Which ‘Study’ Should One Rely On?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
By now, anyone with more than two cerebral neurons should realize that distinctions between religion, science, and politics is simply arbitrary.

1.The greatest popularizer of evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, said “science and religion each represent different areas of inquiry, fact vs. values, so there is a difference between the "nets"[1] over which they have "a legitimate magisterium, or domain of teaching authority", and the two domains do not overlap.” Except when they focus on the same issue, as we will see in this essay.

2.Let’s bring in Gramsci and Mann to incorporate politics with those two specialties.

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramsci’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

“Everything is politics,”
said the German author Thomas Mann. The author of Reflections of an Unpolitical Man was writing of a time when politics had failed and the world was consumed in the First World War. But he may have just as easily transported his critique to the present day. PJMedia

If you lived through the constant and mutually exclusive and regularly contrary pronouncements of government and ‘science,’ the Wuhan Red Death, you couldn’t miss the overlap of politics and ‘science.’

3. Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Isn't it amazing that science, the supposed enemy of biblical religion, now accepts the very same order of the creation of the universe and of life on earth, as the order described in Genesis????
And this from folks living in a desert, three millennia ago....

4. And, on this Father’s Day, this Father, a Belgian priest, who also erases the line between religion and science, passed on to his reward.

Georges Lemaître, (born July 17, 1894, Charleroi, Belgium—died June 20, 1966, Leuven), Belgian astronomer and cosmologist who formulated the modern big-bang theory, which holds that the universe began in a cataclysmic explosion of a small, primeval “super-atom.” Britannica.com

5. Any who present only one of these three areas, religion, science and politics, and promises that you will understand the world…..

….is lying.
Parroting is not s good means to find truth.

Thinking is.

Ask some questions, learn something.

These taxpayer funded "studies" always return the answer those who funded it want.

Christians are awful parrots. Christians are taught never to think, never to question, just sit back, open that beak, and have the birdbrain repeat the same vullshit over and over....

Never to think to ask

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?
Parroting is not s good means to find truth.

Thinking is.

Ask some questions, learn something.

These taxpayer funded "studies" always return the answer those who funded it want.

Christians are awful parrots. Christians are taught never to think, never to question, just sit back, open that beak, and have the birdbrain repeat the same vullshit over and over....

Never to think to ask

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?
Oh they believe in him....they just didn't care for what he had to say.
Parroting is not s good means to find truth.

Thinking is.

Ask some questions, learn something.

These taxpayer funded "studies" always return the answer those who funded it want.

Christians are awful parrots. Christians are taught never to think, never to question, just sit back, open that beak, and have the birdbrain repeat the same vullshit over and over....

Never to think to ask

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

Did you think that post made sense??? If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.
The Origin of the Theory of the Origin.

....that would be the Big Bang theory.

The Big Bang theory pictures the explosion that was the provenance of the universe.
So says science....from about the mid-20th century.

1. One of those interesting focal points of our time is the Big Bang theory...the conjecture about the origin of the universe.

Before same, there was "nothing"....."nothing" in the exact and specific meaning of the term: not anything... not a thing.

2. The idea serves as a jumping off point for several views....a nexus, if you will:
....the theological, which posits that God created all;
...the scientific, a search for truth and knowledge about all things;
...and those of an atheistic bent, determined that they can show that natural laws are responsible.

3. The irony is that it was not 'a scientist' that first came up with the scientific Big Bang theory.....it was a priest!

Prior to the 1920s, the view of astronomy was that the universe is constant and static. One could say it always was and always would be.

4." A static universe, also referred to as a "stationary" or "infinite" or "static infinite" universe, is a cosmological model in which the universe is both spatially infinite and temporally infinite, and space is neither expanding nor contracting. Such a universe does not have spatial curvature; that is to say that it is 'flat'....In contrast to this model, Albert Einstein proposed a temporally infinite but spatially finite mode las his preferred cosmology in 1917, in his paper Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity."
Static universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. "...14 May 1916 he also mentions the possibility of the world being finite. A few months later he expanded on this in letters to Willem de Sitter. It is along these lines that he postulated a Universe that is spatially finite and closed, a Universe in which no boundary conditions are needed ...In addition, Einstein assumed that the Universe was static. This was not unreasonable at the time, because the relative velocities of the stars as observed were small." Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft - From Static to Expanding Models of the Universe (4)

Einstein so believed until 1932.

