Who Does Your Senator Represent, Citizens Or Illegal Aliens?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Podunk, WI

The vote in the Judiciary Committee of the Senate was all Democrats (naturally) but INFURIATINGLY, FOUR Republicans.

So to answer Pale's question, unfortunately, not even the GOP represents Americans. Once upon a time, even Democrats would.
William Joyce said:
The vote in the Judiciary Committee of the Senate was all Democrats (naturally) but INFURIATINGLY, FOUR Republicans.

So to answer Pale's question, unfortunately, not even the GOP represents Americans. Once upon a time, even Democrats would.

Committee. I'll be watching the full Senate and House. Letting them know NOW is a very good idea.
Amnesty will never work. The illegals here in America are a problem. Sure most work, but it's the ones that are here for reasons other than work, and there's plenty of them, that are costing America dearly. Drugs is their main staple, and they surely don't want to see the border closed down. There'll be all out gun fights and killing, the likes of which we haven't seen yet, on our border if we try and close it.

By giving the illegals here amnesty, we're just asking the biggest problem America has to not go away, and that's kind of way to fix a problem.

Hold on to your hats folks. If we give illegals amesty, it's going to get worse before it gets better.
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