Who Are The Palestinians " III "

When Palestinians have equal rights we can talk.
When all Palestinians have equal rights in Gaza and the PA THEN we may be able to talk.

We all know the poor in Gaza and the PA do not have equal rights at all.
When Palestinians have equal rights we can talk.
Nice try but no cigar! The OFFICIAL POLICY of the PLO is that Jews are NOT permitted at the Western Wall
So the Israelis are to give in to every single demand and then “ hope “ they will have the same rights as the Muslims and Christians without ANY reassurance? You are a FUNNY GUY 👍👍🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Nice try but no cigar! The OFFICIAL POLICY of the PLO is that Jews are NOT permitted at the Western Wall
So the Israelis are to give in to every single demand and then “ hope “ they will have the same rights as the Muslims and Christians without ANY reassurance? You are a FUNNY GUY 👍👍🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Of course Tinmore has nothing to say👍. The Israelis should just concede to all demands and “ hope’ they will have the same religious freedom?
You are too delusional to realistically expect Israel should put themselves in a worse position then they were in 1967. You are entertaining. 🇮🇱 i✡️
[ Never against the Crusaders, the Ottomans or the Jordanians and Egyptians. Of course it is about the Jews ]

A truly demented Islamic terrorist Cult.

Fatah praises shooting of pregnant woman and 7 others: “Praise to the one whose rifle only speaks against his enemy!”​

Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Aug 14, 2022
  • Both mother and baby delivered in emergency C-section are in critical condition
  • Fatah encourages more terror: “Save your bullets and use them against the occupation (i.e., Israel)”
  • 4 Americans injured in attack – one in critical condition
  • US Ambassador Tom Nides tweeted that he was “deeply saddened” that Americans were injured
  • However, Amb. Nides has not condemned Fatah’s support for the shooting that injured the Americans. The US supports Fatah and its leader Mahmoud Abbas, and funds Fatah via its funding of the PA
In three posts on its official Facebook page, Fatah – headed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas – hurried to endorse and praise the terrorist and his shooting attack carried out last night in Jerusalem. But more than that, Fatah also encouraged additional attacks, urging Palestinians to “save your bullets and use them against the occupation (i.e., Israel).”
I suppose there's no allowance for criticism concerning the Islamic terrorist funding agency.

The head of a U.N. office tasked with Palestinian aid has been fired after posting a tweet condemning Gaza terrorist rocket fire in the wake of Israel’s conflict with the Islamic Jihad terror group.
In recent days, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas:

- Offered condolences to Egyptian leaders on the tragic church fire
- Offered condolences on the assassination of a Fatah military leader in Lebanon by unknown people
- Called three terrorist prisoners who were recently released by Israel
- Congratulated Chad's leader for its independence day, as well as those of Ecuador and Singapore
- Offered condolences to the families of three terrorists killed in Nablus by the IDF
- Condemned Israel for its "continued aggression against our people"

With this busy schedule of statements and phone calls, his choice not to condemn a terror attack in Jerusalem that targeted religious Jews is not an oversight. It is a deliberate decision.

Because Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority support, tacitly or explicitly, every terror attack.

The only time they condemn terror attacks is when they are pressured to do so by the United States. Otherwise, while they don't issue congratulations like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, they definitely don't issue condemnations.

[ This is where time and money goes in Gaza ]

The Israel Defense Forces on Monday revealed it discovered and “foiled” a tunnel dug by the Hamas terror group in the northern Gaza Strip that crossed into Israeli territory though it did not manage to penetrate Israel’s border barrier.

According to the IDF, the “terror tunnel,” which had two branches, did not pose a danger to Israeli towns along the border, as Israel has a high-tech underground wall protecting its southern towns against Gazan attack tunnels, which once posed a major threat.

Israel’s subterranean barrier — an underground reinforced concrete wall that is studded with sensors to detect tunnels — runs parallel to the overground border — a 20-foot (six-meter) steel fence — inside Israeli territory, several dozen meters from the internationally marked border. The IDF also has a network of radar arrays, other surveillance sensors, and remote-controlled weaponry along the border.

(full article online)

Today, the 18th of the Hebrew month of Av, is the anniversary of the 1929 Arab massacre of 67 Jews in Hebron. While the massacre started in Hebron, rampaging Arabs also murdered Jews in Jerusalem and Tzefat. In total, in the course of just one week, Arabs murdered 130 Jews.

Of the many participants in the massacre, three murderers, who “committed particularly brutal murders [of Jews] at Safed and Hebron,” according to the report by the British Government to the League of Nations (Dec. 31, 1930), were singled out by the British authorities and hung for their actions.

While the massacre took place 65 years before its creation, the Palestinian Authority has adopted the three murderers as Palestinian heroes and role models, and it marks the day of their hanging, using it as an opportunity to glorify their killings every year.

