White Football coach fired for "racism" for letting players celebrate win with a watermelon!!

Does it matter that he was "offered" his job back? It was a stupid reason to fire him in the first place.

Better yet, as I was watching the news here, they reported that several parents have hired a lawyer because of the way the whole situation was handled. It seems that every member of the football team was pulled from class, detained in the auditorium for several hours, and each one "interviewed" in a closed room by two school board representatives. No notice was given to the parents, no student was allowed any sort of representation. It will most likely get ugly, soon...
They dont have to unless the student asks for representation.
I'm not certain on Juvenal law, but I think you are wrong. As a matter of fact when I took the class Juvenal law if the child was under 18 a parent or Guardian had to be present when they were being question.
Maybe its a state thing but where I live the child has to request an attorney if there is a crime or possible crime involved. I have made sure my children know to ask for an attorney and not us the parents.
Maybe it is a state thing plus schools might function differently to.
Don't go to France....

Academic Magnet coach fired over watermelon celebration players parents defend coach - Post and Courier

WOW. Players celebrate by smashing a watermelon, and doing the time honored football "whoo whoo whoo" chant. And a black parent (of the opposing team who just lost) complained it was racist and they were making "ape sounds" while smashing a watermelon (players said they wanted to eat it without waiting for a knife to cut it.........because you cant have a knife on school grounds to cut it with). The drew a smiley face on it with a sharpie.

Coach is white. School is "Academic Magnet High", a very elite, mostly white school.

Charleston NAACP......OF COURSE....is involved.

Coach is a 10 year veteran coach, family man, very Christian.

And they FIRED him for this? America is fucked.

The article doesn't mention racism anywhere -- you are a fucking liar.

So then why was he fired?
A winning high-school football coach was fired after the team’s tradition of eating watermelon after games was deemed “inappropriate” and “racist.”

Bud Walpole had been coaching Academic Magnet Raptors football team, and was in the middle of a very successful season, according to CBS Charlotte.

A current Raptors player said the tradition began when players bought watermelons from a man who had been selling them on their route to the game. If they won the game, the team decided, they would eat the watermelon. After they did win, they smashed the watermelon on the ground and then ate it. (The team had to smash their victory fruit because they, understandably, did not have a knife on the sidelines.)"

"The ritual continued at subsequent victories — until one parent from an opposing school allegedly complained."

Football Coach Fired Because Eating Watermelon Is Racist National Review Online

Now eating a watermelon is racist.

Gee, last time I looked, who you fire and hire is your own business, according to conservatives like you.

Is it a public school or private school? It is our business if the government is making the choice.
Does it matter that he was "offered" his job back? It was a stupid reason to fire him in the first place.

Better yet, as I was watching the news here, they reported that several parents have hired a lawyer because of the way the whole situation was handled. It seems that every member of the football team was pulled from class, detained in the auditorium for several hours, and each one "interviewed" in a closed room by two school board representatives. No notice was given to the parents, no student was allowed any sort of representation. It will most likely get ugly, soon...
They dont have to unless the student asks for representation.
I'm not certain on Juvenal law, but I think you are wrong. As a matter of fact when I took the class Juvenal law if the child was under 18 a parent or Guardian had to be present when they were being question.

It depends on the state.
Semi off-topic question. Who celebrates winning a football game by eating a watermelon?
Sounds good to me. I would eat some regardless of if I won or not.
No doubt that watermelon is a delicious snack. I just find it strange that someone gives a football team a whole watermelon to eat after a game.
It is semi odd and potentially racist to make monkey sounds with it but football players do some very odd things in general.

But they weren't "ape" sounds. They were common "whooo whooo whooo" sounds that are very normal in team sports, especially violent ones like football.

It was a black parent who decided she thought it sounded like an ape, and created this mess.
Just like blacks get offended when people use the word niggardly in conversation.
Semi off-topic question. Who celebrates winning a football game by eating a watermelon?
Sounds good to me. I would eat some regardless of if I won or not.
No doubt that watermelon is a delicious snack. I just find it strange that someone gives a football team a whole watermelon to eat after a game.
It is semi odd and potentially racist to make monkey sounds with it but football players do some very odd things in general.

But they weren't "ape" sounds. They were common "whooo whooo whooo" sounds that are very normal in team sports, especially violent ones like football.

It was a black parent who decided she thought it sounded like an ape, and created this mess.
Just like blacks get offended when people use the word niggardly in conversation.
Well we know thats a lie. No one uses niggardly in conversation unless they are insecure and trying to prove they know words most people dont use in normal conversation. We know this because its much easier to use the word stingy. Most normal people havent seen the word niggardly used except in very old books like the ones from Jack London.
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