Why are political Marxists against the nuclear family?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The BLM website had this on their homepage before they deleted it.

It said the founder is an avowed Marxist(communist) and BLM among its goals is the detruction of the nuclear family…..meaning no mother AND father in the home.


Because children without strong family ties are much easier to indoctrinate.

Same goes for pimps looking for whores or gangs looking for new members,

TYPICALLY…..not ALWAYS, BUT TYPICALLY, those with a strong family unit are less likely to become whores, gangsters, or communists.
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The BLM website had this on their homepage before they deleted it.

It said the founder is an avowed Marxist(communist) and BLM among its goals is the detruction of the nuclear family…..meaning no mother AND father in the home.


Because children without string family ties are much easier to indoctrinate.

Same goes for pimps looking for whore or gangs looking for new members,

TYPICALLY…..not ALWAYS, BUT TYPICALLY, those with a strong family unit are less likely to become whores, gangsters, or communists.
Answer. No one is against a nuclear family. Your post is another example of right wing division pimping. It is what you people do best (since you have no successful policy ideas). What we are against are the holy rollers, and the just and righteous among you denigrating those types of families you consider "non-traditional" and pissing all over them because they don't fit your Christian ideals.
The BLM website had this on their homepage before they deleted it.

It said the founder is an avowed Marxist(communist) and BLM among its goals is the detruction of the nuclear family…..meaning no mother AND father in the home.


Because children without string family ties are much easier to indoctrinate.

Same goes for pimps looking for whore or gangs looking for new members,

TYPICALLY…..not ALWAYS, BUT TYPICALLY, those with a strong family unit are less likely to become whores, gangsters, or communists.
Marxists are for anything that weakens America
The BLM website had this on their homepage before they deleted it.

It said the founder is an avowed Marxist(communist) and BLM among its goals is the detruction of the nuclear family…..meaning no mother AND father in the home.


Because children without string family ties are much easier to indoctrinate.

Same goes for pimps looking for whore or gangs looking for new members,

TYPICALLY…..not ALWAYS, BUT TYPICALLY, those with a strong family unit are less likely to become whores, gangsters, or communists.
Simple, a household without a mother and father, or just a mother and no father, will be living in poverty. In addition, without the father figure in the house, the children will find their father in gangs which will increase the crime rate.

Increasing poverty and the crime rate is key to destroying the Republic and replacing it with whatever systemically racist and psychotic Marxist utopia they have envisioned for us all.
We've seen how children from non nuclear families turn out. No thanks
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

What's wrong with that?
Currently BLM is living off the fact that about 70% of black homes are without a father, leading to increased crime and poverty that they blame on the police and whitey.

It's their bread and butter.
You are absolutely correct
"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

What's wrong with that?

We don't want you collectively caring for our children
Wasnt there a thread here a few months ago that some group of pinkos claimed nuclear families were white supremacy?
Could you explain to the USMB forum, how you came to that conclusion?

Please elaborate.
No one here posts anything negative about a nuclear family. That's how.
If you have evidence otherwise, please point us in the direction of posts that say so.
BLM is. They had it right on their Web site back in 2020 during their "mostly peaceful demonstrations."
Yes, and I'm sure it was roundly hailed as being a rallying point for the demonstrations that summer.
My eyes are rolling up so far in my head right now I may pass out. :rolleyes:
It's no surprise that these useful idiots are as clueless about liberalism as they are about everything else.
The BLM website had this on their homepage before they deleted it.

It said the founder is an avowed Marxist(communist) and BLM among its goals is the detruction of the nuclear family…..meaning no mother AND father in the home.


Because children without strong family ties are much easier to indoctrinate.

Same goes for pimps looking for whores or gangs looking for new members,

TYPICALLY…..not ALWAYS, BUT TYPICALLY, those with a strong family unit are less likely to become whores, gangsters, or communists.

If they set kids of any age adrift from family and traditions, it is easier to indoctrinate them.

The traditional way was...................young people learned from older people. It is also why government was smart enough to put an age limit on the Presidency.

