Who will be Hillary's running mate?


I'm thinking Julian Castro. The guy is a family man and a brilliant speaker. Let's get him on the ticket and groom him for after Hillary.



Elizabeth Warren. She would certainly bring in the Bernie Sanders voters.

Anyone else?
A Republican Vice President would obviously be a better fit for her. Elizabeth Warren would never agree to be an accomplice to the crime.
I would support the military's intervention should either of those tickets worm their way into power.
I am sure you are on both civilian and military watchlists, so if you hear helicopters above you, just don't ignore them.

That's pretty doubtful. In 18 years of the coffee-klatch entertainment of posting to political slap-fights such as this, I have never threatened anyone, nor ever encouraged raising one's fist against the United States.
Of course not. ;)

If you are claiming that I have, produce the evidence.
You don't have to explain your innocence to me. But you are stupid to talk about violence using the military to suppress your political enemies. That is unAmerican and stupid.

Where did I say I would "use the military" to suppress anyone? I simply stated I would under certain intractable circumstances damaging to the nation support such a move. The decision would be up to the military leaders.

I have the right to express such an opinion in this country, you know, and there is no threat involved.

You people really do require remedial English classes. In fact, I think they should be forced upon you. :laugh2:

I note with interest how quickly you would use the authorities to suppress me. Same-same.
Castro is the most likely VP candidate to Clinton...Young, articulate, smart, he'll bring the Latino voters out and help carry such states as AZ, FL, and perhaps even TX.
Castro is the most likely VP candidate to Clinton...Young, articulate, smart, he'll bring the Latino voters out and help carry such states as AZ, FL, and perhaps even TX.
Pandering to more corporate sucks won't convince Sanders supporters to come out for Clinton.
Castro is the most likely VP candidate to Clinton...Young, articulate, smart, he'll bring the Latino voters out and help carry such states as AZ, FL, and perhaps even TX.

Maybe, but she will get the Latino vote anyway so that wont matter. Experts have said Castro intends to run as governor of TX next time around and begin turning the state blue. As of now, it still leans very red and she is unlikely to pick it up even with Castro particularly with her anti gun stance.
Martinez the GOP governor of NM is seriously considering crossing party lines to be HRC's running mate.

The move would finish the destruction of the GOP as we know it now.
Susan Martinez? It would never happen.
She said she would sign anti gay legislation and her hairdresser quit and told other NM hair dressers to not work for her.
She started to look like an old used mop.
Suddenly she had a change of heart and refused to sign the legislation. This happened a couple of years ago when Republicans new cycle of hating gays was picking up steam.
True Story.
Now Republicans want to kill the gays. Stuff they start always seems to go farther than they intended.

I'm thinking Julian Castro. The guy is a family man and a brilliant speaker. Let's get him on the ticket and groom him for after Hillary.



Elizabeth Warren. She would certainly bring in the Bernie Sanders voters.

Anyone else?
A Republican Vice President would obviously be a better fit for her. Elizabeth Warren would never agree to be an accomplice to the crime.
What crime?
BillyKinettaWeasel: "Where did I say I would "use the military" to suppress anyone?" You did above if the election did not go your way.

BillyKinettaWeasel:"I have the right to express such an opinion in this country, you know, and there is no threat involved." Free speech does not mean anytime anywhere anytype freedom of expression.

BillyKinettaWeasel:"I note with interest how quickly you would use the authorities to suppress me. Same-same." In noted (1) I never said anything of the sort and (2) your dropped your initial post from the string above.

You are a coward, typical of the far right.

I'm thinking Julian Castro. The guy is a family man and a brilliant speaker. Let's get him on the ticket and groom him for after Hillary.



Elizabeth Warren. She would certainly bring in the Bernie Sanders voters.

Anyone else?
A Republican Vice President would obviously be a better fit for her. Elizabeth Warren would never agree to be an accomplice to the crime.
What crime?

How about if we start with her being a shill for Wall Street investment bankers. We can go on from there.

I'm thinking Julian Castro. The guy is a family man and a brilliant speaker. Let's get him on the ticket and groom him for after Hillary.



Elizabeth Warren. She would certainly bring in the Bernie Sanders voters.

Anyone else?

I know him. He's another limp wristed spineless wonder who is afraid to do or say anything other than tell us how his grandmother would be so proud of him and his brother. He has repeated that story millions of times. He actually didn't do anything for san antonio. The hillary will be able to beat him down and control him though. He wont utter a peep.

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