Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Islam means submission your entire existence is consumed by the existence of Jews.

The pallys have this handicap of an emotional, sociological and politico-religious attachment to Jews that drives their thoughts and actions in every part of every day of their miserable lives.

They will gladly destroy their lives in the pursuit of their Jew obsession.

Last month, Israel agreed to ease the crowded border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan by opening Eilat’s Ramon Airport to Palestinians.

But instead of welcoming the change intended to ease the lives of Palestinians, both Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have come out against the (mutually agreed upon) plan because it involves “normalization” with Israel. Once again we see that not only are the Palestinian leaders more concerned with optics than the well-being of their own people, but Jordan is too.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Self-Determination.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Any attempt to conceal and justify the application of "terrorism" as a means of supporting any hostile act of coercion or intimidation is just another means of aiding and abetting criminal political activity.

‘Complicity in, including incitement, aiding and abetting, or authorization of an act of bribery is an act of terrorist support.

P F Tinmore Posting #835.png


Your claim that it is "legal to fight off an occupation" is oversimplified, and more often incorrect - than it is correct.

Again, you have to put it in perspective:

Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) who commit an offense that is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, are liable to prosecution, incarceration, or simple imprisonment, provided the duration of such internment or imprisonment is proportionate to the offense committed.

The penal provisions promulgated by the Occupying Power in accordance with Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949 may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

Attempts to cover or conceal the criminal act by attempting to justify terrorism are merely political manipulation of the true intention of the Customary Law. a subterfuge.

Yeah, they're still going to tear down terrorist houses, even if it makes you cry.

Yes, I agree that our friend "Toddsterpatriot." This (in the broader thumbnail view) is just another means of imposing a monetary fine, penalty, or method of enforcement. It is Criminal forfeiture is an action taken against the property of someone accused of a crime. It is NOT unique to Israel. It is used by a significant number of countries all across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa; as well as by many authoritarian regimes.

The HoAP use this argument in an attempt to confuse and justify the application of such activity, -- whether political, economic, military, or otherwise. The HoAP intentionally distance these accusations from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR).

As a matter of irony -- While the HoAP are often seen attempting to use international Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to unconditionally support the HoAP systematic program of regime conflict to weaken and challenge Israeli safety and security, the facts are that commentary such as that used to suggest that the attempts to overturn Article 42 (Hague Convention 1907) are legal, is -- in itself, in conflict with the CCPR.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Self-Determination.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Any attempt to conceal and justify the application of "terrorism" as a means of supporting any hostile act of coercion or intimidation is just another means of aiding and abetting criminal political activity.

‘Complicity in, including incitement, aiding and abetting, or authorization of an act of bribery is an act of terrorist support.

View attachment 696998

Your claim that it is "legal to fight off an occupation" is oversimplified, and more often incorrect - than it is correct.

Again, you have to put it in perspective:

Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) who commit an offense that is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, are liable to prosecution, incarceration, or simple imprisonment, provided the duration of such internment or imprisonment is proportionate to the offense committed.

The penal provisions promulgated by the Occupying Power in accordance with Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949 may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

Attempts to cover or conceal the criminal act by attempting to justify terrorism are merely political manipulation of the true intention of the Customary Law. a subterfuge.


Yes, I agree that our friend "Toddsterpatriot." This (in the broader thumbnail view) is just another means of imposing a monetary fine, penalty, or method of enforcement. It is Criminal forfeiture is an action taken against the property of someone accused of a crime. It is NOT unique to Israel. It is used by a significant number of countries all across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa; as well as by many authoritarian regimes.

The HoAP use this argument in an attempt to confuse and justify the application of such activity, -- whether political, economic, military, or otherwise. The HoAP intentionally distance these accusations from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR).

As a matter of irony -- While the HoAP are often seen attempting to use international Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to unconditionally support the HoAP systematic program of regime conflict to weaken and challenge Israeli safety and security, the facts are that commentary such as that used to suggest that the attempts to overturn Article 42 (Hague Convention 1907) are legal, is -- in itself, in conflict with the CCPR.


Most Respectfully,
Israel throws out the terrorist label like rice at a wedding.

What criteria is used to justify that name calling?
Israel throws out the terrorist label like rice at a wedding.

What criteria is used to justify that name calling?