The new way is-------------->old people are out of touch, young people know everything, and you can see it even on this board.

Young people believe if they went to college and managed to get a degree in business, they are brilliant and smarter than older people, lol. Well, they are certainly correct if they are measuring themselves against older people who do NOT have a business degree, but a business degree doesn't give you any smarts in something else!

Not all young people, but many, especially Leftist indoctrinated young people, are over confident, and narcistic! They believe they can fix EVERYTHING, and as of yet, have done NOTHING! A perfect example of this is her majesty, A-O-C! Her claim to fame was being a FREAKING BARTENDER! She runs for congress, gets elected, and now the BRILLIANCE of a Socialist bartender is telling everyone how to do things, what they should think, how they should act, and who/whom should pay what and how much in taxes! And Leftists LISTEN to her, a BARTENDER who is so wet behind the ears, she couldn't even get a job in the field she went to college for!

On this board, we do have some older Leftists, or at least further Left Democrats. I think their take stinks as they do mine, but I have some modicum of respect for them. Just because they and I have differing opinions, does not mean they are some stinking Socialist. They yank my chain, I yank theirs. We will not change each others minds, but respect I do have for them.

But, look at many of the Leftist posts on here, and you can tell instantly they are young! They have ideals with no way to pay for it, and they do NOT care. They want what they want........and good for them............but instead of working to get what they want, they want YOU to pay for it, lolol. Sound like AOC to you? They want to pick your pocket, give it to who THEY want to give it to, because somehow, you are an evil person and have to much, lol. Did you work 12, 14, 16 hrs a day to get what you have? To bad, so sad, they know what to do with YOUR wealth more than you do, and they will be damned if they are going to allow you to argue with them.

In closing, let me say I would show some respect to older leaning Left people. At least they might have a pot to pi** in, and a window to throw it out of. If nothing else, they CAN let loose of some of what they have and put their money where their mouth is. As far as the young people, as soon as you discern that they are, I would LAUGH them off this board! They can't/don't want to pay for their own college, their own decent living space, their own healthcare, and in some instances......their own toilet paper. They sucked their parents as dry as they could, and now they want to make you their new daddy and mommy. Stick your foot in their a**, and tell them not to let the door hit them on the way out, and make sure they leave their key!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't buy their bull. Let them EARN their way, and if they can't, let them go hungry for awhile. A grumbling belly will wake them up faster than anything.
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Answer. No one is against a nuclear family. Your post is another example of right wing division pimping. It is what you people do best (since you have no successful policy ideas). What we are against are the holy rollers, and the just and righteous among you denigrating those types of families you consider "non-traditional" and pissing all over them because they don't fit your Christian ideals.
There is a war against the nuclear family. Extreme feminism cannot exist with a stronger nuclear family. The millennial generation males that will not ever marry is over 50% by demographics. That generation is huge and much more diverse with a percentage having absolute venom towards the older white population. The irony is that when we get a totalitarian leader when we are poor enough, he will force nuclear marriages again as it is the cheapest way to raise children. There are millions of young women who are not woke who will never get married and want to because of the system we currently have.

Why are political Marxists against the nuclear family?​

Why does a duck swim like a duck?

Why are Democrats treasonous CCP cock holsters?

Why are Democrats human / child / sex-trafficking pedophiles?

They are who they are.
There is a war against the nuclear family. Extreme feminism cannot exist with a stronger nuclear family. The millennial generation males that will not ever marry is over 50% by demographics. That generation is huge and much more diverse with a percentage having absolute venom towards the older white population. The irony is that when we get a totalitarian leader when we are poor enough, he will force nuclear marriages again as it is the cheapest way to raise children. There are millions of young women who are not woke who will never get married and want to because of the system we currently have.
No. There isn't. The family dynamic in this country has been changing since the 1960's. But the majority of families???
Are nuclear. Again, what annoys someone like me are the just and righteous who think children can't be raised by same sex couples because that doesn't meet their sensible Christian value system.

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