6. That irony mentioned above? It was a Belgian Catholic ordained priest, one who studied mathematics at MIT, who first proposed the Big Bang theory.
Studies of the light reaching us from space showed a gravitational redshift, the wavelength of light stretched by the effect of gravity.

a. In 1912, Vesto Slipher was the first to observe the shift of spectral lines of galaxies, making him the discoverer of galactic redshifts…. Edwin Hubble was generally incorrectly credited with discovering the redshift of galaxies.

7. In 1927, the priest, George Lemaitre, the Father mentioned on this Father's Day, "extrapolated the Hubble, Slipher, and Humanson results backward in time to conclude that if the universe is expanding now, it must have been smaller and smaller as we go back into the past. In effect, he was able to use mathematics to rewind the movie of the progression of the universe to its very beginnings and to demonstrate that it indeed had a beginning- as Scripture tells us."
Amir Aczel, "Why Science Does Not Disprove God," p.100.

Score one for theology, huh?
Parroting is not s good means to find truth.

Thinking is.

Ask some questions, learn something.

These taxpayer funded "studies" always return the answer those who funded it want.

Christians are awful parrots. Christians are taught never to think, never to question, just sit back, open that beak, and have the birdbrain repeat the same vullshit over and over....

Never to think to ask

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

Did you think that post made sense??? If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

Nice dodge of the question.

To you, parroting a book is better "proof" than actually being there and observing.

What did their ancestors tell contemporary Jews about Jesus, since they were there, they observed him?

A: that individual is nobody anyone should worship

But you know better than "god's chosen people" because you parrot a book....

And you expect us to care what you "think" you should parrot next?

A human brain is supposed to think. A human brain that only parrots is SUB.....
Parroting is not s good means to find truth.

Thinking is.

Ask some questions, learn something.

These taxpayer funded "studies" always return the answer those who funded it want.

Christians are awful parrots. Christians are taught never to think, never to question, just sit back, open that beak, and have the birdbrain repeat the same vullshit over and over....

Never to think to ask

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?
Oh they believe in him....they just didn't care for what he had to say.

They actually give answers that make sense.

Who got everything?

Jesus did. That was the deal. You gave Jesus everything, and he made you a slave until you died, but you had a guarantee to go to heaven when you died...

Selling access to heaven...

There was one actor who played the "I can see" fraud at least 5 times around Judea. The final time, the local Jews were on to him, and he and the frwudsters ran away.

Judas did rat out Jesus because Jesus had spent all the money down at the brothel and ran out of food and insisted his 5k slaves remain and starve - the loaves and fishes scene.

That is the end of him. Last supper never happened. The authorities show up to arrest him, and his disciples bolt like a scene from COPS.

Those voting for Barabbas, those cheering the crucifixion, those were the 5k he bilked and left with nothing.....

The original Christians....
Parroting is not s good means to find truth.

Thinking is.

Ask some questions, learn something.

These taxpayer funded "studies" always return the answer those who funded it want.

Christians are awful parrots. Christians are taught never to think, never to question, just sit back, open that beak, and have the birdbrain repeat the same vullshit over and over....

Never to think to ask

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus?

Did you think that post made sense??? If so, you must be sitting in an Ojibwe sweat lodge, on peyote.

Nice dodge of the question.

To you, parroting a book is better "proof" than actually being there and observing.

What did their ancestors tell contemporary Jews about Jesus, since they were there, they observed him?

A: that individual is nobody anyone should worship

But you know better than "god's chosen people" because you parrot a book....

And you expect us to care what you "think" you should parrot next?

A human brain is supposed to think. A human brain that only parrots is SUB.....

"Nice dodge of the question."

The only question was of your sanity.

Actually, there never was a question.

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