White South African Farmer Previously Paralyzed in Violent Attack is Tied Up and Murdered in His Wheelchair

Sadly this is nothing new. He's the latest in a long line of white South African farmers that's been getting brutally massacred for years now.

But, just like everywhere else in the developed world be it the black knife gangs in London running about stabbing and killing each other, Muslim grooming gangs in and around the Midlands of the UK, the BAME mob in Govanhill Glasgow pimping their children, Islamic Terrorists in the suburbs of Belgium & Paris, the refugee rapists in Germany, the boatloads of undocumented undesirables that arrive in Italy and Spain from North Africa, the shit all over the USA with BLM and the blacks in South Africa murdering all the white farmers they can - no-one's interested.

The white folk with the power to act, aren't and are failing the world.

The blacks/minorities committing these acts only can do so because of the white folk who enable them to and empower them at worst or simply turn a blind eye at best.

These groups of folk are so protected it's unbelievable and I'll never be able to fathom out why.

In South Africa especially, the agriculture industry is on it's arse. Black folk have been given farms, land, livestock, resources and preferential treatment on contracts and they can't cope all because they want to retrospectively even up the score to try and balance out what they thought was bad about apartheid.

South Africa has gradually got worse since they removed apartheid. This is the fruits of the worlds biggest corrective action for all to see - racist murders and an industry totally ruined.
Shove it up your Afrikaner ass racist.
Everything is factual. You’re emotions and feelings don’t counter my facts it doesn’t matter how much you don’t like it

suck it up
You can think that, but your useless and probably feeling inferior.
It’s not a question of feeling inferior or superior - again facts trump feelings no matter how much you don’t like it
Yeah it is about your "feelings" of white privilege superiority.

Why don't YOU go out and earn yours.


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South Africa has been a shytehole for some time. It's going to continue to slide until only China will be brave enough to move in and exploit the remaining citizens.
Prophetic in that it's most likely going according to China's plans.
Africa's doors are being opened to China because they are promoting social justice wherever they go in the world.

While America promotes death and destruction through the use of military force.

Go figure! Or go to Cuba to see it at close hand!
The CHINESE are planning on taking over the world---they are communists and as communists they firmly know what useful idiots are and simply using the instigating of race wars and fraudulent votes from these useful idiots.

CHINESE in fact see blacks as inferior mentally---we have heard members of the chinese government say this before forcing them to be recalled. To top this off, the chinese are working on biological weapons that target race-------Once the useful idiots outlive their usefulness, the chinese won't play anymore.
I heard that the Chinese specifically see you as an un-useful idiot.
Well as long as I am UN-useful to them, I am good with that........more than I can say for each of the idiotic dems.
I bet you love being useless.

How's the warehouse job? Did you get it swept Friday?
I am flattered that you think I actually "work" at all. I see nothing wrong with people who work for a living dear---the fact that you do says alot about your communist ass.
So, when everyone comes in Monday the warehouse is swept or not?
Sadly this is nothing new. He's the latest in a long line of white South African farmers that's been getting brutally massacred for years now.

But, just like everywhere else in the developed world be it the black knife gangs in London running about stabbing and killing each other, Muslim grooming gangs in and around the Midlands of the UK, the BAME mob in Govanhill Glasgow pimping their children, Islamic Terrorists in the suburbs of Belgium & Paris, the refugee rapists in Germany, the boatloads of undocumented undesirables that arrive in Italy and Spain from North Africa, the shit all over the USA with BLM and the blacks in South Africa murdering all the white farmers they can - no-one's interested.

The white folk with the power to act, aren't and are failing the world.

The blacks/minorities committing these acts only can do so because of the white folk who enable them to and empower them at worst or simply turn a blind eye at best.

These groups of folk are so protected it's unbelievable and I'll never be able to fathom out why.

In South Africa especially, the agriculture industry is on it's arse. Black folk have been given farms, land, livestock, resources and preferential treatment on contracts and they can't cope all because they want to retrospectively even up the score to try and balance out what they thought was bad about apartheid.

