Who is actually PRESIDENT?

Yes, sure. If you're an American citizen, he is your President and in charge.

I'm trying to keep this simple for you.
If he's talking to ghosts, he's not my President. Harris is never around. I assume it's a bureaucrat commie.
How do you do, I'm Mr. Magoo!!!
They are even telling us, and the minions are denying it. People and families with incomes of 50 thousand a year are worth 10% less at least now than a year ago. This is of design.

Of course it is.

Wef is not a Boogeyman or a conspiracy theory. It is a real organization or real world people we all know, meeting in a real place every year and putting on their website what their goals are and we can actually see that they are accomplishing their goals. Like they want to globalize food, well, we're seeing that happen.

I get the strategy is from the WEF, but what about day to day tactics in the US?

Varlerie Jarrett? Susan Rice?

That I don't know. I'm aware of them but not more familiar with what they do or don't do.
Hillary is the head of the Beast.
Obama, Bush, and Pelosi are her main puppets.
Biden is their lead public puppet, to dance a jig and flub a sentence to keep the sheeples entertained, while they all slither into dark, back rooms and illegally change laws to suit THEIR agendas and destroy the US Citizens.





Silly season never ends.

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