Why are we discussing "Biden's" policies on anything?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I'm wasting electrons arguing with idiots over "Biden's Energy Policy". We all know that Biden is a placeholder, he's the guy sent in by underage kids to buy them beer from the local store. If, God forbid, Biden "wins" (via massive mail in effort from Xi and the CCP) he won't even make it to the inauguration.

Even if he does, it's Harris and the American Taliban's Administration

He says "he the democrat Party" and he's lying like he said he never took a dime from China.
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THe machine behind Biden has one agenda, and one agenda only -- reduce people's rights to control their own destiny.

All the rest of the claptrap is simply a strategy for getting elected.

They're lead by AOC, a dimwit "economics" student who wants to control evert aspect of your life but gets the sads when President Trump calls her "AOC"

While it most assuredly is not Bidens ideas, they are the platform that the person pulling Biden’s strings wants to implement. But you can’t debate any of them without calling them Biden’s because the dumber then a post left will spend days blindly telling you they are his policies
Aren’t you the same boob that said Biden would not be nominated at the Democratic Convention after he won enough votes to be nominated?

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