Who is Ernst Zundel?

He is a holocaust denier and white supremicist, how do YOU not know who he is!?!?
Anyhow, he probably shouldn't be jailed if he didn't break any laws, he should be free to live in Canada, I don't know that he is a citizen, I just know Germany wants to try him in court... there is some legal BS going on with deporting him or not or as you mentioned jailing him. I doubt any of this is by the book... even though I disagree with him, i would defend his right to be free
that Rushton quote is interesting, it IS good to group facts in science, yet Rac is NOT a valid taxonomic idea... considering there is one race, or between 3-21 races depending on if you belong to the 'groupers' or 'lumpers'.
I mean what similarities do you draw between Chinese, Mongols, et al and the native North Americans? they seem different in culture and they were the same people a few thousand years ago...
because he is a threat to society..as a whole. a Nazi wantabee..the holocust never happened??? these people need some real professional help...I hope he recieves it while in jail...the canadain government would not let him be a citizen even after 40 years... how is that for tolerance...If we apply you views here he would never of had the chance to be a citizen...not that any country wants fringe idiots like him..
I don't know exactly what you were referring to in 'you views' but was he trying to become a citizen? Some people don't believe it or not, and you really can't outlaw thought or legislate morality, you take freedom of association/speech/etc warts and all. luckily most people realize that he's an idiot the more he speaks... there was a great documentary on him and his followers a few years ago...
after 40 years Canada would not grant him citizenship??? smart folks up there in Canada....why??? because his views, and yours, lead to hatred, and with it comes violence. It is one thing to have a view or opinion...its altogether different when you push and shove it on folks that dont care for it..or are you blind to this fact also??? its like you are on a recruiting mission...are you??
Damn straight I'm recruiting. Men with spines only. Sorry, john-girl. Tennessee. Whatever happened to that state? Men used to come from there.

Let me tip you, friend. The Founding Fathers' views lead to violence, and thank God for it!

Maybe you can help me. This is always something that has confused me. Why do present day Nazi's and white supremacists deny the Holocaust? I would think it would be something they were proud of.
Originally posted by Zhukov

Maybe you can help me. This is always something that has confused me. Why do present day Nazi's and white supremacists deny the Holocaust? I would think it would be something they were proud of.

Probably because they don't want people to think that white supremacists have evil intentions. Laughable.
Originally posted by jon_forward
to hear him tell it ...it 1.did not happen or 2. the jews did it to themselves..

Eh, that's not good enough. I hope he can come up with something better than that. Now I'm sure there are many deluded individuals out there who really do believe it never happened, but there has to be many that know it did and choose to try and rewrite history. My question is why? According to the white supremacy ideas, wasn't the Holocaust a good thing? Why advocate a holocaust and at the same time deny the one that already happened? I truly don't understand. Perhaps there is an ulterior motive, some long term goal, behind this. Maybe, if people forget it, it makes it easier to do it again? That's the only thing I could come up with, but I'm not sure how logical that is.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Probably because they don't want people to think that white supremacists have evil intentions. Laughable.

Yeah, that goes into the ulterior motive thing, and it is a laughable idea. Who's going to buy into that? Of course maybe it's too soon after the event. Maybe if they keep denying for a few hundred years clear thinking people will start to have doubts. No matter how well documented it was.
Name one person, organization, book, article or pamphlet saying that no Jews were killed by Nazis during World War II. Most of what you're referring to is revisionism, which seeks to point out that 1) it would have been physically impossible for "six million" Jews to have been killed, and that tales of ovens, showers, soap and Jewish skins being made into lampshades are simply false. Even Jews admit the lampshade part! 2) millions of innocent white Gentiles were killed by the allies during bombings 3) Jewish officials of the Soviet Union oversaw the deaths of millions of Gentile farmers and people in the Ukraine and 4) the fact of the deaths in the Katyn forest. Never heard of that? Gee, wonder why.

Look, I wasn't there, and I doubt you were, too. You'll believe what you want to believe. If you're curious about the truth, you'll seek it out, but if not, there's nothing I can do for you.

You might ask yourself why it's ILLEGAL in Europe to even ask questions about "the Holocaust." Really? Why would free inquiry need to be outlawed? Probably because someone out there has a very strong interest in keeping the truth bottled up.

Think about it.

Think too about why an ethnic group would want to portray itself as a victim, and would want to demonize its enemy as the source of all evil. Jewish control of our media and our institutions has led to this: white people themselves believe that they are evil, and that the Jews are sacred. This is very bad and must change.
you need some foil for your head..talk to spilly....or go to www.zapati.com... I have met several people that live through the holocust...how did the numbers get on their arms? The truth is that the world is not as you see it, people are not as you see them and you are border-line delusional as to history...plenty of books in the library about the holocust....whats funny is none of them support your slant on it. If the jews control everything here why dont they just kick us out and have this country as there own.. you have been brainwashed and you dont even know it...
1) it would have been physically impossible for "six million" Jews to have been killed, and that tales of ovens, showers, soap and Jewish skins being made into lampshades are simply false. Even Jews admit the lampshade part! 2) millions of innocent white Gentiles were killed by the allies during bombings 3) Jewish officials of the Soviet Union oversaw the deaths of millions of Gentile farmers and people in the Ukraine and 4) the fact of the deaths in the Katyn forest. Never heard of that? Gee, wonder why.

Yes, I've heard of Katyn Forest and any "Jewish officials of the Soviet Union" were under orders from Stalin, who later began to purge the jews too.

So you believe many jews were killed, just not 6 million? How many would you say were killed then?

You might ask yourself why it's ILLEGAL in Europe to even ask questions about "the Holocaust."

I believe the article you posted stated it is illegal to deny it happened, not illegal to inquire about the particulars of it.

Anyways, you didn't really answer the questions posed. But I suppose if you truly believe it didn't happen, you can't.
Did you know that it is a jailable offense in Germany to say/write/or otherwise put forth the idea that maybe the Holohoax did not take place or that maybe, if it did take place, that it was not as bad as has been reported?

Is this because the jews are afraid the truth might come to light? If they are so sure of their facts, why do they have laws forbidding open/public debate concerning this?

Good damned thing we saved the Germans from evil and denied them freedom of speech so that they could truly be democratic!!!!

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