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations​

Date DesignatedName
December 1, 2021Segunda Marquetalia
December 1, 2021Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP)
March 11, 2021ISIS-DRC
March 11, 2021ISIS-Mozambique
January 14, 2021Harakat Sawa’d Misr (HASM)
January 10, 2020Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH)
April 15, 2019Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
September 6, 2018Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM)
July 11, 2018al-Ashtar Brigades (AAB)
May 23, 2018ISIS-Greater Sahara
February 28, 2018ISIS-West Africa
February 28, 2018ISIS-Philippines
February 28, 2018ISIS-Bangladesh
August 17, 2017Hizbul Mujahideen (HM)
July 1, 2016Al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent
May 20, 2016Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s Branch in Libya (ISIL-Libya)
January 14, 2016Islamic State’s Khorasan Province (ISIS-K)
September 30, 2015Jaysh Rijal al-Tariq al Naqshabandi (JRTN)
May 15, 2014al-Nusrah Front
April 10, 2014ISIL Sinai Province (formerly Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis)
January 13, 2014Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi
January 13, 2014Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah
January 13, 2014Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia
December 19, 2013al-Mulathamun Battalion (AMB)
November 14, 2013Ansaru
November 14, 2013Boko Haram
March 22, 2013Ansar al-Dine (AAD)
September 19, 2012Haqqani Network (HQN)
May 30, 2012Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB)
March 13, 2012Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT)
September 19, 2011Indian Mujahedeen (IM)
May 23, 2011Army of Islam (AOI)
November 4, 2010Jaysh al-Adl (formerly Jundallah)
September 1, 2010Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
August 6, 2010Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)
January 19, 2010al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
July 2, 2009Kata’ib Hizballah (KH)
May 18, 2009Revolutionary Struggle (RS)
March 18, 2008al-Shabaab
March 5, 2008Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)
June 17, 2005Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)
December 17, 2004Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq)
July 13, 2004Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
March 22, 2004Ansar al-Islam (AAI)
January 30, 2003Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ)
October 23, 2002Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
August 9, 2002Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA)
March 27, 2002al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
March 27, 2002Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)
March 27, 2002Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)
December 26, 2001Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LeT)
December 26, 2001Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
May 16, 2001Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA)
September 25, 2000Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
October 8, 1999al-Qa’ida (AQ)
October 8, 1997Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
October 8, 1997HAMAS
October 8, 1997Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
October 8, 1997Hizballah
October 8, 1997Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK, aka Kongra-Gel)
October 8, 1997Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
October 8, 1997National Liberation Army (ELN)
October 8, 1997Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
October 8, 1997Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
October 8, 1997Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
October 8, 1997PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
October 8, 1997Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
October 8, 1997Shining Path (SL)

Golly, gee. There does seem to be an unusual connection between the politico-religious ideology of islamism and assignment of the Islamic terrorist organization label.

Any idea why?

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations​

Date DesignatedName
December 1, 2021Segunda Marquetalia
December 1, 2021Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP)
March 11, 2021ISIS-DRC
March 11, 2021ISIS-Mozambique
January 14, 2021Harakat Sawa’d Misr (HASM)
January 10, 2020Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH)
April 15, 2019Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
September 6, 2018Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM)
July 11, 2018al-Ashtar Brigades (AAB)
May 23, 2018ISIS-Greater Sahara
February 28, 2018ISIS-West Africa
February 28, 2018ISIS-Philippines
February 28, 2018ISIS-Bangladesh
August 17, 2017Hizbul Mujahideen (HM)
July 1, 2016Al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent
May 20, 2016Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s Branch in Libya (ISIL-Libya)
January 14, 2016Islamic State’s Khorasan Province (ISIS-K)
September 30, 2015Jaysh Rijal al-Tariq al Naqshabandi (JRTN)
May 15, 2014al-Nusrah Front
April 10, 2014ISIL Sinai Province (formerly Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis)
January 13, 2014Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi
January 13, 2014Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah
January 13, 2014Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia
December 19, 2013al-Mulathamun Battalion (AMB)
November 14, 2013Ansaru
November 14, 2013Boko Haram
March 22, 2013Ansar al-Dine (AAD)
September 19, 2012Haqqani Network (HQN)
May 30, 2012Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB)
March 13, 2012Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT)
September 19, 2011Indian Mujahedeen (IM)
May 23, 2011Army of Islam (AOI)
November 4, 2010Jaysh al-Adl (formerly Jundallah)
September 1, 2010Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
August 6, 2010Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)
January 19, 2010al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
July 2, 2009Kata’ib Hizballah (KH)
May 18, 2009Revolutionary Struggle (RS)
March 18, 2008al-Shabaab
March 5, 2008Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)
June 17, 2005Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)
December 17, 2004Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq)
July 13, 2004Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
March 22, 2004Ansar al-Islam (AAI)
January 30, 2003Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ)
October 23, 2002Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
August 9, 2002Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA)
March 27, 2002al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
March 27, 2002Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)
March 27, 2002Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)
December 26, 2001Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LeT)
December 26, 2001Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
May 16, 2001Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA)
September 25, 2000Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
October 8, 1999al-Qa’ida (AQ)
October 8, 1997Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
October 8, 1997HAMAS
October 8, 1997Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
October 8, 1997Hizballah
October 8, 1997Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK, aka Kongra-Gel)
October 8, 1997Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
October 8, 1997National Liberation Army (ELN)
October 8, 1997Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
October 8, 1997Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
October 8, 1997Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
October 8, 1997PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
October 8, 1997Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
October 8, 1997Shining Path (SL)