This year is no different, and the PA published numerous items in its official PA press honoring the killers. Referring to them as “fighters” and “Martyrs” the PA official daily intertwined the glorification of the murderers with the modern-day PA policy prohibiting the sale of land to Jews:

“Yesterday, June 17 [2022], was the 92nd anniversary of the execution of the three fighters Muhammad Jamjoum, Fuad Hijazi, and Ataa Al-Zir (i.e., the murderers) by the British Mandate authorities…
The three Martyrs wrote a letter the day before the execution which said: ‘…We have willingly sacrificed our souls and skulls so they will be foundations for building our nation’s independence and freedom, so that the nation will continue to be united and carrying out jihad in order to remove the enemies from Palestine and so that we will protect its land and not sell even one inch of it to the enemies.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 18, 2022]

The article was accompanied with an image of three cards hanging from nooses with “Muhammad Jamjoum,” “Fuad Hijazi,” and “Ataa Al-Zir” written on them. The text at bottom of the cards reads: “The Martyrs of the Al-Buraq Rebellion (i.e., the PA name for the massacre and accompanying riots) June 17, 1930”


PA TV marked the hanging of the murderers by running a number of special fillers. One filler shows an artist creating an image of murderers Muhammad Jamjoum, Fuad Hijazi, and Ataa Al-Zir, while part of the song “From Acre Prison”, in which murderer Ataa Al-Zir is referred to as “the distinguished person,” is played in the background.

(full article online)

During Operation Breaking Dawn, the amount of damage Israel inflicted on Gaza was very limited. As far as I can tell, in only two cases did we see an entire building leveled in an urban area as the IDF successfully targeted top Islamic Jihad figures.

But Gaza photographers need to make the most of these incidents. They must find ways to frame their photos to make the damage look far more devastating than it is.

Here you can see the area of the airstrike. Although there was some damage in the buildings surrounding the strike, for the most part this is the entire area with large amounts of rubble.

The Rafah airstrike that killed Khaled Mansour has become the favored area for Gaza news photographers to stage scenes that they hope to sell to Western agencies.

And nothing sells like sad looking children.

The photographer, Omar Ashtawy, hedged his bets - in case no one wanted to buy photos of sad children, he also wanted to stage photos of the same children "playing" in the rubble, showing how resilient they are.

Hey, if one meme doesn't work, maybe another one will.

The same photographer has some shots of the cemetery where four kids were killed by an Islamic Jihad rocket - but his caption says it was an Israeli airstrike. He again staged it with a child. Yet his photo shows the damage that Gaza rockets, deliberately filled with nails and sharp shrapnel are designed to inflict as they pockmarked cement gravestones.

Israeli security forces arrested three Palestinian suspects early Monday morning over the alleged illegal trade of stolen antiquities in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli military liaison to the Palestinians said in a statement that its forces, along with Border Police, uncovered rare archaeological findings worth hundreds of thousands of shekels as well as weapons during its raid on the suspects’ homes in the villages of Burka, Hawara and Silat al-Daher.

Among the items recovered Monday were coins, titles and stone doors from the Roman and Byzantine periods, along with ancient tools from the Iron Age and the 7th Century.

According to the 1978 Antiquities Law, all antiquities discovered in Israel post-1978 are the property of the State of Israel. Anyone who finds an artifact must turn it over to the Israel Antiquities Authority within 15 days.

It is forbidden to trade in antiquities without receiving a license from the Culture Ministry or from the IAA. All antiquities shipped abroad must be registered and shipped through a licensed dealer. The IAA reserves the right to confiscate any item not registered.

Stolen antiquities recovered during an arrest operation in the West Bank on August 15, 2022. (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories)

Monday’s raid came a month after another bust by authorities in the northern Israeli city of Afula, where a local resident is suspected of illegal trade and illegally excavating antiquities at archaeological sites, causing untold damage, and the use of a metal detector to discover thousands of gold, silver and bronze coins.

Israeli security forces arrested three Palestinian suspects early Monday morning over the alleged illegal trade of stolen antiquities in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli military liaison to the Palestinians said in a statement that its forces, along with Border Police, uncovered rare archaeological findings worth hundreds of thousands of shekels as well as weapons during its raid on the suspects’ homes in the villages of Burka, Hawara and Silat al-Daher.

Among the items recovered Monday were coins, titles and stone doors from the Roman and Byzantine periods, along with ancient tools from the Iron Age and the 7th Century.

According to the 1978 Antiquities Law, all antiquities discovered in Israel post-1978 are the property of the State of Israel. Anyone who finds an artifact must turn it over to the Israel Antiquities Authority within 15 days.

It is forbidden to trade in antiquities without receiving a license from the Culture Ministry or from the IAA. All antiquities shipped abroad must be registered and shipped through a licensed dealer. The IAA reserves the right to confiscate any item not registered.

Stolen antiquities recovered during an arrest operation in the West Bank on August 15, 2022. (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories)

Monday’s raid came a month after another bust by authorities in the northern Israeli city of Afula, where a local resident is suspected of illegal trade and illegally excavating antiquities at archaeological sites, causing untold damage, and the use of a metal detector to discover thousands of gold, silver and bronze coins.

Which is Exactly Palestinians will never 👎 have control of it. 🇮🇱

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