Who Would Vote For This Again?

Simple enough to prove you are lying: if the government....FDR....hadn't decided to move into the private mortgage market, and left it up to the banks to whom to give mortgages, would there have been a mortgage meltdown?
FDR? What the hell are you talking about?

Were banks mandated to give mortgages to unqualified applicants, yes or no?

1. Franklin Roosevelt was responsible for the creation of Fannie and Freddie.

"The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), colloquially known as Fannie Mae, was established in 1938 by amendments to the National Housing Act[5] after the Great Depression as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal. Fannie Mae was established to provide local banks with federal money to finance home mortgages..."
Fannie Mae - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now that I've taught you history of the home mortgage fiasco....answer the question:
Would there have been a mortgage meltdown had the government not meddle in the private home mortgage industry?

Answer: no.

2. Pick up , "Hidden in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis and Why It Could Happen Again," by Peter Wallison.

Government programs.
Liberal policies.

" At the center of his narrative are what he calls nontraditional mortgages.

Two decades ago, the major lenders employed mortgage underwriting requirements for collateral, capacity and credit history – the three Cs. Collateral meant that the home buyer made a down payment, preferably of 20 percent or more of the value of the house, never less than 10 percent. Capacity referred to the maximum share of a borrower's income that could be devoted to mortgage payments and other debt service. Credit history meant that the borrower demonstrated an ability to manage credit responsibly, an ability which has come to be summarized in a credit score.

Nontraditional mortgages are those in which the lender deliberately waives one or more of the three Cs. Over a very short span of time, beginning in the late 1990s and culminating in 2007, the U.S. housing market came to be dominated by such mortgages.

Government encouraged the growth in nontraditional mortgages. In the decades leading up to the crisis, government officials produced reports and statements criticizing lenders for sticking to the three Cs. They issued lending quotas to Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and large commercial banks. To meet those quotas, those lenders had to turn to nontraditional mortgages.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac instead reported that their portfolios included only one or two percent of “subprime” loans. Later, Wallison's colleague Ed Pinto found that many of the loans that Freddie and Fannie classified as standard were in fact substandard loans that defaulted at much higher rates than conventional mortgages."
Housing Bubbles Subprime Mortgages and the Financial Crisis Reconsidered - US News

"....government officials produced reports and statements criticizing lenders for sticking to the three Cs. They issued lending quotas to Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and large commercial banks. To meet those quotas, those lenders had to turn to nontraditional mortgages.

Get it now????
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.
Liberals spend.

Then liberals tax.

Once you've greased up to accept that it should be easy.

That is about right...Liberals raise the tax rate to pay for spending

Conservatives cut taxes and borrow to pay for increased spending

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan - WSJ

Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession"
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard
Democrats: Tax and spend, pro big government.

Republicans: Borrow and spend, pro big government.

After you live through enough Democratic and Republican Congresses and Presidents, this truth gets hammered home to you.
And what makes it worse, is Republicans borrow, leaving Democrats to find ways to pay it back. That leads to raising taxes, which Republicans then use to attack the Democrats.

Democrat Obama, from the NYTimes:
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/magazine/17obama-t.html
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

I just don't understand Republicans, they are not like you and I

Democrats are raised to love America, Republican children are raised to serve the wealthy elite

Republican children are raised to hate those children who are not as fortunate as they are. It is the poor children who are the problem in this country

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan - WSJ

Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession"
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Non-farm payrolls

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1981 91037
91105 91210 91283 91293 91490 91602 91566 91479 91380 91171 90893
1982 90567 90562 90432 90152 90107 89864 89522 89364 89183 88906 88783 88769
1983 88993 88918 89090 89366 89643 90022 90440 90132 91247 91518 91871 92227
1984 92673 93154 93429 93792 94100 94479 94792 95034 95344 95630 95979 96107
1985 96373 96497 96843 97039 97313 97459 97649 97842 98045 98233 98442 98609
1986 98734 98841 98935 99122 99249 99155 99473 99587 99934 100120 100306 100511
1987 100683 100915 101164 101502 101728 101900 102247 102418 102646 103138 103370 103664
1988 103758 104211 104487 104732 104961 105324 105546 105670 106009 106277 106616 106906

Can you show us the net increase of 45 million jobs from Jan 81 to Dec 88?
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

I just don't understand Republicans, they are not like you and I

Democrats are raised to love America, Republican children are raised to serve the wealthy elite

Republican children are raised to hate those children who are not as fortunate as they are. It is the poor children who are the problem in this country

The scariest part is that you might actually believe the stuff you post.

Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

everything you post rings of mental illness. You really need to get back on your meds and return to a vegetative state. You and your sock jake are a danger to yourselves in your current condition.

where is jake BTW? is he sleeping in your lap?
That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

everything you post rings of mental illness. You really need to get back on your meds and return to a vegetative state. You and your sock jake are a danger to yourselves in your current condition.

where is jake BTW? is he sleeping in your lap?

I may be just a mild mannered poster on a great metropolitan message board but I fight a neverending battle against those who do not love America

Republicans do not love America
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

See what I mean?
That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

See what I mean?

yep, he/she/it is an idiot. I am very close to putting he/she/it on ignore. Its really a waste of time to read the foolish repeating of left wing lies and talking points that this idiot posts every day.
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

everything you post rings of mental illness. You really need to get back on your meds and return to a vegetative state. You and your sock jake are a danger to yourselves in your current condition.

where is jake BTW? is he sleeping in your lap?

I may be just a mild mannered poster on a great metropolitan message board but I fight a neverending battle against those who do not love America

Republicans do not love America

are you the poster named Hugh Jim Bissel from AWE? Say the name fast and you will get it. He posted the same kind of idiocy that you post.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Non-farm payrolls

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1981 91037
91105 91210 91283 91293 91490 91602 91566 91479 91380 91171 90893
1982 90567 90562 90432 90152 90107 89864 89522 89364 89183 88906 88783 88769
1983 88993 88918 89090 89366 89643 90022 90440 90132 91247 91518 91871 92227
1984 92673 93154 93429 93792 94100 94479 94792 95034 95344 95630 95979 96107
1985 96373 96497 96843 97039 97313 97459 97649 97842 98045 98233 98442 98609
1986 98734 98841 98935 99122 99249 99155 99473 99587 99934 100120 100306 100511
1987 100683 100915 101164 101502 101728 101900 102247 102418 102646 103138 103370 103664
1988 103758 104211 104487 104732 104961 105324 105546 105670 106009 106277 106616 106906

Can you show us the net increase of 45 million jobs from Jan 81 to Dec 88?

Can anyone help Political C out here? Can anyone see a 45 million job increase in the Reagan presidency?
Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

everything you post rings of mental illness. You really need to get back on your meds and return to a vegetative state. You and your sock jake are a danger to yourselves in your current condition.

where is jake BTW? is he sleeping in your lap?

I may be just a mild mannered poster on a great metropolitan message board but I fight a neverending battle against those who do not love America

Republicans do not love America

are you the poster named Hugh Jim Bissel from AWE? Say the name fast and you will get it. He posted the same kind of idiocy that you post.

Please do not advertise other sites on this board

I only get paid to post on this board
Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

everything you post rings of mental illness. You really need to get back on your meds and return to a vegetative state. You and your sock jake are a danger to yourselves in your current condition.

where is jake BTW? is he sleeping in your lap?

I may be just a mild mannered poster on a great metropolitan message board but I fight a neverending battle against those who do not love America

Republicans do not love America

are you the poster named Hugh Jim Bissel from AWE? Say the name fast and you will get it. He posted the same kind of idiocy that you post.

Please do not advertise other sites on this board

I only get paid to post on this board

as I suspected.
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

Everything you post....everything.....reeks with the same truth as your avi.

Everything I post rings of truth, justice and the American way

See what I mean?

yep, he/she/it is an idiot. I am very close to putting he/she/it on ignore. Its really a waste of time to read the foolish repeating of left wing lies and talking points that this idiot posts every day.

Think of all the fun you would miss out on

Do I amuse you?
Last edited:
Why is this just a single party person crap thread?
If you are going to ask questions with references to more than one..Where is the oppositions representation?

"Where is the oppositions representation?"

That would be you, if you fit either of these condidtions:

a. You could find any errors in the OP

b. If you actually had any cerebral competence

The error in the OP is blaming any of it on Obama.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Non-farm payrolls

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1981 91037
91105 91210 91283 91293 91490 91602 91566 91479 91380 91171 90893
1982 90567 90562 90432 90152 90107 89864 89522 89364 89183 88906 88783 88769
1983 88993 88918 89090 89366 89643 90022 90440 90132 91247 91518 91871 92227
1984 92673 93154 93429 93792 94100 94479 94792 95034 95344 95630 95979 96107
1985 96373 96497 96843 97039 97313 97459 97649 97842 98045 98233 98442 98609
1986 98734 98841 98935 99122 99249 99155 99473 99587 99934 100120 100306 100511
1987 100683 100915 101164 101502 101728 101900 102247 102418 102646 103138 103370 103664
1988 103758 104211 104487 104732 104961 105324 105546 105670 106009 106277 106616 106906

Can you show us the net increase of 45 million jobs from Jan 81 to Dec 88?

Can anyone help Political C out here? Can anyone see a 45 million job increase in the Reagan presidency?

Without objection,

we have found another Political C lie.

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