Whites Swim in Racial Preference

Here is an article ten myths about affirmative action:

UnderstandingPrejudice.org: Ten Myths About Affirmative Action

Why color blind employment policies don't work: For instance, all else being equal, color-blind seniority systems tend to protect White workers against job layoffs, because senior employees are usually White (Ezorsky, 1991). Likewise, color-blind college admissions favor White students because of their earlier educational advantages. Unless preexisting inequities are corrected or otherwise taken into account, color-blind policies do not correct racial injustice -- they reinforce it.

Why affirmative action is still necessary:
Despite the progress that has been made, the playing field is far from level. Women continue to earn 76 cents for every male dollar (Bowler, 1999). Black people continue to have twice the unemployment rate of White people, twice the rate of infant mortality, and just over half the proportion of people who attend four years or more of college (see Figure 1). In fact, without affirmative action the percentage of Black students at many selective schools would drop to only 2% of the student body (Bowen & Bok, 1998). This would effectively choke off Black access to top universities and severely restrict progress toward racial equality.

Why blacks still haven't caught up:
As historian Roger Wilkins has pointed out, Blacks have a 375-year history on this continent: 245 involving slavery, 100 involving legalized discrimination, and only 30 involving anything else (Wilkins, 1995). Jews and Asians, on the other hand, are populations that immigrated to North America and included doctors, lawyers, professors, and entrepreneurs among their ranks. Moreover, European Jews are able to function as part of the White majority. To expect Blacks to show the same upward mobility as Jews and Asians is to deny the historical and social reality that Black people face.
This thread contains a link to an article that I previously posted that demonstrates that blacks and females are underrepresented in construction jobs. I think that happens because construction workers hire their friends and relatives.

Nationwide, the construction industry in general is IN NEED OF qualified applicants. I believe if little green female electricians, replete with deely-bobbers, from Planet X presented themselves for jobs in the next few years, they would find work. I think that applies to qualified black people, Hispanics, women . . . everyone. The key is Qualified.
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This thread contains a link to an article that I previously posted that demonstrates that blacks and females are underrepresented in construction jobs.

So what ? Should all the stimulus money go to some career field where women and blacks are highly represented ?

Are we really trying to stimulate the economy or redistribute the wealth among minorites under the guise of a stimulus package ?
This topic always brings out the worst in people. But if we are honest, connections are still the most powerful affirmative action tool in the world. And connections belong to those in power and it is pretty evident who is in power. Move to another nation and power shifts but remains connections. Browse "World On Fire" sometime. And sure you can make it without connections and luck is a second element required. Hard work too.

This thread contains a link to an article that I previously posted that demonstrates that blacks and females are underrepresented in construction jobs.

So what ? Should all the stimulus money go to some career field where women and blacks are highly represented ?

Are we really trying to stimulate the economy or redistribute the wealth among minorites under the guise of a stimulus package ?

If we can stimulate the economy in such a way that it is fair, and helps redistribute wealth to those who get passed by, why not do so?

Helps in several ways.

Why should we do 'business as usual'? Let's shake up the status quo. The economy is completely stagnant--lets get some air into it.

The money needs to go to infrastructure. Those are construction jobs--women and minorities are underrepresented. Let's make sure that qualified women and minority candidates get a fair shake at those jobs.

I don't want to see someone in a dangerous job 'just because' of skin color or gender. Let's make sure quailified applicants get an equal chance at getting these jobs and that it doesn't just go to a crony system.

"Unions, per se, have been great and progressive but the construction trades have hid behind the “skirt” of that legacy to prolong their exclusive and discriminatory ways. That made it easy for us to convince President George W. Bush to prohibit Project Labor Agreements involving federal money. PLA’s are agreements that prohibit any business other than a union shop from working on a specific project.

Show me a PLA and I will show you Jim Crow employment plus a locking out of most Black-owned firms that happen to be nonunion most of the time. A Project Labor Agreement is a license to discriminate against Black workers."
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This thread contains a link to an article that I previously posted that demonstrates that blacks and females are underrepresented in construction jobs.

So what ? Should all the stimulus money go to some career field where women and blacks are highly represented ?

Are we really trying to stimulate the economy or redistribute the wealth among minorites under the guise of a stimulus package ?

If we can stimulate the economy in such a way that it is fair, and helps redistribute wealth to those who get passed by, why not do so?