South Africa has gradually got worse since they removed apartheid. This is the fruits of the worlds biggest corrective action for all to see - racist murders and an industry totally ruined.
Shove it up your Afrikaner ass racist.
Everything is factual. You’re emotions and feelings don’t counter my facts it doesn’t matter how much you don’t like it

suck it up
You can think that, but your useless and probably feeling inferior.
It’s not a question of feeling inferior or superior - again facts trump feelings no matter how much you don’t like it
Yeah it is about your "feelings" of white privilege superiority.

Why don't YOU go out and earn yours.
Ah, there we are.

Nothing to claim.
Brutal race of "people"

We do not know the background of these whites against blacks but I can imagine.
Tell me his and his father's attitude and how they treated their slaves and I'll tell you if it's warranted.

But don't forget how whites in the south treated the blacks there. They haven't.
You DUMBASS Leftist ......

Genocide against White Farmers has been going on in South Africa for decades.

Damn you Leftist dumbasses are bunch of uninformed fucking Idiots.

I'll ask again. Why. I'll go one step further and predict they treated their slaves like dogs. Retribution is all they have and if he did that , which I strongly suspect, he and all the others deserve it.
They did care about raping and castrating blacks. Slaughtering them was a national pastime.
You'd be wiser to support what's right rather than what's white.
Sadly this is nothing new. He's the latest in a long line of white South African farmers that's been getting brutally massacred for years now.

But, just like everywhere else in the developed world be it the black knife gangs in London running about stabbing and killing each other, Muslim grooming gangs in and around the Midlands of the UK, the BAME mob in Govanhill Glasgow pimping their children, Islamic Terrorists in the suburbs of Belgium & Paris, the refugee rapists in Germany, the boatloads of undocumented undesirables that arrive in Italy and Spain from North Africa, the shit all over the USA with BLM and the blacks in South Africa murdering all the white farmers they can - no-one's interested.

The white folk with the power to act, aren't and are failing the world.

The blacks/minorities committing these acts only can do so because of the white folk who enable them to and empower them at worst or simply turn a blind eye at best.

These groups of folk are so protected it's unbelievable and I'll never be able to fathom out why.

In South Africa especially, the agriculture industry is on it's arse. Black folk have been given farms, land, livestock, resources and preferential treatment on contracts and they can't cope all because they want to retrospectively even up the score to try and balance out what they thought was bad about apartheid.

South Africa has gradually got worse since they removed apartheid. This is the fruits of the worlds biggest corrective action for all to see - racist murders and an industry totally ruined.
Shove it up your Afrikaner ass racist.
Everything is factual. You’re emotions and feelings don’t counter my facts it doesn’t matter how much you don’t like it

suck it up
You can think that, but your useless and probably feeling inferior.
It’s not a question of feeling inferior or superior - again facts trump feelings no matter how much you don’t like it
Yeah it is about your "feelings" of white privilege superiority.

Why don't YOU go out and earn yours.
Ah, there we are.

Nothing to claim.
Why are you talking to yourself?
Sadly this is nothing new. He's the latest in a long line of white South African farmers that's been getting brutally massacred for years now.

But, just like everywhere else in the developed world be it the black knife gangs in London running about stabbing and killing each other, Muslim grooming gangs in and around the Midlands of the UK, the BAME mob in Govanhill Glasgow pimping their children, Islamic Terrorists in the suburbs of Belgium & Paris, the refugee rapists in Germany, the boatloads of undocumented undesirables that arrive in Italy and Spain from North Africa, the shit all over the USA with BLM and the blacks in South Africa murdering all the white farmers they can - no-one's interested.

The white folk with the power to act, aren't and are failing the world.

The blacks/minorities committing these acts only can do so because of the white folk who enable them to and empower them at worst or simply turn a blind eye at best.

These groups of folk are so protected it's unbelievable and I'll never be able to fathom out why.

