While our great leader attends to important things like race, women & gender awareness and masks


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
He was doing stupid shit at the same time (cough) because he's PROG Democrat and that means stupid. What an idiot, but IMO you cannot expect Xiden to be responsible. He only does what he's told, and more than that you cannot expect an elderly person with dementia to be accountable for their pen.

Topping the list of blunders, Biden has:

1.Overturned Trump immigration policies that stemmed the flow of caravans from Central America flooding our southern border. Biden is set to welcome 25,000 asylum-seekers, who had been in Mexico, into our nation. Soon we will witness chaos at the border, as we did under President Obama. Americans agree that our border must be secure; this will hurt Biden, just as it hurt Obama.

2.Canceled the Keystone Pipeline, nixing thousands of high-paying union jobs, even though the pipeline was shown by the Obama administration to have minimal environmental impact. Plus, Biden has "paused" new drilling leases on federal lands, which will especially kill revenues for New Mexico, which voted for Biden in November. Biden’s attack on energy will eventually cause oil output to drop and gasoline prices to rise at the pump, hurting low-income Americans.

3.Sided with teachers unions over the needs of families, and especially women, trying to earn a living. Biden’s refusal to order teachers back on the job and indifference to the "science" saying that schools can open safely is payback for union support, but a slap at unemployed workers forced to stay home and care for their kids.

4.Begun to actively undermine the Trump administration’s extraordinary progress in the Middle East. Unimaginably, Biden has already jeopardized the Abraham Accords by temporarily freezing arms sales to the UAE which were included in that deal. Also, Biden has yet to speak with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, pathetically returning to Obama’s failed policies in the region. Even Biden-sycophant CNN is questioning the delay.

5.Encouraged Democrats to jam through an absurd $1.9 trillion aid package with no GOP votes, destroying his campaign promise to work across the aisle. He is pushing the budget-buster deal even though there remains one TRILLION dollars unspent from prior packages and our economy is rebounding. Buying votes and bailing out blue states with $350 billion of taxpayer funds will not play well in purple states like Georgia, and could prove dangerous to the economy.

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Who cares? All that matters is that the party is in power. Nothing else matters, certainly not the standard of living of the little people. All hail the party!
Everything that China Joe's administration does will be wrong.

Democrats screw up everything they touch.

Obama is ecstatic that China Joe won. Just like Jimmy Carter was glad Obama won.

There is a good possibility that China Joe will unseat Obama for the positon of Worst American President. He is off to great start to get the title.
3.Sided with teachers unions over the needs of families, and especially women, trying to earn a living. Biden’s refusal to order teachers back on the job and indifference to the "science" saying that schools can open safely is payback for union support, but a slap at unemployed workers forced to stay home and care for their kids.

Biden has zero power to force teachers back to work..You are in the wrong dictatorship mien Freund.
Everything that China Joe's administration does will be wrong.

Democrats screw up everything they touch.

Obama is ecstatic that China Joe won. Just like Jimmy Carter was glad Obama won.

There is a good possibility that China Joe will unseat Obama for the positon of Worst American President. He is off to great start to get the title.

There's no way Xiden won't be the worst POTUS. Look how we got here, this is not a sane bunch. Collectively they're psychopaths, for starts.
  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  • Pathological lying
  • Conning/manipulative
  • Lack of remorse or guilt
  • Shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses)
  • Callous/lack of empathy (they're talk a lots, eg care about blacks & their communities then stimulate riots)
  • Parasitic lifestyle look that one up, it fits for sure
  • Poor behavioral controls
  • Promiscuous sexual behavior
  • Early behavioral problems
  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • Impulsivity
  • Irresponsibility
  • Failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions Cuomo is rich
  • Many short-term marital relationships
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Revocation of conditional release (from prison)
  • Criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)

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