Which JFK conspiracy theory has themost weight

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Last one I heard was the USA intelligence/military took JFK out. (LBJ complicity)

Before that - the mafia.

Will the real truth ever be revealed.

I worshiped the dude.

Was 7 when he was elected.
I think the magic in the magic bullet was created with a media enchantment spell.

Obviously that means that Harry Potter is somehow involved.

Muggens unite!
How bout - LEE OSWALD ACTED ALONE?????????????????????????????????????????????????/
Oswald read in the paper that the Presidents motorcade would pass by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work and fired three shots, one of which blew JFKs brains out
Being employed by the FBI in DC at that time, I believed then (immediately) and I believe now that Lyndon Johnson was very complicit in JFK's death. Johnson wanted to be in the White House and he could never have been elected for the office.
Oswald read in the paper that the Presidents motorcade would pass by where he worked. So he brought his gun to work and fired three shots, one of which blew JFKs brains out

so it wasn't a cia plot?glad to hear it. so it was an avowed Marxist- Leninist? careful, they will pull your aclu card....:lol:
It was an inside job. Kennedy's head was made with a concrete core and his skull was laced with thermite.
It was an inside job. Kennedy's head was made with a concrete core and his skull was laced with thermite.

Would make sense if there was forensic evidence, witness testimony, video evidence, expert corroboration, corroborating coincidences, and physical evidence to prove that. But luckily 9/11 DOES have all those, so we CAN prove that.

That's why there are 1,400 Architects and Engineers standing up for the truth. WWW.AE911Truth.ORG

That's why 9/11 Families have come out recently in a new campaign for the truth, www.buildingwhat.org

That's why NYCCAN.org was formed, to spread awareness so we can get a re-investigation.
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It was an inside job. Kennedy's head was made with a concrete core and his skull was laced with thermite.

Would make sense if there was forensic evidence, witness testimony, video evidence, expert corroboration, corroborating coincidences, and physical evidence to prove that. But luckily 9/11 DOES have all those, so we CAN prove that.

That's why there are 1,400 Architects and Engineers standing up for the truth. AE911Truth.org

That's why 9/11 Families have come out recently in a new campaign for the truth, BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

That's why NYCCAN.org was formed, to spread awareness so we can get a re-investigation.

It was an inside job. Kennedy's head was made with a concrete core and his skull was laced with thermite.

Would make sense if there was forensic evidence, witness testimony, video evidence, expert corroboration, corroborating coincidences, and physical evidence to prove that. But luckily 9/11 DOES have all those, so we CAN prove that.

That's why there are 1,400 Architects and Engineers standing up for the truth. AE911Truth.org

That's why 9/11 Families have come out recently in a new campaign for the truth, BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

That's why NYCCAN.org was formed, to spread awareness so we can get a re-investigation.

It was an inside job. Kennedy's head was made with a concrete core and his skull was laced with thermite.

Would make sense if there was forensic evidence, witness testimony, video evidence, expert corroboration, corroborating coincidences, and physical evidence to prove that. But luckily 9/11 DOES have all those, so we CAN prove that.

That's why there are 1,400 Architects and Engineers standing up for the truth. AE911Truth.org

That's why 9/11 Families have come out recently in a new campaign for the truth, BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

That's why NYCCAN.org was formed, to spread awareness so we can get a re-investigation.


Think about how you were raised. think about your dignity. think about the intellectual skills you have as a human. and look at your response to the facts. Isn't that just a complete slap in the face to all those? You'd think you'd have the respect to at least KNOW what you were DISSING by posting a response like that.

Would make sense if there was forensic evidence, witness testimony, video evidence, expert corroboration, corroborating coincidences, and physical evidence to prove that. But luckily 9/11 DOES have all those, so we CAN prove that.

That's why there are 1,400 Architects and Engineers standing up for the truth. AE911Truth.org

That's why 9/11 Families have come out recently in a new campaign for the truth, BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

That's why NYCCAN.org was formed, to spread awareness so we can get a re-investigation.


Think about how you were raised. think about your dignity. think about the intellectual skills you have as a human. and look at your response to the facts. Isn't that just a complete slap in the face to all those? You'd think you'd have the respect to at least KNOW what you were DISSING by posting a response like that.



Think about how you were raised. think about your dignity. think about the intellectual skills you have as a human. and look at your response to the facts. Isn't that just a complete slap in the face to all those? You'd think you'd have the respect to at least KNOW what you were DISSING by posting a response like that.



Utterly embarrassing. This response claims that then, this man is crazy and so are the followers and supporters. How naive of you.

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Think about how you were raised. think about your dignity. think about the intellectual skills you have as a human. and look at your response to the facts. Isn't that just a complete slap in the face to all those? You'd think you'd have the respect to at least KNOW what you were DISSING by posting a response like that.



Utterly embarrassing. This response claims that then, this man is crazy and so are the followers and supporters. How naive of you.


:clap2: for myself
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