Golly, gee. There does seem to be an unusual connection between the politico-religious ideology of islamism and assignment of the Islamic terrorist organization label.

Any idea why?
That wasn't the question.
In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

Nationality constitutes a legal bond that connects individuals with a specific territory, making them citizens of that territory. It is therefore imperative to examine the boundaries of Palestine in order to define the piece of land on which Palestinian nationality was established.

The status of Palestine and the nationality of its inhabitants were finally settled by the Treaty of Lausanne from the perspective of public international law. In a report submitted to the League of Nations, the British government pointed out: “The ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne in Aug., 1924, finally regularised the international status of Palestine.”123 And, thereafter, “Palestine could, at last, obtain a separate nationality.”124

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

Palestine and Palestinian nationality was established by international law not by the Mandate.
Your silly “Treaty of Lausanne inventing Pal’istan” is a total hoot.

Nothing on YouTube?
In response to the Islamic terrorist cash for gee-had attack program, the Israeli defense forces seem to be taking a more proactive anti gee-had approach.

No matter how much welfare money is thrown at the Islamic terrorist enclaves, it will never be enough for the crooks and thieves at the top of the heap of those franchises.

Why is the PA not paying its employees their full wages?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Sep 18, 2022
The Palestinian Authority is once again complaining about its alleged financial crisis. As a consequence of the alleged crisis, for months the PA has only paid its employees 70% - 80% of the salaries due to them. As usual, the PA is deflecting any responsibility for its situation and is merely blaming Israel.

This approach was summed up in a statement of PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh following the July 31, 2022 decision of Israel’s Security Cabinet to implement Israel’s Anti-Pay-for-Slay Law that withholds tax money from the PA by the amount the PA pays in salaries to terrorists.
“The Israeli government’s decision to deduct a sum of 600 million [Israeli] shekels from the Palestinian tax money is arbitrary and illegal. He noted that this is tantamount to piracy that will add another dimension to our financial crisis, but said that this will not dissuade us from standing by our commitments towards the families of the prisoners and the Martyrs.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 2, 2022]​
RE: Who Are The Palestinians " III "
SUBTOPIC: Israeli Aid to the Palestinian Authority
※→ et al,

I think our friend Hollie is right on target.

No matter how much welfare money is thrown at the Islamic terrorist enclaves, it will never be enough for the crooks and thieves at the top of the heap of those franchises.

Why is the PA not paying its employees their full wages?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Sep 18, 2022
The Palestinian Authority is once again complaining about its alleged financial crisis. As a consequence of the alleged crisis, for months the PA has only paid its employees 70% - 80% of the salaries due to them. As usual, the PA is deflecting any responsibility for its situation and is merely blaming Israel.

This approach was summed up in a statement of PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh following the July 31, 2022 decision of Israel’s Security Cabinet to implement Israel’s Anti-Pay-for-Slay Law that withholds tax money from the PA by the amount the PA pays in salaries to terrorists.

Someone has to explain to me the logic behind the exemption to:

Article 20 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)​

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.​
2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.​

If there is no special exception for the Hostile Arab Palestinians, then that alone is reason enough to cut aid; if not terminate any positive contributions to the Palestinians.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,

Article 20 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)​

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.
How does this apply to the Palestinians?

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