Zone1 Who was responsible for slavery.

You know, that institution that used to exist where blacks were enslaved. That we fought a Civil War to end? That many blacks these days laughingly want "reparations" for? Who started it all. It was a black person named Anthony Johnson. He was at one time an indentured servant who was freed after his indentured servitude. He went on to be successful. He himself got 4 indentured servants. Three White and one black.

The black one's name was John Castor. After his period of indentured servitude, Johnson didn't free him. But he went to work for a neighbor anyway. Johnson sued to get him back. The first trial ended where the neighbor got to keep him. But on appeal, Jonson was given the right to own him and got him back. That set the legal precedent. So for all the blacks who complain about their ancestors having been slaves, they have a black person to blame for it. And for those seeking reparations for slavery, they should look for the descendants of Anthony Johnson and try to get it from them.

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yet slavery in the US existed before Anthony was born.
I don't know how indentured servitude worked. But I assume that the custom was to set such a person free after a certain amount of time.
Like paying for passage from a country to another country and that person basically works for the person until the debt is paid. its like equivalent exchange

Anything along that line.

Still since most slaves were kidnapped and forcible taken from their homes against their will which is not indentured servitude.

The term probably is misused by some as it is a deal. It also sounds better than just forcing people into slavery and then claiming indentured servitude when your talking to your neighbor.
The human condition on all the continents favored slavery for millennia.

My people thought Mexican women made the best slaves.

Whites were whiners always.

American indigenous peoples knew that rule and odds changed all the time, so wait it out the best one can.

Tell me of a slave who wasn't a "whiner." At one time in Scotland, if you worked on the estate of some lord, you were forbidden by law to leave the estate and seek your fortune elsewhere. I also heard myself that native Americans didn't make very good slaves. Who knows why. I'm sure I've only heard BS propaganda on the matter. You also to wait it out as best you can. I couldn't imagine any "master" giving his slaves any worse advice. Freedom isn't a thing to be waited for. It is something that must be fought for. In that regard, I have some words of wisdom for you.

Benjamin Franklin 3.jpg

cowardice meme.jpg
I wasn’t alive yet. But if lil im.2 can be believed, I must be responsible for slavery in the American colonies and in the United States of America.

So. Ok. I guess I have to pay all that “reparations” nonsense.

But be advised. I will absolutely and immediately declare bankruptcy.

Those receiving the so-called “reparations” will be making a few Pennies on the billion. 👍
You cannot discuss racism without that one white person telling you how Africans enslaved and sold other Africans. This claim is supposed to absolve whites of their role in the slave trade or somehow equally implicate blacks. This is at best, a disingenuous claim. Blacks have not been perfect and African nations had conflicts just like every other nation or tribe on this planet during the history of the world. Many European cultures killed those who they captured in wars. Most African tribes enslaved prisoners of war.

Slavery was used to pay off debt. Slavery was also a punishment for criminal behavior. There were sex slaves also. None of these things are right, but neither is the Africans sold other Africans’ argument. The Trans Saharan slave trade existed, but going back to the Pre histoorric times to find an excuse to say that other nations did it too or how slavery has been practiced since the beginning of time is weak. While it is true that slavery existed in Africa before Europeans got there, the lie ignores the fact that whites made slavery legal in America.

But let get past this because this fool tried the Anthony Johnson story.

America had every chance not to implement slavery. We are told how the so-called founders of this country created the way to end slavery when they wrote the constitution. Many will cite the fact they made the importation of slaves illegal by 1808 as evidence. But refusing to stop importing slaves did not end the slaving business in the United States. What it produced was an original American industry-slave breeding.

“During the fifty-three years from the prohibition of the African slave trade by federal law in 1808 to the debacle of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the Southern economy depended on the functioning of a slave-breeding industry, of which Virginia was the number-one supplier.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016

If America had continued to import slaves, it would have diluted the market, thereby driving down the price of slaves. Slave sellers could not have this.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.” “By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".

The narrative of the African running up to whites on the African coast yelling, “We got slaves for sale,” is untrue. Europeans decided to invade Africa and purchase African war captives. I have not been able to find research whereby Africans loaded up slave vessels that landed in Europe to sell slaves. I see no record of any west African shipping company that sailed the Atlantic, dropping off slaves in South America, the Caribbean, and then America.

The question is who is responsible for slavery? In America it was the government. The same government that is responsible for 100 years of Jim Crow after slavery.

Nice way to dodge the point. You call me a fool? I call you a bonehead. The appeal sought by Anthony Johnson in his case to get possession of John Castor is what made actual ownership of another person legal in the Colonies. On top of that, it was one black person getting ownership of another black person. Deal with it.

You also bring up White people having bred black people like cattle. I can't say it is wrong. But blacks just like anybody else have a tendency to breed. It will take more than a bragging letter by Thomas Jefferson to convince me that an actual breeding program too place. There may have been instances where it did happen. But I doubt that made up for anything near the majority of births. I seem to recall hearing somewhere that back then all a slave couple had to do to get married was to jump over a broom handle together.