Because it doesn't work and NO ONE can ever agree on what's fair. There probably are only degrees of "fair" anyway. We'll waste so much time and money deciding on what's fair we may as well not even bother.
It's illogical, unreasonable, undefineable and destined to fail.
If you actually want a job done and done right---give it to the people who can do it--I don't care if they a martians.
If you are stiving for social equality for everyone , you are pissing up a rope.
Hire a qualified candidate and make sure the underrepresented in the construction industry have a fair shake.

Study the exclusionary practices of unions.

President Elect Obama has promised groups like the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers that he will end the ban on PLA’s.

As he makes good on this promise we must be vigilant and qualify each and every PLA. We must look at the demographic goals of each geographical area which are set by the U.S. Department of Labor and match that with the current capacity of the applicable construction unions.

In essence, if a major project is going up in Chicago or Detroit we must see what the standard is for Black employment (laborer, journeyman, foreman, management, etc) in that market. If the construction unions do not have those numbers in their ranks then we should file a complaint and stop the “set up” for discrimination—we have no other option.

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Most white American citizens are not descendants of slave holders. We are descendants of european immigrants. Our relatives were able to more quickly assimilate into the culture because of having white skin color.
Consider what it must be like for blacks who are descendants of slaves. Michelle Obama vs Barack Obama. Barack Obama had some priveleges afforded his class that outweighed his mixed racial heritage of white mother and Kenyan father.

What Reich spoke to is that under the new administration, any government infrastructure jobs will not automatically benefit only white construction workers. Those days belong to the white priveleged past.

Now we are looking at truly being completely fair in how we distribute our government project money. It's a lofty goal and I hope the President is successful in smoothing the waters and making each citizen regardless of skin tone feel that he or she will be fairly treated.

both my family and my man's family were slave owners and traders. we still have records of sales...that read...female 42, as is...with the price paid...guess what...all of that money is gone...its been more than a few generation...the land was taken ...do we get our lands and holdings back from pre civil war? i think not. so shut the fuck up...sure the white man/woman has always been able to assimulate better than other colors or ethnic backgrounds...you want to base this all on skin color when it goes much deeper to cultures and acceptable ethics...look at the acceptance of asians...as hard workers who will do anything to better their children's lives...they have moved ahead of blacks leaps and bounds...why is that..why did blacks accept the concept of ebonics? which was saying ...you are too stupid to learn proper english so lets dumb it down for you....and yet blacks embraced the insult...

just as they embrace many things without giving it any thought...al sharpton...jesse jackson...farrakan...all black leaders..someone really needs to get a grasp of the concept of leader and leader ship....you can run your mouth about hundreds of years ago or man up and live in the here and now....

lets review the here and now....white on black crime is highly sensationalize while black on white crime is played way down or totally ignored. i.e of former...duke white guys nifonged by the black stripper...the latter...christain/newsome murders in tn...only aryan sites have kept that story alive...

hell look at black heros....mike tyson...michael vick? why do black make heros of thugs? stop being the victim....stop bitching about shit that no one can change...live in the here and now...and look to yourself to better yourself...dont expect the "white man" to do shit for you...
Most white American citizens are not descendants of slave holders. We are descendants of european immigrants. Our relatives were able to more quickly assimilate into the culture because of having white skin color.
Consider what it must be like for blacks who are descendants of slaves. Michelle Obama vs Barack Obama. Barack Obama had some priveleges afforded his class that outweighed his mixed racial heritage of white mother and Kenyan father.

What Reich spoke to is that under the new administration, any government infrastructure jobs will not automatically benefit only white construction workers. Those days belong to the white priveleged past.

Now we are looking at truly being completely fair in how we distribute our government project money. It's a lofty goal and I hope the President is successful in smoothing the waters and making each citizen regardless of skin tone feel that he or she will be fairly treated.

both my family and my man's family were slave owners and traders. we still have records of sales...that read...female 42, as is...with the price paid...guess what...all of that money is gone...its been more than a few generation...the land was taken ...do we get our lands and holdings back from pre civil war? i think not. so shut the fuck up...sure the white man/woman has always been able to assimulate better than other colors or ethnic backgrounds...you want to base this all on skin color when it goes much deeper to cultures and acceptable ethics...look at the acceptance of asians...as hard workers who will do anything to better their children's lives...they have moved ahead of blacks leaps and bounds...why is that..why did blacks accept the concept of ebonics? which was saying ...you are too stupid to learn proper english so lets dumb it down for you....and yet blacks embraced the insult...

just as they embrace many things without giving it any thought...al sharpton...jesse jackson...farrakan...all black leaders..someone really needs to get a grasp of the concept of leader and leader ship....you can run your mouth about hundreds of years ago or man up and live in the here and now....

lets review the here and now....white on black crime is highly sensationalize while black on white crime is played way down or totally ignored. i.e of former...duke white guys nifonged by the black stripper...the latter...christain/newsome murders in tn...only aryan sites have kept that story alive...

hell look at black heros....mike tyson...michael vick? why do black make heros of thugs? stop being the victim....stop bitching about shit that no one can change...live in the here and now...and look to yourself to better yourself...dont expect the "white man" to do shit for you...

