Who's Happier, Liberals or Conservatives?

Ahh the victim mentality.

Keep us safe from terrorists.
They are gonna take our guns away.
They are having a war on Christmas!
Christians are so persecuted!

The victim mentality is not as one sided as the right leads us to believe.
You hardly scratched the surface of CON$ervoFascist victimhood. They constantly bitch about how they are picked on by:
Liberal professors
The Liberal media
Liberal hollywood
Liberal judges
Liberal musicians
Liberal students
etc., etc., etc.
This average Liberal is quite well adjusted in the happy-o-meter. Have been for most of my 50 + years.

:eusa_think: Of course, those 50+ years covering the span of my life include times when I was a church-going conservative as well as after being born again as a life worshiping liberal...

Perhaps a better question would be, do people who describe themselves as long term happy also describe themselves as liberal or conservative? :dunno:

I'll bet most happy people describe themselves as conservative when it comes to finance (I have no debt) and liberal when it comes to having a good time.

Just call me a happy independent who is currently leaning left.

Trust me when I say that, should a government ever blossom that promotes fairness and simplicity in taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law and transparency in all things politics, I'll try to 'conserve' that fucker to my dying breath.

'Till then, happy liberal it is.

Well....you covered a lot of bases there, Joey.....

You might be interested in Charles Murray's "Coming Apart," in which he writes:

1. The deterioration of social capital in lower-class white America strips the residents of one of the main resources in the pursuit of happiness. As per Aristotle, happiness consists of lasting and justified satisfaction with life as a whole. After careful consideration, it seems that there are just four domains through which humans achieve deep satisfaction, happiness: family, vocation, community and faith.

a. Family happiness is the same as a happy marriage; 58% of those in a happy marriage said their lives were very happy. This compares with 8% who said their marriages were ‘not too happy.’

b. Vocation is more than job. It can be what one does, or one’s cause…Homemakers were the highest proportion of people with high work satisfaction, and were very happy.

c. Faith. None of the data is as dispositive as this. The more attached to faith, as defined by belief and how many services one attend, the more self-described as ‘very happy’ with life. More than once a week attendance, 49% very happy; down to never attends, 23% very happy.

d. Community. The survey measures everything from levels of giving blood, to hanging out with friends, to participating in various groups and associations, to levels of trust, to participation in group arts and group sports, to the diversity of our friendship patterns. High levels of community involvement were consistently associated with “very happy.”

You're a lucky man.

I'll admit, luck has a visible role in my life... just living my gift of life in 21st Century America makes me among the luckiest of humans who've shared in the gift. That said, I've also been smart enough to cut my losses rather than follow bad decisions down the rabbit hole, and I've worked hard both physically and emotionally to 'make' myself and those I care about happy. The trick to the latter is taking on the job with the KNOWLEDGE of having one and only one attitude under my control. Sometimes you just need to let the childish grow up on their own and remember that when all else fails, shit washes off.
I'm thinking the liberals in this thread didn't read the OP....
2. Wrong. Scholars on both the left and right have studied this question extensively, and have reached a consensus that it is conservatives who possess the happiness edge.

a. Pew Research Center in 2006 reported that conservative Republicans were 68 percent more likely than liberal Democrats to say they were “very happy” about their lives. This pattern has persisted for decades.

3. Many conservatives favor an explanation focusing on lifestyle differences, such as marriage and faith. They note that most conservatives are married; most liberals are not. (The percentages are 53 percent to 33 percent, according to my calculations using data from the 2004 General Social Survey, and almost none of the gap is due to the fact that liberals tend to be younger than conservatives.) …married person will be 18 percentage points more likely to say he or she is very happy than the unmarried person

2006? 2004?

That is when conservatives were calling the shots

Based on their constant temper tantrums, they do not seem too happy today

Singular, secular, with out children does NOT equal liberal. And the arbitrary division remains as useless as ever. One of the most hardcore conservatives I know, EXTREME right, is an atheist. While businesses that produce labels are part of the economy, many seem to have home equipment to toss out labels much too frequently.
Based on what I see here and in RL, I KNOW I am a hell of a lto happier than lefties. What a bitter and negative group, at least more than I would ever want to be.
This average Liberal is quite well adjusted in the happy-o-meter. Have been for most of my 50 + years.

:eusa_think: Of course, those 50+ years covering the span of my life include times when I was a church-going conservative as well as after being born again as a life worshiping liberal...