That aside, I would be willing to bet that births were more likely to have successful outcomes here in the U.S. than they would have back in Africa. Where they had to deal with many diseases that only witch doctors could try to cure. Our medicine was a little more scientific. There was also warfare amongst different tribes to deal with.

Here is something else to put into your "Hate Whity" files. Many blacks actually fought for the Confederacy. Many more than actually did so would have done so if the Confederate states would have allowed it. And for the vast majority of ex-slaves after the war, they found out that they were far better off as slaves than they were as free people.
Uh huh.
Who commits the biggest crime:
The person selling the 10 year old into prostitution
The person looking for a 10 year old to rape?

Relative guilt between the guy who sold the slave and the guy who raped her and beat her to death.

I'm thinking you need some soul searching
Presuming, of course, there's still for which one to search.

I see you like to change the goal posts. Be that as it may, the person selling the 10 year old into prostitution is committing the worst crime. Sure, there are pervs out there. But they are more likely to restrain themselves in that matter. But if one is offered up to them, they are more likely to take it. After all, humans are herd animals. If one part of the herd sells a child, another part of the herd is more likely to follow the herd and take them up on it.
Like paying for passage from a country to another country and that person basically works for the person until the debt is paid. its like equivalent exchange

Anything along that line.

Still since most slaves were kidnapped and forcible taken from their homes against their will which is not indentured servitude.

The term probably is misused by some as it is a deal. It also sounds better than just forcing people into slavery and then claiming indentured servitude when your talking to your neighbor.

Well Anthony Johnson himself was an indentured servant. And if I recall it right, it wasn't something he volunteered for. It was something he was forced into. But it turned out working out well for him.
Nice way to dodge the point. You call me a fool? I call you a bonehead. The appeal sought by Anthony Johnson in his case to get possession of John Castor is what made actual ownership of another person legal in the Colonies. On top of that, it was one black person getting ownership of another black person. Deal with it.

You also bring up White people having bred black people like cattle. I can't say it is wrong. But blacks just like anybody else have a tendency to breed. It will take more than a bragging letter by Thomas Jefferson to convince me that an actual breeding program too place. There may have been instances where it did happen. But I doubt that made up for anything near the majority of births. I seem to recall hearing somewhere that back then all a slave couple had to do to get married was to jump over a broom handle together.

That aside, I would be willing to bet that births were more likely to have successful outcomes here in the U.S. than they would have back in Africa. Where they had to deal with many diseases that only witch doctors could try to cure. Our medicine was a little more scientific. There was also warfare amongst different tribes to deal with.

Here is something else to put into your "Hate Whity" files. Many blacks actually fought for the Confederacy. Many more than actually did so would have done so if the Confederate states would have allowed it. And for the vast majority of ex-slaves after the war, they found out that they were far better off as slaves than they were as free people.
You are what I said. Hugh Gwynn is said to have been the first to make a black person a slave in 1641. White bread blacks liike cattle.

To be blunt, America had slave breeding “factories” where enslaved people were forced to breed. I call them factories, but they are described as farms in most cases. These “farms” generally had at least a 2:1 female to male ratio. In some states, slave production was the number 1 industry. Virginia led the nation in slave production, and PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson was one of the leading producers. The slave breeding industry has been ignored by many in the discussion of American exceptionalism.

This industry included an “employer”-based health care program. Enslaved women may have been the first people in America to get free health care. I do not say this to be funny because the reason why that happened was be both sad and simple; after the importation of slaves was made illegal, dependence on slave labor hinged on the continued births ofchildren by healthy slave women. The only way left to maintain the systemwas by increasing the number of slaves through births.

Due to this, a black woman’s ability to reproduce was of the utmost economic importance to southern planters and slave breeders. Because of that, slave owners had to monitor the health of slave women. But since the overall goal was the mass production of human beings, slave women often began “breeding” while very young and were forced to have numerous children. Most slave women could “retire” after ten to fifteen births, if they survived.

Blacks were successfully having children in Africa for centuries before whites showed up. You need to stop trying to peddle Whitey's bedtime tales to a black man who has studied history. These disingenuous claims you make here are hilarious. Blacks fought for the confederacy you tell me, but the blacks who fought for the confederacy in most cases were slaves.. Therre is always a miissiinng piece when whites like you try pinningg slavery oon blacks.

And your last sentence is a damn lie. I was born in 1961. My grandmothers werre born in 1888 and 1895. There were other blacks living then who were children of slaves. We were told by them how times were after slavery. So take the Stormfront history you're trying to tell me and stick it.
I see you like to change the goal posts. Be that as it may, the person selling the 10 year old into prostitution is committing the worst crime. Sure, there are pervs out there. But they are more likely to restrain themselves in that matter. But if one is offered up to them, they are more likely to take it. After all, humans are herd animals. If one part of the herd sells a child, another part of the herd is more likely to follow the herd and take them up on it.
You are a disgusting subhuman.