In South Africa especially, the agriculture industry is on it's arse. Black folk have been given farms, land, livestock, resources and preferential treatment on contracts and they can't cope all because they want to retrospectively even up the score to try and balance out what they thought was bad about apartheid.

South Africa has gradually got worse since they removed apartheid. This is the fruits of the worlds biggest corrective action for all to see - racist murders and an industry totally ruined.
Shove it up your Afrikaner ass racist.
Everything is factual. You’re emotions and feelings don’t counter my facts it doesn’t matter how much you don’t like it

suck it up
You can think that, but your useless and probably feeling inferior.
It’s not a question of feeling inferior or superior - again facts trump feelings no matter how much you don’t like it
Yeah it is about your "feelings" of white privilege superiority.

Why don't YOU go out and earn yours.
Ah, there we are.

Nothing to claim.
Why are you talking to yourself?
Ah, more of nothing.

White South African Farmer Previously Paralyzed in Violent Attack is Tied Up and Murdered in His Wheelchair​

4 May 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
A paralyzed South African farmer was tied up and brutally murdered in his wheelchair by attackers who had been hiding near the property waiting for the perfect time to strike.
46-year-old Neil McKay was paralyzed 20 years ago in a violent robbery when he was shot in the spine.
McKay’s mother found him murdered in his bedroom when she went to his farm to check on him.
A family friend said the attackers targeted McKay so they could steal money out of his safe.
KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Captain Nqobile Gwala said a murder investigation has been opened but no arrests have been made.
The Daily Mail reported:
A helpless farmer shot through the spine by robbers and left paralysed 20 years ago in South Africa was tied up in his wheelchair and cruelly strangled to death in a second attack.​
Police investigators said he had been strangled by his captors, who had been hiding close to the property, waiting for Neil to be alone.​
His death has sparked fury in the town of Winterton in KwaZulu-Natal province, especially as his attackers were not captured after the first assault.​
Alf Lees the Democratic Alliance MP for Uthukela constituency said: ‘Who would murder a man in a wheelchair? A man who was unarmed and physically unable to defend himself?​

Five or six years ago, I would not have posted this type of news on the Message boards or any other political discussion forum. However, viewing and reading about the violence against cities, town and individuals that "Black Lives Matter" and "ANTIFA".
I find there are many comparisons to the Mau, Mau, ANC and BLM/Antifa that have been perpetuating, violence, looting, arson and attacks on White, Asian, Hispanic and Blacks themselves in America.
In South Africa they put in a "constitution" to take away freedom of speech, etc so they could not be criticized.
Then they let the criminals loose to terrify and subdue everyone. I see the comparisons, Today the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats are doing the same to America- divide and conquer.explains why communists have been historically and are nowadays extremely to whites and want us dead, literally. Watch Merrick Garland who is working on legal framework to fight "white terrorists", this will serve as cover for white genocide that neo Bolsheviks have been aiming for, the very reason why neo-Bolsheviks cheated their way to power.
This explains why communists have been historically and are nowadays extremely violently racist to whites and want us dead, literally.
Watch Merrick Garland who is working on legal framework to fight "White Terrorists", this will serve as cover for white genocide that neo Bolsheviks have been aiming for, the very reason why neo-Bolsheviks cheated their way to power.
Yeah, how horrible of Merrick Garland to work on a legal framework to fight White terrorists!!! What next? He is going to work on bringing criminals to justice?

Who the hell does Merrick Garland think he is? The current United States attorney general? The nerve of this guy, amIright?
Of course, I join all decent humans by expressing the deepest sympathy to the family of the murdered farmer.

I have read that some Jewish people did not leave Germany after Hitler's rise because they could not bring themselves to believe that he would do what he eventually did.

I hope that the Caucasian people (and especially farmers, whose land is envied) will arrange to leave South Africa before it is too late.

It would be nice if influential people here in the United States could quietly do whatever they can to facilitate the entry of those refugees into this country.
i agree!

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