Perhaps a better question would be, do people who describe themselves as long term happy also describe themselves as liberal or conservative? :dunno:

I'll bet most happy people describe themselves as conservative when it comes to finance (I have no debt) and liberal when it comes to having a good time.

Just call me a happy independent who is currently leaning left.

Trust me when I say that, should a government ever blossom that promotes fairness and simplicity in taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law and transparency in all things politics, I'll try to 'conserve' that fucker to my dying breath.

'Till then, happy liberal it is.

Well....you covered a lot of bases there, Joey.....

You might be interested in Charles Murray's "Coming Apart," in which he writes:

1. The deterioration of social capital in lower-class white America strips the residents of one of the main resources in the pursuit of happiness. As per Aristotle, happiness consists of lasting and justified satisfaction with life as a whole. After careful consideration, it seems that there are just four domains through which humans achieve deep satisfaction, happiness: family, vocation, community and faith.

a. Family happiness is the same as a happy marriage; 58% of those in a happy marriage said their lives were very happy. This compares with 8% who said their marriages were ‘not too happy.’

b. Vocation is more than job. It can be what one does, or one’s cause…Homemakers were the highest proportion of people with high work satisfaction, and were very happy.

c. Faith. None of the data is as dispositive as this. The more attached to faith, as defined by belief and how many services one attend, the more self-described as ‘very happy’ with life. More than once a week attendance, 49% very happy; down to never attends, 23% very happy.

d. Community. The survey measures everything from levels of giving blood, to hanging out with friends, to participating in various groups and associations, to levels of trust, to participation in group arts and group sports, to the diversity of our friendship patterns. High levels of community involvement were consistently associated with “very happy.”

You're a lucky man.

I'll admit, luck has a visible role in my life... just living my gift of life in 21st Century America makes me among the luckiest of humans who've shared in the gift. That said, I've also been smart enough to cut my losses rather than follow bad decisions down the rabbit hole, and I've worked hard both physically and emotionally to 'make' myself and those I care about happy. The trick to the latter is taking on the job with the KNOWLEDGE of having one and only one attitude under my control. Sometimes you just need to let the childish grow up on their own and remember that when all else fails, shit washes off.

You're underestimating yourself....based on this post, it's not luck, it's 'smart.'
Well....you covered a lot of bases there, Joey.....

You might be interested in Charles Murray's "Coming Apart," in which he writes:

1. The deterioration of social capital in lower-class white America strips the residents of one of the main resources in the pursuit of happiness. As per Aristotle, happiness consists of lasting and justified satisfaction with life as a whole. After careful consideration, it seems that there are just four domains through which humans achieve deep satisfaction, happiness: family, vocation, community and faith.

a. Family happiness is the same as a happy marriage; 58% of those in a happy marriage said their lives were very happy. This compares with 8% who said their marriages were ‘not too happy.’

b. Vocation is more than job. It can be what one does, or one’s cause…Homemakers were the highest proportion of people with high work satisfaction, and were very happy.

c. Faith. None of the data is as dispositive as this. The more attached to faith, as defined by belief and how many services one attend, the more self-described as ‘very happy’ with life. More than once a week attendance, 49% very happy; down to never attends, 23% very happy.

d. Community. The survey measures everything from levels of giving blood, to hanging out with friends, to participating in various groups and associations, to levels of trust, to participation in group arts and group sports, to the diversity of our friendship patterns. High levels of community involvement were consistently associated with “very happy.”

You're a lucky man.

I'll admit, luck has a visible role in my life... just living my gift of life in 21st Century America makes me among the luckiest of humans who've shared in the gift. That said, I've also been smart enough to cut my losses rather than follow bad decisions down the rabbit hole, and I've worked hard both physically and emotionally to 'make' myself and those I care about happy. The trick to the latter is taking on the job with the KNOWLEDGE of having one and only one attitude under my control. Sometimes you just need to let the childish grow up on their own and remember that when all else fails, shit washes off.

You're underestimating yourself....based on this post, it's not luck, it's 'smart.'

Thanks... I think I'm smart. Smart enough to realize how lucky I am and smart enough to take advantage of the opportunities luck delivered to my hands.

Lucky to be born in the time and place I was.
Lucky to be able to pass myself off as 'white' when it mattered.
Lucky to have received a public education of reasonable quality. (60's & 70's)
Lucky to have parents who lived long enough to see their grand kids.
Lucky to access to the roads and infrastructure that make scratching my travel itch possible on my budget.
Lucky to have found AVG-WIFE when and where I did.