Absent the market to buy there's no one to sell.
But you go ahead and try to justify buying a 10 year old for sex slavery.

Goal post?
Try analogy, analogous
as in
Selling a 10 year old into slavery is analogous to selling a 10 year old into prostitution.

Got English?
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The picture you showed could very well have been drawn. So let's just say that generally speaking a photograph looks way different from a drawn picture. Especially the old time photographs with their washed out appearance. Though I used to have a friend who's father was an excellent artist. Though he was color blind. But he painted 4 pictures of all the members of KISS for his step daughter. Being in black and white, his color blindness wasn't a problem. All the pictures were excellent. But the one of Ace Frehley was a bit better than the others. It looked like an actual photograph. The kind of photograph a modern day camera would take.
You are what I said. Hugh Gwynn is said to have been the first to make a black person a slave in 1641. White bread blacks liike cattle.

To be blunt, America had slave breeding “factories” where enslaved people were forced to breed. I call them factories, but they are described as farms in most cases. These “farms” generally had at least a 2:1 female to male ratio. In some states, slave production was the number 1 industry. Virginia led the nation in slave production, and PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson was one of the leading producers. The slave breeding industry has been ignored by many in the discussion of American exceptionalism.

This industry included an “employer”-based health care program. Enslaved women may have been the first people in America to get free health care. I do not say this to be funny because the reason why that happened was be both sad and simple; after the importation of slaves was made illegal, dependence on slave labor hinged on the continued births ofchildren by healthy slave women. The only way left to maintain the systemwas by increasing the number of slaves through births.

Due to this, a black woman’s ability to reproduce was of the utmost economic importance to southern planters and slave breeders. Because of that, slave owners had to monitor the health of slave women. But since the overall goal was the mass production of human beings, slave women often began “breeding” while very young and were forced to have numerous children. Most slave women could “retire” after ten to fifteen births, if they survived.

Blacks were successfully having children in Africa for centuries before whites showed up. You need to stop trying to peddle Whitey's bedtime tales to a black man who has studied history. These disingenuous claims you make here are hilarious. Blacks fought for the confederacy you tell me, but the blacks who fought for the confederacy in most cases were slaves.. Therre is always a miissiinng piece when whites like you try pinningg slavery oon blacks.

And your last sentence is a damn lie. I was born in 1961. My grandmothers werre born in 1888 and 1895. There were other blacks living then who were children of slaves. We were told by them how times were after slavery. So take the Stormfront history you're trying to tell me and stick it.

Your whole story sounds like anti-White bullshit to me. Just like all of the other BS White bashing propaganda out there. Why? Because those people wanted slaves. So don't be going all "Mandingo" on me by telling me anything different. People fuck and have children. Unfortunately, that includes blacks. If somebody wanted slaves, all they had to do was wait a while to get more. No sort of forced breeding was necessary to make that happen.

Also, even if some slave owners did breed slaves, I would have to imagine it was to breed some favorable characteristic into them. What could that have been. To have large muscles and small brains? Because if they bred them for anything else, it was a failure.
You know, that institution that used to exist where blacks were enslaved. That we fought a Civil War to end? That many blacks these days laughingly want "reparations" for? Who started it all. It was a black person named Anthony Johnson. He was at one time an indentured servant who was freed after his indentured servitude. He went on to be successful. He himself got 4 indentured servants. Three White and one black.

The black one's name was John Castor. After his period of indentured servitude, Johnson didn't free him. But he went to work for a neighbor anyway. Johnson sued to get him back. The first trial ended where the neighbor got to keep him. But on appeal, Jonson was given the right to own him and got him back. That set the legal precedent. So for all the blacks who complain about their ancestors having been slaves, they have a black person to blame for it. And for those seeking reparations for slavery, they should look for the descendants of Anthony Johnson and try to get it from them.

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Actually it was the Democrats.
You are a disgusting subhuman.

Absent the market to buy there's no one to sell.
But you go ahead and try to justify buying a 10 year old for sex slavery.

Goal post?
Try analogy, analogous
as in
Selling a 10 year old into slavery is analogous to selling a 10 year old into prostitution.

Got English?

Disgusting and subhuman suits you FAR better than me. I brought up drug dealing as an example. You were the one who brought child prostitution into the topic. So let's get back to drugs. Per capita, Americans take more drugs than the people of any other country. You speak of "absent the market." What you should be wondering about is why so many Americans take drugs to begin with. For Whites, part of the reason is probably because White people are sold White Guilt bullshit over slavery. You know, that topic this thread was all about to begin with?
Sure but the title of this thread asks the question, "Who was responsible for slavery?"

That's what I was answering.

How could they have had either democratic or republican parties long before the U.S. was even formed.

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