who is Dean?



I like to call him "Dictator Dean," and I often refer to his "Midnight Legislation." He does not listen to the people. I would love to see another Vermonter in the White House, but not Dean.
When the civil union proposal was put forth, there were public meetings. My position on that issue is irrelevent, the overwhelming public response was negative. Dean just said "silly Vermonters, you don't know what you want or need. Don't worry, I know what is best, and I will do that." And he did.
He singlehandedly changed State subdivision regulations, even after the environmental board did what he decreed and changed the subdivision rules. The new rules didn't meet with his approval, and he enacted his own over their heads. Must be they were already written, because the 80- 90 page document was ready for enactment that day, shocking the real estate world in Vermont, and with no warning.
He also forced a needle exchange facility into a community that did not want it. Concerned parents and locals had no voice with Dictator Dean.
Even during his governorship, he was eyeing the White House, and was laying a path for that.
Dean does not work for the people, he does not hear what they say, and he does not hold himself accountable to them.
I have been suprised that his candidacy is beign taken seriously, and I fear the fallout that would result should he become president.
I say make your vote count while it can, do not let Dean make it to the Whitehouse!
Welcome to the board Fasttalker. Enjoying your posts.
I would call Howard Dean, HD, since it is bias nuetral. Just my suggestion.
Do you have a link that shows Vermonters to be overwhelmingly anti-gay marriage?
Do you have a link to information on the change in subdivision rules? Apparently it shocked the real estate world in Vermont, do you work in real estate in Vermont, or you just have an affinity for realtors ?
As far as forcing a needle exchange program on a community that didn't want it, my first question would be is the program being used ? If it is, the program is helping to stem the growth of a deadly communicable disease and was in the interest of the public health of this community to put it there.
I have been suprised that his candidacy is beign taken seriously, and I fear the fallout that would result should he become president.

More needle exchange programs, gay marriage and unpredictable regulation of subdivisions across the land. Surely armegedon will follow...;)
Save your ammo, he aint even the nominee yet.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I'll take Dean!!!!!! I would've considered Chuck Hagel but he ain't running!!!!!!!!!

I think your tinfoil hat is pressing too hard against your brain.
:) We may replace one evil president with another one, but any other may be better then Bush. Perpahs, Dean is not a good choice, but he is still better then Bush.
Originally posted by Sevendogs
:) We may replace one evil president with another one, but any other may be better then Bush. Perpahs, Dean is not a good choice, but he is still better then Bush.

Why don't you tell us 'exactly' why you feel Dean is better than Bush. Can you do that? Or are you going to continue talking your garbage (and yes, when you refuse to backup your statements, they are garbage)?
Great point jimnyc. The Dems only complain about matters and tell you what others are doing wrong (even when it works, ie. tax cuts=stimulation=growth). They never have a detailed game plan or answers as to how they plan to correct something. They make absurd comments and are not held accountable for them. Most of the time you don't get a straight answer from them. When they give one, and it seems to upset ANYONE, they start making excuses and claim "it was taken out of context". They can't give a straight answer because the Democratic Party has no direction or true leadership.
JimmyC, they don't need a reason. That the election was 'stolen' seems to be enough of a reason for the base of the democratic party. Forget that the constitutional process was followed. Forget that Bush has exceeded all expectations, certainly post 9/11.
Bush has only met my expecations, which means he's been a complete failure. He and his administration have been nothing short of disastrous for the American people.

I have yet to decide on a candidate in the Democratic primary, but any of them, short of Al Sharpton, would be a better President than Bush, and between Bush and Sharpton it's a toss-up.
and you are one of those of whom I spoke. Good thing for all of us this is a free country.
That the election was 'stolen' seems to be enough of a reason for the base of the democratic party

You know I get so sick of people saying the election was stolen, it was a decision by the Supreme Court, we have to honor their decision, move on, and stop whining. By this reasoning to imply that the election was stolen is to imply that abortion is still illegal, you can't have it both ways and honor only the decisions that suit your purpose.

Kathianne, I know this is not what you were implying, I just used your quote. :)
I have yet to decide on a candidate in the Democratic primary, but any of them, short of Al Sharpton, would be a better President than Bush, and between Bush and Sharpton it's a toss-up.

