who will be trump vp and hillary vp?

Trump VP - who cares, doesn't matter, he's a non-issue.

Hillary - Sanders or Warren -- bring the progressives into the fold. Or Bloomberg.
I know Hulk Hogan wants to be Rump's bitch but I'm thinking Pee Wee Herman is more appropriate.

Ohio and Florida are no longer 'toss-up' swing states. Both are now considered 'likely Dem' states.

Trump can't win.
One thing I hope....and that is that Mr Trump DOES NOT chose and insider politician ...not from the House or the Senate or any of that .....as a VP

JFK and Lyndon Johnson memories are still fresh in people's minds....it can happen again.

That's all.
If I was Trump....I would put a military man as a VP :thup:

To have all the military back me....in times of need.....

You know. ..... only in times of need ..... so to speak......;)
who will be trump and hillary vp ?

Hillary/ the senior cell block supervisor on duty.

I do like Gingrich ....I like his historical books a lot :2up:


Trump needs force behind him... he needs the Military with him ....and so .....he needs a military VP

these are the times USA is going through....you need to stop the .....well......raza? mecha? Islamic scum? ...and commies?....all that ...garbage

Trump will need force ....this is a NEW America
Just a notice on the side...

For those who have ears....listen

Martial Law is coming to America

But it's only going to be called "Emergency" ...why? a false flag attack

Because they don't want to frighten the sheeple....the zombies ..the progressives .... Emergency sounds better to the morons' ears ...

I still hope Americans will be able to vote .....before EMERGENCY comes to America with Barry and company at the helm.
One thing I hope....and that is that Mr Trump DOES NOT chose and insider politician ...not from the House or the Senate or any of that .....as a VP

JFK and Lyndon Johnson memories are still fresh in people's minds....it can happen again.

That's all.

Yabbut Lyndon Johnson didn't shoot JFK. Ted Cruz' father did.
He would have to pick someone that is recognizable and likeable by everyone on both sides of the isle this way he overcomes his weakness of being unlikable by a lot of people.

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