Who's The Victim in This Scenario?


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
So I'm still processing this information (and have been kind of pissed off about it) . The story is as follows:

  1. You go to a foreign country where apparently you don't speak or read enough Spanish to be able to read the signs posted around the Marriott property.

  2. You apparently did not research any "be one the lookouts for" regarding the location you will be visiting.

  3. You leave the hotel property in order to go swimming on the beach at night, just before midnight.

  4. Before you even are able to enter the water, a crocodile emerges from the surf, grabs your leg(s) and drags you into the water.

  5. The beach is posted with what appears to be warning signs which even if you can't read Spanish has photos on it.

  6. And the sign even has a phone number on it so you can ask somebody who knows if you don't:

Now you're mad at the Marriott because they didn't idiot proof the beach with larger signs than what is currently posted and that are in English. From the imagery on the sign, it appears that you could be "hurt" by any of the following: 1) crocodiles, 2) what appears to be a wild canine or feline, 3) jellyfish and/or a 4) sting or manta ray.

Again, who is the victim? My understanding is that just like the incident in Orlando several years ago, crocodiles like alligators feed at night and are attracted to slashing and other activity in the water.

Even if you don't accept that the ocean is the domain of the crocodile and other creatures, in the very least they and human beings share common areas and if you venture into that shared area you must be vigilant and prepare as best you can for an encounter.
So I'm still processing this information (and have been kind of pissed off about it) . The story is as follows:

  1. You go to a foreign country where apparently you don't speak or read enough Spanish to be able to read the signs posted around the Marriott property.

  2. You apparently did not research any "be one the lookouts for" regarding the location you will be visiting.

  3. You leave the hotel property in order to go swimming on the beach at night, just before midnight.

  4. Before you even are able to enter the water, a crocodile emerges from the surf, grabs your leg(s) and drags you into the water.

  5. The beach is posted with what appears to be warning signs which even if you can't read Spanish has photos on it.

  6. And the sign even has a phone number on it so you can ask somebody who knows if you don't:
View attachment 519024

Now you're mad at the Marriott because they didn't idiot proof the beach with larger signs than what is currently posted and that are in English. From the imagery on the sign, it appears that you could be "hurt" by any of the following: 1) crocodiles, 2) what appears to be a wild canine or feline, 3) jellyfish and/or a 4) sting or manta ray.

Again, who is the victim? My understanding is that just like the incident in Orlando several years ago, crocodiles like alligators feed at night and are attracted to slashing and other activity in the water.

Even if you don't accept that the ocean is the domain of the crocodile and other creatures, in the very least they and human beings share common areas and if you venture into that shared area you must be vigilant and prepare as best you can for an encounter.

Lemme guess: this was the first non-Spanish speaking guest at the hotel that ever got bitten by a crock because the staff at the Marriott were too stupid and lazy to simply say to the guests to BEWARE THE CROCODILES?
So I'm still processing this information (and have been kind of pissed off about it) . The story is as follows:

  1. You go to a foreign country where apparently you don't speak or read enough Spanish to be able to read the signs posted around the Marriott property.

  2. You apparently did not research any "be one the lookouts for" regarding the location you will be visiting.

  3. You leave the hotel property in order to go swimming on the beach at night, just before midnight.

  4. Before you even are able to enter the water, a crocodile emerges from the surf, grabs your leg(s) and drags you into the water.

  5. The beach is posted with what appears to be warning signs which even if you can't read Spanish has photos on it.

  6. And the sign even has a phone number on it so you can ask somebody who knows if you don't:
View attachment 519024

Now you're mad at the Marriott because they didn't idiot proof the beach with larger signs than what is currently posted and that are in English. From the imagery on the sign, it appears that you could be "hurt" by any of the following: 1) crocodiles, 2) what appears to be a wild canine or feline, 3) jellyfish and/or a 4) sting or manta ray.

Again, who is the victim? My understanding is that just like the incident in Orlando several years ago, crocodiles like alligators feed at night and are attracted to slashing and other activity in the water.

Even if you don't accept that the ocean is the domain of the crocodile and other creatures, in the very least they and human beings share common areas and if you venture into that shared area you must be vigilant and prepare as best you can for an encounter.

Why are you so fired up about it?
If I went to a resort with a private beach I guess I wouldn't expect to be killed by a crocodile. I would expect a little more caution on the part of the people I'm paying to show me a good time. Pretty sure, you'd have more protection in the U.S.
I thought crocs were fresh water creatures anyway.
How about a BIG sign showing a Crock grabbing a human with a beach backdrop at the beach, in the hotel, in the parking lot, etc.? You don't have to know any language to understand that. (A picture is worth a thousand words)
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Lemme guess: this was the first non-Spanish speaking guest at the hotel that ever got bitten by a crock because the staff at the Marriott were too stupid and lazy to simply say to the guests to BEWARE THE CROCODILES?
More morbidly, maybe it's a game to them??? ("Hey, you don't speak our language, to Hell wit' you.") (use appropriate Spanish accent) Or something like that.
Why are you so fired up about it?
People doing stupid things and then blaming or being mad at others for failing to prevent them from hurting themselves. Makes me think of Ashli Babbett.