I'll vote for Sharpton, at least he "can" be intelligent sometimes. In my opinion, it really is just choosing between the lesser of two evils.
I'll vote for Sharpton, at least he "can" be intelligent sometimes. In my opinion, it really is just choosing between the lesser of two evils.
quoted by Palestinian Jew

Do as you wish, at some point though the democrats are going to have to give up on the 'intelligence' screed as over and over again they underestimate Bush's ability to do as he says he'll do.
Couldn't pass this up: http://www.ajc.com/today/content/epaper/editions/today/opinion_f39e64a8422f60171020.html

Some resolutions for Bush fans, foes
James Lileks - Newhouse News Service
Wednesday, December 24, 2003

It's going to be a long 2004 for the George W. Bush haters. To help them along in the months to come, we present New Year's resolutions for avid Bush detesters, and a few for his fans as well. Start with the foes:

I resolve to examine at least one of the president's statements, acts, gestures or facial expressions without first insisting it proves that the man is a stupid chimp evil liar plastic-turkey-holding DRAFT DODGER MY GOD CAN'T YOU PEOPLE SEE HIM FOR WHAT HE IS?

I resolve to consider that not everything Bush says is a lie. Example: If Bush says that ''two plus two equals four,'' I will not spit, ''Oh, that's Enron math,'' and spend the rest of the day rebalancing my checkbook in Base Eight.

I resolve to grasp the absurdity of appearing on national talk shows to insist that our freedom of speech has disappeared.

I resolve to be more precise in my language. When I am tempted to criticize the administration for being ''pre-emptive,'' I will recall that arresting all the hijackers on Sept. 10, 2001, would have been, well, pre-emptive, and that I might well have protested this indefensible act of ''profiling.''

I resolve to let at least a minute pass before I accuse the administration of contemptuous high-handedness toward our allies. By which I mean France. I resolve to ask myself whether my attachment to French approval is analogous to a high school chess geek mooning after the lovely but haughty cheerleader who regards everyone with bemused contempt. She winked once. That was weeks ago. Was it all a tease?

I resolve to accept the election returns, and not spend my precious mortal allotment in the humid chambers of the Internet message boards, insisting that BushCo obviously stole the election in 46 states. Perhaps Howard Dean will lose because he suggested that the governor of a toy-sized state knew more about the military and foreign policy than a man whose policies toppled the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Baathists of Iraq, and brought Libya to heel.

Meanwhile, I resolve to admit I'd be delighted to impeach Bush for lying to a grand jury. Even about sex. Especially about sex.

Now, for Bush fans:

Whenever I believe that the president always and only acts from high-minded principle, I resolve to say the words ''steel tariffs'' and ''campaign finance reform bill'' in a soft, regretful voice. I resolve to recall the new prescription drug benefit, which sounds nice now but is an entitlement that will grow until it mandates government-funded Pepto-Bismol on tap in every house. And I really, truly resolve not to wish the whole ''nukyular'' pronunciation thing didn't dismay me at the molekyular level.

I resolve not to worry that things will go so well that people feel comfortable voting for a Hillary-Clark ticket in '08. What if they recycle the '92 mantras, and cosset a quiescent public with the empty promise of ''change'' for the mere sake of change? Will we turn over our security to the same crew of internationalists and appeasers? No!

Resolved: We jump off that bridge when we come to it.

Finally: I resolve not to gloat. This bitter partisanship is destructive to our nation. No gloating in November.

Resolved: Save the gloating for Inauguration Week!

James Lileks writes for Newhouse News Service.
I'd probably vote for the Green Party candidate if it's Bush vs. Sharpton :D

Bush's failures:

- massive loss of jobs

- had a chance to try and prevent 9/11 attacks, did nothing

- alienated many of our allies

- budget deficits and national debt spiralling out of control

- still can't say the word "nuclear" properly

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
I might actually consider voting Green or Libertarian, if the democratic party would just up and die. :p:

-Prove the economy isn't improving, that I didn't just get a job in my profession of choice, that bush had anything to do with the sudden slump after 9'11. Prove Al Gore invented the internet.

-Prove Clinton didn't have ample chance to do something about terrorism.

-Poland, UK, Italy, Spain, Japan, Australia what are you talking about? They never left. You don't actually believe France EVER had any alliance to the US, do you?

-It's a two way street.

-Still doesn't think oral sex is a secshuyal relationship if it ends up on the dress. "I did not inhale.":laugh:

Okay, but really, happy new year and to you and yours aclu :)
"The governor needs to receive advice from time to time in closed session. As every person in government knows, sometimes you get more open discussion when it's not public," Dean was quoted as saying.

Dean's own dispute over the secrecy of a Vermont task force that devised a policy for restructuring the state's near-bankrupt electric utilities has escaped national attention, even though he has attacked a similar arrangement used by President Bush
:eek: :clap:
seriously though, I think he's the perfect candidate for the democratic party;)

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