Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

Bernie's base is not liberals.
It's the working class. 80 % of Trump's tax cuts benefit
the ALREADY extremely wealthy 1%.

The only class that Bernie wants are the 'have's'. And he wants a seat at THAT table so he can drive the middle class into the 'have-not's'.
Classic Communism, muppets!
Bernie recognizes the biggest threat to US Democracy; what's your problem?

America's Egregious Economic Inequality in a Single Statistic

"As egregious as America’s economic inequality may appear, the reality is somehow even worse.

"Those are the findings of the University of California, Berkeley’s Gabriel Zucman, whose latest research reveals that the .00025 percent now own more than the bottom 60 percent.

"To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined."

Except the middle class gets fleeced first, and then we're stuck in a Commie nightmare.
Then that is when real tyranny enters the picture to keep us stuck there!
Have you no scruples in your Marxist zealousness?
""The federal government dealt with massive unemployment by creating 12 million jobs through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), making the government the largest employer in the country."

Uhhhh, where did that money come from?
You don't see Charles Koch or Bill Gates building very many interstates
or massive dams do you ?
together, my friends, we have begun a revolution that will transform america. and brothers and sisters, after bernie sweeps super tuesday tomorrow, we kick Trump out office, and we, ALL OF US, get elected president!

Apparently the corporations did because they started hiring like wildfire the day after the cuts.
Employment is great, but millions of working families are still in perpetual debt, living paycheck to paycheck, with no vacations and expensive healthcare.

Student loan debt is $1.5 TRILLION.....the biggest cause of bancruptcy is medical bills.

I can go on.
A holdover from GW; worst President in history.
The universities that pushed globalism should be left holding the debt.
""The federal government dealt with massive unemployment by creating 12 million jobs through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), making the government the largest employer in the country."

Uhhhh, where did that money come from?
You don't see Charles Koch or Bill Gates building very many interstates
or massive dams do you ?
More broken windows.

You really are an economic illiterate, just like Breadline Bernie.
""The federal government dealt with massive unemployment by creating 12 million jobs through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), making the government the largest employer in the country."

Uhhhh, where did that money come from?
You don't see Charles Koch or Bill Gates building very many interstates
or massive dams do you ?

You didn't answer the question. Deflection won't work with me son.
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?
That was the most ridiculous statement made by Sanders yet. "The truth of the rich are not our truths."
Definition of truth" That which is true, or in accordance with fact and reality.
There is no "my truth versus your truth. The truth is just that, the truth. Period.
As for class, you can be assured that if that Marxist-Leninist gets into power and gains control over both houses, there will be class. Two classes.
1. The poor.
2. The politburo.
The fix is now officially in...Bernie is getting screwed again....unless he wins 90% of the delegates tomorrow....even then....its a toss up.
Bernie is rich

so if he hates the rich does he hate himself too?
He hates cheaters who hide their capital gains in the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg to avoid paying taxes, to the tune of trillions.
Speaking of cheaters how does a poor marxist mayor turned senator become rich in washington?

By writing a book .. ie, he didn't rip people off via Wall St. How come you uber capitalists don't seem to have problems with rich people making money from nothing other than moving money around while fucking you up the arse? Money is your god. And I don't mind people making money if they add to the economy and make something worthwhile. Henry Ford, Bill Gates, even the Mars and Walton families. But these twats on Wall St? They're your heroes? Fuck off.

And I would hardly call $2.5 million super rich. Trump spends that much a month on hair pieces and McDonalds...
Most American would call $2.5 mil rich

but still a paltry sum for most marxists in high places
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?
That was the most ridiculous statement made by Sanders yet. "The truth of the rich are not our truths."
Definition of truth" That which is true, or in accordance with fact and reality.
There is no "my truth versus your truth. The truth is just that, the truth. Period.
As for class, you can be assured that if that Marxist-Leninist gets into power and gains control over both houses, there will be class. Two classes.
1. The poor.
2. The politburo.

History dictates this.

There are no exclusions!
The fix is now officially in...Bernie is getting screwed again....unless he wins 90% of the delegates tomorrow....even then....its a toss up.
I hope bernie gets the most votes while biden wins the nomination

that will really screw up the adolescent brains of the bernie bots
I am fascinated that Liberals, who have no class, insist on having a President with class.
How are you using the word "class"?

America's Egregious Economic Inequality in a Single Statistic

"As egregious as America’s economic inequality may appear, the reality is somehow even worse. Those are the findings of the University of California, Berkeley’s Gabriel Zucman, whose latest research reveals that the .00025 percent now own more than the bottom 60 percent. To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined."
I am fascinated that Liberals, who have no class, insist on having a President with class.
How are you using the word "class"?

America's Egregious Economic Inequality in a Single Statistic

"As egregious as America’s economic inequality may appear, the reality is somehow even worse. Those are the findings of the University of California, Berkeley’s Gabriel Zucman, whose latest research reveals that the .00025 percent now own more than the bottom 60 percent. To put that statistic in perspective, 400 individuals control more wealth than 150 million combined."
Try watching videos of Liberals yelling, cursing and spitting.
You are an obnoxious bunch.
The fix is now officially in...Bernie is getting screwed again....unless he wins 90% of the delegates tomorrow....even then....its a toss up.
I hope bernie gets the most votes while biden wins the nomination

that will really screw up the adolescent brains of the bernie bots

Bernie is dangerous.
So are uneducated adolescents with little real life experience.

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