Who are The Real Racists?

jasendorf said:
Are you going to cry now? Because I don't know if I can bare to watch. Are your tantrums sparked by being completely turned on your head each time I demolish your inane assertions or is it just a natural reflex for all liberals?

I'm ROFLMAO @ this one. Dude, you are TOO much.

Calling me a liberal is more evidence that it's YOU who have been completely turned on your head .... one time too many, I'd say.

I will give you an A+ for originality though. :rotflmao:
rtwngAvngr said:
You're either a liar or stupid.

You're stupid if you don't recognize that your views in america generally fall inside what is indisputably considered liberal, or you're a liar if you recognize it, but won't admit it. Which is it? Or is it secret option c: the term liberal has no real meaning in current american politics.

Well said
GotZoom said:
Why is this so interesting to you? Do you feel you missed your calling in life?

Just the opposite. I think I found my calling in life... to be a sane voice amongst the insanity of racism.

You are white but yet feel that someone thinking you are black is the HIGHEST form of flattery?

In this particular conversation... definitely. And, when we're talking about Jewish Americans, I'll be really excited when you suddenly think I'm Sammy Davis, Jr.

There is a word for this you know:

wigger-(n.) one who suffers from "ghettoitis", a disease that occurs mostly in caucasion high school/ college aged males (mostly from rich, white families and suburban homes having 2 or more expensive sports cars or SUVs), causing them to believe that they are african-american and from "the hood", and they they are "missundastood" and will "bust a cap in yo ass" if you "be playa hatin'", they feel driven to listen to rap music as an attempt to blend in with african-american society, sometimes even listening to other sufferers of ghettoitis (ex. eminem, vanilla ice) to feel an even stronger sense of belonging. there is no cure for this illness but it has many side effexts, such as tripping over ridiculously large pants and boots, wearing funny hats, and speaking ebonics, as well as annoying all of those around them.

Now, where I personally haven't seen you or know enough about you to decide if this definition is accurate, I do have to say that the last 9 words are pretty accurate.

Now THIS is the funniest post of all!

Anyone else see the irony here? In a thread where the Republicans are screaming mock indignation over Black Americans calling other Black Americans things like Uncle Tom (which for those who don't really know what that means is that it is a Black person who acts in such a way as to get along with whites)... here's one of them calling me a wigger!!!

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Congratulations GotZoom... you just won the Hypocritical Moron of the Day Award! :clap:

And, to all the supposedly upset conservatives here who didn't call him on it... you win second place!

Oh man... thanks for the laugh fellas! Way to prove that you had no other agenda! Not, that I expected altruism from you all... but still... BUWHAHAHAHAHAHA
red states rule said:
You know you are debating a lib when they start attacking you personally. When they cannot counter your argument they will attack your age, weight, sex, educational background, or where you live
They will start to talk about anything, except the topic of the debate.
I noticed it in high school when my liberal teachers used the same tactic. Now it is common practice on the left.
Somehow they think by insulting their opponets makes their flimsy arguments more valid

Dude... I've been subjected to just about every one of those attacks in the past three days from you cons... stop crying already. Your self-vicitimization is tiring.
GunnyL said:
I'm ROFLMAO @ this one. Dude, you are TOO much.

Calling me a liberal is more evidence that it's YOU who have been completely turned on your head .... one time too many, I'd say.

I will give you an A+ for originality though. :rotflmao:

Dude... I was just wondering if you had these tantrums each time your arguments were demolished or if just meeting a liberal brought it out of you. Believe me... I wasn't calling you a liberal... even if you wanted to be, we wouldn't claim someone so slow.
red states rule said:
Does the name Trent Lott mean anything to you? What did he say that was racist? He was hounded for 7 days with front pasge stories about how upset the left was over his comments. He had to step down from the Senate leadership role

Trent Lott was destroyed by his own party... not the libs. The libs mentioned it once and then the cons (led by Karl Rove) used it to force him from his leadership role because he wouldn't play President Bush's lap dog. Not a day went by on Hannity or Limbaugh or Savage or Beck that they didn't pound away at it... long, long after the libs were talking about it.

