Who is primarily responsible for the pending downfall of America?

The American people are the ultimate cause.

We are a short-sighted, selfish , ignorant bunch of whiners for the most part and we get short-sighted, selfish ignorant politicians./

We have no long term vision of what this country should be and that is going to be the mortal wound to this country
We can mobilize for war, but not for health-care and education. Watch a Trump rally.
America appears to basically be headed to a failed country at this time. It is a vastly different country than it was in the 1990's and before, with a loss of freedom and community being part of it.

One person or group isn't fully responsible, but there may be a group who is primarily responsible.

Who is primarily responsible for the downfall of America?

The "Rich".
The "Deep State"/Government Officials
The Citizens
Illegal immigration
Other: list the other

I say it's the citizens.....We should have done the needful with the .gov back during the "W"/Halfrican years.

Pending downfall?


That ship already sailed. The downfall started with the end of the middleclass prosperity in America.

Between 1945 to 1975. America had the largest era of prosperity of it's citizens.

A father of a family of four, could work a job, while a mother could stay home to raise the children. Have enough money to buy a home. Take a vacation twice a year. Put the kids through college. And save for a comfortable retirement with a pension.

Then came the conservative revolution, and voo doo economics of the the 1980's.

Trickle down economics

The transfer of $50Trillion from the middleclass to the morbidly wealthy, and corporations in tax cuts

The repeal of anti trust laws that prohibited banks and savings and loans from using depositors money to gamble on wall st., and allowed the merger of megacorps, banks, insurance companies, etc.

The permission of corporations to end pensions for workers, and force them into 401K's

Deregulatory policies that policed the insurance industry.

An energy policy that repealed laws prohibiting US producers from exporting American energy

Anti union labor policies that allowed US corporations to move the entire manufacturing base to China, Mexico, Canada, and Taiwan, creating the American Rust Belt

All of which destroyed the American family, which now takes both parents to work at jobs with no benefits, or retirement, that deprives the kids of any meaningful life, and having to babysit themselves.

So how's that working out for you there, Mr. Disgruntled with everything?
Pending downfall?


That ship already sailed. The downfall started with the end of the middleclass prosperity in America.

Between 1945 to 1975. America had the largest era of prosperity of it's citizens.

A father of a family of four, could work a job, while a mother could stay home to raise the children. Have enough money to buy a home. Take a vacation twice a year. Put the kids through college. And save for a comfortable retirement with a pension.

Then came the conservative revolution, and voo doo economics of the the 1980's.

Trickle down economics

The transfer of $50Trillion from the middleclass to the morbidly wealthy, and corporations in tax cuts

The repeal of anti trust laws that prohibited banks and savings and loans from using depositors money to gamble on wall st., and allowed the merger of megacorps, banks, insurance companies, etc.

The permission of corporations to end pensions for workers, and force them into 401K's

Deregulatory policies that policed the insurance industry.

An energy policy that repealed laws prohibiting US producers from exporting American energy

Anti union labor policies that allowed US corporations to move the entire manufacturing base to China, Mexico, Canada, and Taiwan, creating the American Rust Belt

All of which destroyed the American family, which now takes both parents to work at jobs with no benefits, or retirement, that deprives the kids of any meaningful life, and having to babysit themselves.

So how's that working out for you there, Mr. Disgruntled with everything?
Reagan bedazzled em with his racism and picked their pockets with his trickle down theory. The still love him. They got what they wanted, their racism validated by the most powerful man in the world. Then he got Alzheimer's and they let him run the debt up with his star wars shit. In the end they had to screw him into the ground. He was so crooked.
Reagan bedazzled em with his racism and picked their pockets with his trickle down theory. The still love him. They got what they wanted, their racism validated by the most powerful man in the world. Then he got Alzheimer's and they let him run the debt up with his star wars shit. In the end they had to screw him into the ground. He was so crooked.

Yep. They tried in '76. They still to this day can't believe ronny didn't get the nomination to run against Carter. And to this day, they still vilify Carter, who ronny didn't have moral character to shine his shoes.

Conservative America is like the first Jamestown settlement, that welcomed the natives showing them how to feed themselves off the land, but waited for help from England, to kill them during the week, while dunking their women in water on Sunday's because they displayed witch like tendencies.

And that hasn't changed not one iota.

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