I feel the same way about people who start off on a long road trip in the winter time without checking the weather first which would have revealed the blizzard that they drove into and had to be rescued from at the potential loss of life to their rescuers.
People doing stupid things and then blaming or being mad at others for failing to prevent them from hurting themselves. Ashli Babbett comes to mind.

I feel the same way about people who start off on a long road trip in the winter time without checking the weather first which would have revealed the blizzard that they drove into and had to be rescued from at the potential loss of life to their rescuers.
So, where would one find the latest "Crock forecast" for that beach on that day?
1. When you go to a non-English speaking nation, don't expect English to be the dominant wording on any signs. If the sign on the beach was as big as in the picture, it was plenty large enough. There as mentioned, were the images of the dangerous creatures. The hotel said there were not only signs on the beach, but red warning flags and patrols.
2. The 18 year old also complained that hospital staff came out, poured bottled water over the wounds and bandaged her, then she had to wait four hours while waiting for help and the local hospital demanded thousands of dollars up front before they would do anything. Hotels don't generally have "doctors" on staff, so the staff did all that they could. On the issue of the medical treatment, Mexico is an example of what you can expect in a nation with socialized medicine and the bulk of its citizens are poor. They have to recoup costs where they can when foreigners are injured.
Once Marxism takes hold here, with the exception of the politburo hierarchy, all citizens will be poor and socialized medicine will mean long waits for things and poorer quality care.
Back to the 18 year old: She's an example of what foreigners call, "the Ugly American." Americans who expect everything to be just like it is here. I love it when these pampered American teens go to a foreign nation and experience actual culture shock.
1. When you go to a non-English speaking nation, don't expect English to be the dominant wording on any signs. If the sign on the beach was as big as in the picture, it was plenty large enough. There as mentioned, were the images of the dangerous creatures. The hotel said there were not only signs on the beach, but red warning flags and patrols.
2. The 18 year old also complained that hospital staff came out, poured bottled water over the wounds and bandaged her, then she had to wait four hours while waiting for help and the local hospital demanded thousands of dollars up front before they would do anything. Hotels don't generally have "doctors" on staff, so the staff did all that they could. On the issue of the medical treatment, Mexico is an example of what you can expect in a nation with socialized medicine and the bulk of its citizens are poor. They have to recoup costs where they can when foreigners are injured.
Once Marxism takes hold here, with the exception of the politburo hierarchy, all citizens will be poor and socialized medicine will mean long waits for things and poorer quality care.
Back to the 18 year old: She's an example of what foreigners call, "the Ugly American." Americans who expect everything to be just like it is here. I love it when these pampered American teens go to a foreign nation and experience actual culture shock.
I agree. The only thing I would add is what I posted earlier in this thread. How about a sign actually showing a Crock coming out of the surf and biting a human figure? A picture of a crock on a sign isn't that specific. Frankly I don't think the hotel staff and hospital staff gave much of a shit in that Marxist enclave anyway. I also wondered what possessed that person to want to go swimming in a beach at night. There are CARNIVORE fish roaming in the ocean, ugly animals with poisionous spines you can't see but step on, all mostly unseen during the DAY!!! UNTILL!!!!!!!!
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People doing stupid things and then blaming or being mad at others for failing to prevent them from hurting themselves. Makes me think of Ashli Babbett.

I feel the same way about people who start off on a long road trip in the winter time without checking the weather first which would have revealed the blizzard that they drove into and had to be rescued from at the potential loss of life to their rescuers.

Crocs and Alligators don't live in salt water.
Crocs and Alligators don't live in salt water.
Salt water crocs are some the largest and most dangerous semiaquatic reptiles found in the world. They are ambush predators. They can lie undetected in shallow shore water and leap out an snag prey standing on the shore. Not unlike alligators in a fresh water swamp that will lie in wait for animals to come to drink water.
You can't buy a piece of crap hardware or an electronic device in Walmart that doesn't have warnings written in English and Spanish and French these days. English is acknowledged to be an international language and foreign beach resorts freely accept the good old American dollar so why can't they print their warning signs in English? Maybe feeding American scum touristas to sea monsters is an underground sport in some areas of the globe.
I think I have missed the point of the thread. Are we dissing Spain and Spanish people today?
Nope, it's one of my pet peeves about people not thinking or doing at least a minimal amount of research in order to keep themselves safe and then when they end up hurting themselves, it's everyone else's fault for failing to have protected them from their own stupidity.

In this case, allegedly the fault of the Marriott.
You can't buy a piece of crap hardware or an electronic device in Walmart that doesn't have warnings written in English and Spanish and French these days. English is acknowledged to be an international language and foreign beach resorts freely accept the good old American dollar so why can't they print their warning signs in English? Maybe feeding American scum touristas to sea monsters is an underground sport in some areas of the globe.

I don't have much empathy for people who will spend money and do business in a criminal narco state run by drug cartels. Gators are the least of what they should be worried about in that shithole.

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