There's PLENTY more, but you get the idea. ;)
--- Part II (2:20) ---

Verse 1:
This is the time and life that I am living
And I'll face each day with a smile
For the time that I've been given's such a little while
And the things that I must do consist of more than style
[1: There are places that I am going
4: There'll be time for you to start all over]

Verse 2:
This is the only thing that I am sure of
And that's all that lives is gonna die
And there'll always be some people here to wonder why
And for every happy hello, there will be good-bye
There'll be time for you to put yourself on

Verse 3:
Everything I've seen needs rearranging
And for anyone who thinks it's strange
Then you should be the first to want to make this change
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game
Do you like the part you're playing

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdELzBV9pyo&feature=relmfu]Love - You Set The Scene - YouTube[/ame]
Well....you covered a lot of bases there, Joey.....

You might be interested in Charles Murray's "Coming Apart," in which he writes:

1. The deterioration of social capital in lower-class white America strips the residents of one of the main resources in the pursuit of happiness. As per Aristotle, happiness consists of lasting and justified satisfaction with life as a whole. After careful consideration, it seems that there are just four domains through which humans achieve deep satisfaction, happiness: family, vocation, community and faith.

a. Family happiness is the same as a happy marriage; 58% of those in a happy marriage said their lives were very happy. This compares with 8% who said their marriages were ‘not too happy.’

b. Vocation is more than job. It can be what one does, or one’s cause…Homemakers were the highest proportion of people with high work satisfaction, and were very happy.

c. Faith. None of the data is as dispositive as this. The more attached to faith, as defined by belief and how many services one attend, the more self-described as ‘very happy’ with life. More than once a week attendance, 49% very happy; down to never attends, 23% very happy.

d. Community. The survey measures everything from levels of giving blood, to hanging out with friends, to participating in various groups and associations, to levels of trust, to participation in group arts and group sports, to the diversity of our friendship patterns. High levels of community involvement were consistently associated with “very happy.”

You're a lucky man.

I'll admit, luck has a visible role in my life... just living my gift of life in 21st Century America makes me among the luckiest of humans who've shared in the gift. That said, I've also been smart enough to cut my losses rather than follow bad decisions down the rabbit hole, and I've worked hard both physically and emotionally to 'make' myself and those I care about happy. The trick to the latter is taking on the job with the KNOWLEDGE of having one and only one attitude under my control. Sometimes you just need to let the childish grow up on their own and remember that when all else fails, shit washes off.

You're underestimating yourself....based on this post, it's not luck, it's 'smart.'

"Luck" is the residue of design. :eusa_angel: Some people design better than others.
I'll admit, luck has a visible role in my life... just living my gift of life in 21st Century America makes me among the luckiest of humans who've shared in the gift. That said, I've also been smart enough to cut my losses rather than follow bad decisions down the rabbit hole, and I've worked hard both physically and emotionally to 'make' myself and those I care about happy. The trick to the latter is taking on the job with the KNOWLEDGE of having one and only one attitude under my control. Sometimes you just need to let the childish grow up on their own and remember that when all else fails, shit washes off.

You're underestimating yourself....based on this post, it's not luck, it's 'smart.'

Thanks... I think I'm smart. Smart enough to realize how lucky I am and smart enough to take advantage of the opportunities luck delivered to my hands.

Lucky to be born in the time and place I was.
Lucky to be able to pass myself off as 'white' when it mattered.
Lucky to have received a public education of reasonable quality. (60's & 70's)
Lucky to have parents who lived long enough to see their grand kids.
Lucky to access to the roads and infrastructure that make scratching my travel itch possible on my budget.
Lucky to have found AVG-WIFE when and where I did.

There's PLENTY more, but you get the idea. ;)

"Lucky to be able to pass myself off as 'white' when it mattered."

Jeezzz...I didn't realize you were white....

....my condolences.
I'll admit, luck has a visible role in my life... just living my gift of life in 21st Century America makes me among the luckiest of humans who've shared in the gift. That said, I've also been smart enough to cut my losses rather than follow bad decisions down the rabbit hole, and I've worked hard both physically and emotionally to 'make' myself and those I care about happy. The trick to the latter is taking on the job with the KNOWLEDGE of having one and only one attitude under my control. Sometimes you just need to let the childish grow up on their own and remember that when all else fails, shit washes off.

You're underestimating yourself....based on this post, it's not luck, it's 'smart.'

"Luck" is the residue of design. :eusa_angel: Some people design better than others.

I get your drift....

I've seen this attributed to lots of folks:

"The harder I work, the luckier I get."

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