Who funds Antifa protests? We all do


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Who funds Antifa protests? We all do

26 Mar 2023 ~~ By Andy Ngo

Last week, the city of Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to 343 left-wing protesters who alleged they suffered “physical and emotional injuries” when police used tear gas and pepper spray to clear them off a major highway in downtown at a Black Lives Matter-style direct action in 2020.
Videos recorded at the time showed the mob shut down the highway while vandalizing public property.
As a journalist who reports on the militant far-left and its rioters, the question I’m asked most often is, “Who funds them?”
Some believe billionaire George Soros is responsible.
And they would be partially correct. Soros funds groups that form part of the support apparatus of left-wing militants — district attorneys, biased media and legal groups.
But his money doesn’t directly reach the pockets of militants on the street.
Who ends up paying far-left rioters like Antifa? Too often, taxpayers like you and me.
Through a developed network of radical leftist legal groups, like the National Lawyers Guild, lawfare against cities and police departments is the go-to method for payloads. At nearly every left-wing “direct action” or riot, you’ll see NLG “legal observers” move in and out with the mob to record police. This “evidence gathering” is propaganda made to portray the police in the worst possible light while specifically omitting any recordings of what their comrades do.

We can cry about this all we want, but instead of trying to “fix” it”, the Right MUST use the same tactics of the Left. We need lawyers and judges who will give payouts to conservative activist groups, rather than allow them to be persecuted as they are now.
Please note that it’s only Democrat Blue Plantation run cities paying Antifa. Maoist Democrat Socialists finding a way to indirectly fund the terrorist organization of their Party. When Republicans take back the Presidency Antifa should be named as a Domestic Terrorist Organization. I continue to wonder why it hasn't been done by now.
Excellent piece by Andy Ngo, and I admire his intelligence and commitment to honest reporting. I’ve read his book ‘Unmasked’ about his time undercover with the actual fascists who call themselves anti-fascists and agree they’re becoming a national terrorist threat.
This is similar to Europe in the ‘20s and ‘30s. We have to expose Antifa as the insects they are, and as he has the misfortune to find, they absolutely hate that. People with sinister intentions don’t want to be exposed. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Who funds Antifa protests? We all do

26 Mar 2023 ~~ By Andy Ngo

Last week, the city of Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to 343 left-wing protesters who alleged they suffered “physical and emotional injuries” when police used tear gas and pepper spray to clear them off a major highway in downtown at a Black Lives Matter-style direct action in 2020.
Videos recorded at the time showed the mob shut down the highway while vandalizing public property.
As a journalist who reports on the militant far-left and its rioters, the question I’m asked most often is, “Who funds them?”
Some believe billionaire George Soros is responsible.
And they would be partially correct. Soros funds groups that form part of the support apparatus of left-wing militants — district attorneys, biased media and legal groups.
But his money doesn’t directly reach the pockets of militants on the street.
Who ends up paying far-left rioters like Antifa? Too often, taxpayers like you and me.
Through a developed network of radical leftist legal groups, like the National Lawyers Guild, lawfare against cities and police departments is the go-to method for payloads. At nearly every left-wing “direct action” or riot, you’ll see NLG “legal observers” move in and out with the mob to record police. This “evidence gathering” is propaganda made to portray the police in the worst possible light while specifically omitting any recordings of what their comrades do.

We can cry about this all we want, but instead of trying to “fix” it”, the Right MUST use the same tactics of the Left. We need lawyers and judges who will give payouts to conservative activist groups, rather than allow them to be persecuted as they are now.
Please note that it’s only Democrat Blue Plantation run cities paying Antifa. Maoist Democrat Socialists finding a way to indirectly fund the terrorist organization of their Party. When Republicans take back the Presidency Antifa should be named as a Domestic Terrorist Organization. I continue to wonder why it hasn't been done by now.
Excellent piece by Andy Ngo, and I admire his intelligence and commitment to honest reporting. I’ve read his book ‘Unmasked’ about his time undercover with the actual fascists who call themselves anti-fascists and agree they’re becoming a national terrorist threat.
This is similar to Europe in the ‘20s and ‘30s. We have to expose Antifa as the insects they are, and as he has the misfortune to find, they absolutely hate that. People with sinister intentions don’t want to be exposed. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Lol, funny how much you fascist complain about antifa
And BLM made how much? in one year, 90 million $. Not their overall net worth in 2023... More than many businesses. It's becoming apparently clear: the Democrats are like the MAFIA running various rackets. And destroying the 2-party system for profit. China, Fentanyl, & handouts.
And BLM made how much? in one year, 90 million $. Not their overall net worth in 2023... More than many businesses. It's becoming apparently clear: the Democrats are like the MAFIA running various rackets. And destroying the 2-party system for profit. China, Fentanyl, & handouts.
Ain't capitalism grand!?
CIA creates and funds all Controlled Opposition .
Some of the trafficking and drugs profits go to and for created groups like Antifa.
Al -qaeda and ISIS were more elaborate and potent groups -- not so much terrorist bodies ( which they obviously were literally ) BUT influencer groups.
All are/were stategically imperative to maintain control of Project Chaos and in themselves key ways to influence Sheeple attitudes and move national opinions .

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