VIP Member
There is no margin for error about a monstrosity that was created for the alleged purpose of preventing wars by uniting the world against any aggressor, but proceeded to unite it against any victim of aggression. The expulsion of a charter member, the Republic of China [Taiwan]an action forbidden by the U.N.'s own Charterwas a 'moment of truth,' a naked display of the United Nations' soul.
What was Red China's qualification for membership in the U.N.? The fact that her government seized power by force, and has maintained it for twenty-two years by terror. What disqualified Nationalist China [Taiwan]? The fact that she was a friend of the United States. It was against the United States that all those beneficiaries of our foreign aid were voting at the U.N. It was hatred of the United States and the pleasure of spitting in our face that they were celebrating, as well as their liberation from moralitywith savages, appropriately, doing jungle dances in the aisles.
There are 191 member states of the United Nations, with more than half of them run by dictators. Libya heads the Human Rights Commision and Syria is on the Security Council.
What is the point of remaining in the United Nations? Is it even morally right to remain? Why do so many on the left demand deference to the UN? Is it time to look beyond the UN and establish a Union of Democratic States?