And, if you don't know what was wrong with what he said... then therein lies the reason that your party will never have a large amount of Black Americans voting for it...
The real truth is the assholes that brought the illiterate black hordes to this country are to blame for the worst thing that could have happened to our young developing country. We would be much richer, much less crime, have a much better education system from teachers to students, a lot less cheating in sporting events, purer language, much fewer out of wedlock 13 year olds giving birth, higher quality goods and services, less murder, less theft, less useless jerks using the rest of us to live off of, less crack addicts, better music, form that follows function and of course less rape of women and men.

This is not to say that there wouldn't be black people in America today, they would just be people that would label themselves Americans of African descent and a much higher quality of individuals.:soul: :soul: :shocked:
With sentiments like that... why oh why won't Black Americans vote Republican??? I just can't imagine.
Actually black Americans will probably vote Republican it's those illiterate African Americans that if baited with a fried chicken lunch, a free ride to the polls, and a guide for their greasy fingers to pull the correct lever, they are the sure thing for the dimwitocrats.
jasendorf said:
Trent Lott was destroyed by his own party... not the libs. The libs mentioned it once and then the cons (led by Karl Rove) used it to force him from his leadership role because he wouldn't play President Bush's lap dog. Not a day went by on Hannity or Limbaugh or Savage or Beck that they didn't pound away at it... long, long after the libs were talking about it.

And, if you don't know what was wrong with what he said... then therein lies the reason that your party will never have a large amount of Black Americans voting for it...

The Ny Times, Washington Post, LA Times had it on the front page daily for a week. The liberal news networks led with Trent Lott each night. Chris Matthews and CNN had 24 hour coverage for a week
The liberal media was like a dog at a water bowel - they lapped it up
They enjoyed the smear job of Republican. But now when libs sprew REAL racist statements - their is total silence from the liberal media
You tell me - what is worse what Tret Lott said or what the libs have said and done about Lt Gov Steel? (uncle tom, sellout, a token, and having Oreo cookies thrown at him as he makes a speech)
Chances are the libs will say Lott. Lt Gov Steele is a -gasp- black conservative so he is not worthy of being treated with respect.
red states rule said:
The Ny Times, Washington Post, LA Times had it on the front page daily for a week.


The liberal news networks led with Trent Lott each night. Chris Matthews and CNN had 24 hour coverage for a week

Quoting the Republicans who were keeping the fire burning. Don't forget, FAUX News ran dailies about it also.

The liberal media was like a dog at a water bowel - they lapped it up

Now there you're right. They were duped by the Karl Rove smear machine that wanted Lott out of President Bush's way.

They enjoyed the smear job of Republican. But now when libs sprew REAL racist statements - their is total silence from the liberal media
You tell me - what is worse what Tret Lott said or what the libs have said and done about Lt Gov Steel? (uncle tom, sellout, a token, and having Oreo cookies thrown at him as he makes a speech)

Can't take credit or explain other's words... but, I know you'd prefer to silence free speech if you had a chance.

Chances are the libs will say Lott. Lt Gov Steele is a -gasp- black conservative so he is not worthy of being treated with respect.

Hey, when Steele tells us that the country would have been better off with a guy who campaigned on "Segregation Now. Segregation Tomorrow. Segregation Forever." I'll start to worry about him.
You are proof. Libs can say anything racist toward a black person as long as that person is a conservative

Libs have a double standard when it comes to race. Black liberals are exempt from any criticism. while black conservatives are attacked if they are breathing
jasendorf said:
Hey, when Steele tells us that the country would have been better off with a guy who campaigned on "Segregation Now. Segregation Tomorrow. Segregation Forever." I'll start to worry about him.
What does Robert Byrd have to do with this? :shocked:
He probably still thinks the exist polls showing John "I served in Viet nam" Kerry won the election were correct
Mr. P said:
:trolls: And this one has gotten way more than he should have.

Now be clear. Are you calling him a troll or are you insinuating with inuendo and smilies? I mean, come on. I'm not magic, I can't read your mind. :laugh:

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