes, people live paycheck to paycheck because of their choices AND the fact that the economy is great and they know there will be a paycheck next week and the weeks following.

Yes, the student loan debt is a huge $1.5 TRILLION. That is the next bubble that will burst. Again, whose fault is it that students are borrowing exorbitant amounts of money?

You have been suckered into believing that medical bills are the cause of most bankruptcies. That is due to a fraudulent study done, in part by...Elizabeth Warren. Do you know the criteria for labeling a bankruptcy caused by medical bills?

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