Stunning admission. Do you think your family should get those pre-civil war lands back? Is your family still rooted in civil war concerns and southern identity?

A small population of very wealthy aristocratic landowners with English roots once ruled the South. Their descendants want the land of their forefather's back.
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"But if we are honest, connections are still the most powerful affirmative action tool in the world"

Connections aren't about preference their about friendship and loyalty. Affirmative action is nothing more than legislated racial profiling which the left finds objectionable when it's a black guy catching a cab, but praiseworthy when it's a white guy being profiled as not diverse enough...
White previleges I have enjoyed in my lifetime?

Well let's see..

I was raised in an all white neighborhood, one that my father COULD buy into BECAUSE HE WAS WHITE (yeah that's right Blacks couldn't buy into that neighborhood in 1955)

As a consequence I went to the city's BEST SCHOOLS.


Shall I go on?

No. Kill yourself. Then you'll have taken steps to get rid of "white privilege."
Affirmative action... insuring inefficiency and promoting incompetence. Is there any better place to see it an action than the DMV? :clap2:
Hang on to that poor me victim mentality--it will get you far.
Ever get something you wanted by bitching that someone else already had it ?

The whites who complain about affirmative action are doing exactly what you just described.

You know how racist affirmative action really is to blacks?

Do you want a job because you're qualified for the position or because you're black?

The only people who embrace AA are the black nationalists and hard core liberals. 95% of educated black folks are against AA and rightly so.

The entitlement ideology is truly astounding with you black nationalists!

I'm assuming you're of the opinion that all whites are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and blacks are blatantly excluded from this secret white conspiracy?

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You are so right, Whites do swim in a a world of racial preference.And then they have the audacity to deny that it exists!!.
This is what gets to me.And then to make matters worse, they complain about affirmative action being
reverse discrimination. What childish insanely racist idiots white people can be.!!
After so many hundred of years of White preferential treatment.!!
You are so right, Whites do swim in a a world of racial preference.And then they have the audacity to deny that it exists!!.
This is what gets to me.And then to make matters worse, they complain about affirmative action being
reverse discrimination. What childish insanely racist idiots white people can be.!!
After so many hundred of years of White preferential treatment.!!

Get off your lazy white loathing self righteous butt and earn your place in society.

What the hell is wrong with you?
You are so right, Whites do swim in a a world of racial preference.And then they have the audacity to deny that it exists!!.
This is what gets to me.And then to make matters worse, they complain about affirmative action being
reverse discrimination. What childish insanely racist idiots white people can be.!!
After so many hundred of years of White preferential treatment.!!

Get off your lazy white loathing self righteous butt and earn your place in society.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Black people already earned our place in society.We slaved and built the foundation of America.!
well, perhaps your ancestors did. When was the last time you found yourself in a cotton field?
You are so right, Whites do swim in a a world of racial preference.And then they have the audacity to deny that it exists!!.
This is what gets to me.And then to make matters worse, they complain about affirmative action being
reverse discrimination. What childish insanely racist idiots white people can be.!!
After so many hundred of years of White preferential treatment.!!

Get off your lazy white loathing self righteous butt and earn your place in society.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Black people already earned our place in society.We slaved and built the foundation of America.!

the chinese may give you an argument....
You are so right, Whites do swim in a a world of racial preference.And then they have the audacity to deny that it exists!!.
This is what gets to me.And then to make matters worse, they complain about affirmative action being
reverse discrimination. What childish insanely racist idiots white people can be.!!
After so many hundred of years of White preferential treatment.!!

Get off your lazy white loathing self righteous butt and earn your place in society.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Black people already earned our place in society.We slaved and built the foundation of America.!

You're not a slave and never were you delusional retard!

The longer you continue to feel sorry for your self the longer you will be worthless to society.

And you wonder why black woman like white men? Maybe they dont cry all day and actually live productive successful lives....You can too you know but I get the feeling you enjoy crying more then you do bettering your self because crying is the easy way out.

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