Which GOP Candidate Would The Founders Support?...

Am I the only one that has never read a Mr. Shaman post for about a year? I just glance over his name and skip to the next post. Not only because he is extremely stupid, but because the way he posts takes too much effort to read and comprehend, if its even possible, which is debatable.
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Am I the only one that has never read a Mr. Shaman post for about a year? I just glance over his name and skip to the next post. Not because he is extremely stupid, but because the way he posts takes too much effort to read and comprehend, if its even possible, which is debatable.

I like my new style of replying to his post I delete the unimportant clutter and post to his comment.
Am I the only one that has never read a Mr. Shaman post for about a year? I just glance over his name and skip to the next post. Not only because he is extremely stupid, but because the way he posts takes too much effort to read and comprehend, if its even possible, which is debatable.
I make every effort to use smaller-words, for you folks who (readily) admit you saw no value in completing your education (thru the High School level).​
Am I the only one that has never read a Mr. Shaman post for about a year? I just glance over his name and skip to the next post. Not only because he is extremely stupid, but because the way he posts takes too much effort to read and comprehend, if its even possible, which is debatable.
I make every effort to use smaller-words, for you folks who (readily) admit you saw no value in completing your education (thru the High School level).​

Why do you use parentheses on words that dont have to use them on? Like, "readily" you didn't have to use that in parentheses you could have just fucking said it. Reading your posts is the eye equivalent of scraping my scrotum with a potato peeler.
Am I the only one that has never read a Mr. Shaman post for about a year? I just glance over his name and skip to the next post. Not only because he is extremely stupid, but because the way he posts takes too much effort to read and comprehend, if its even possible, which is debatable.
I make every effort to use smaller-words, for you folks who (readily) admit you saw no value in completing your education (thru the High School level).​

Why do you use parentheses on words that dont have to use them on? Like, "readily" you didn't have to use that in parentheses you could have just fucking said it. Reading your posts is the eye equivalent of scraping my scrotum with a potato peeler.

See isn't that a better post with all that unimportant clutter deleted?
Am I the only one that has never read a Mr. Shaman post for about a year? I just glance over his name and skip to the next post. Not only because he is extremely stupid, but because the way he posts takes too much effort to read and comprehend, if its even possible, which is debatable.

I have him on ignore so that his crap doesn't take up a bunch of space on my screen. Only time I see his stupid posts is if someone quotes him.

Can't say that I've missed him in the slightest.
Madison supported the central bank. He opposed concentration of wealth in the hands of businesses, because he thought it would corrupt America. He was right.
Contumacious, you are what you are, we know what you are, and what you state has absolutely no meaning.
Madison supported the central bank. He opposed concentration of wealth in the hands of businesses, because he thought it would corrupt America. He was right.

Do you always have to spout shit from your liberal head?
James Madison
"History records that the money changers have used
every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible
to maintain their control over governments
by controlling the money and its issuance."

money changers are bankers.
Contumacious, you are what you are, we know what you are, and what you state has absolutely no meaning.

Do you display this here banner in your living room?

Madison supported the central bank. He opposed concentration of wealth in the hands of businesses, because he thought it would corrupt America. He was right.

Do you always have to spout shit from your liberal head?
James Madison
"History records that the money changers have used
every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible
to maintain their control over governments
by controlling the money and its issuance."

money changers are bankers.

Tried to rep you but I gotta spread it around... Nice catch!!
Interesting take from Brion McClanahan.

I am often asked in interviews if the founding generation would recognize the modern government in Washington, D.C. I always answer yes, they would. They would recognize tyranny, the usurpation of power by the executive branch, the trampling of civil liberties and the endless wars of a government bent on empire. The several states seceded from a government like that in 1776 and they would probably advocate the same course today. Barack Obama has more power than George III ever had. That said, the next question is usually, “Well, what do we do about it and who among the current crop of presidential candidates would best adhere to the founding principles?"

The answer to the first part of that question is more complex than the answer to the second part. If Americans truly believed in limited government, then we would be following the prescription that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison made in 1798 by ignoring unconstitutional federal laws, participating in local and state government and using the powers of the states as a hedge against the general government. This is a long war that requires education and what Jefferson called “manly firmness.” Most important, the Constitution would not have been ratified had the founding generation believed that the states would become mere provinces of the general government or that what Patrick Henry called the “sweeping clauses” would be abused. The political class has to be held responsible.

As for the second part of that question, the answer is simple: Ron Paul. No one man can save the federal republic, but if the Founders, with perhaps an exception or two, had their choice, it would be the man who has the best understanding of the original construction of the executive branch, and among the four remaining Republicans, the best understanding of the Constitution and the original intent in general. Mitt Romney has conceded he knows little about the principles of federalism (with the exception of correctly insisting that Romneycare in Massachusetts is a state issue) and defers to Paul on the Constitution; Newt Gingrich believes that federal judges should be dragged before Congress to “answer” for their decisions (News flash, Newt! Federal judges can be impeached); Rick Santorum thinks that the phrase “pursuit of happiness” is in the Constitution, or perhaps the Declaration of Independence is a governing document, I couldn’t tell by his incoherent statements to Glenn Beck. All believe that the general government should be charged with finding “solutions” to societal ills. All believe that the president is a prime minister charged with initiating legislation and have a “progressive” view of executive powers, particularly in regard to foreign policy, the antithesis of the original intent. All, that is, except Ron Paul.

Read more: Ron Paul | Which GOP candidate would the Founders support? | The Daily Caller
I concur. Given the opportunity, the dead founding fathers would see Ron Paul as a Constitutionlist.
Funny how we so easily transfer our beliefs to people who would find our society alien and incomprehensible. It's meaningless to look to those men for answers, they are dead and were far from perfect while they lived.

But they left a document that guarantees individual freedom for all who live in this country, which in my opinion speaks for them, no matter how long they have been dead.
This is supposing the notion the founders were all of one mind. They weren't. Some were bitter rivals. Washington and Jefferson were not on speaking terms.

It's extremely naive to postulate what 18th century leaders would regard important in the 21th century as well.

At lot as changed. They wouldn't be able to own human beings for one thing.

They had one basic principle that was uncompromising for them. It's was liberty and freedom of choice.

For white male land owners, everyone else, not so much. They were just fine with only a minority of the population having full voting rights.
Maybe they just figured that for a race to sell it's own people into slavery that that race was not equal enough to cast a vote for the direction of the country.
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Grunt11B, all people who participated in slavery (white, red, brown, yellow, black) at the time (and all races did) were racist. Your statement indicates you have almost no understanding of the historical narrative of slavery in the world in the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Almost none.

Question for you: which two nations in the Western Hemisphere required major warfare to end slavery?

Answer: America and Haiti.

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